Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 10 - Emergency mission(12)

After having a nice sleep at night, Basara woke up early in the morning. Following his usual schedule he sat cross legged and went into meditation. A hero must always be calm in any type of situation, so meditation is a must for heroes. After two hours he got up and practiced his martial arts. Basara had learned several different forms of fighting. He learned Kung Fu, Karate, Taekwondo, Jujutsu, Aikido, Hapkido, Judo, Krav Maga etc. When it comes to heroes, every hero must learn at least one kind of martial arts, so that they can at least defend themselves when they're unarmed. A hero's supernatural strength and speed combined with martial arts is a deadly combination. Jin wouldn't let Basara learn only one type of martial art, he forced Basara to learn all of them. Basara also learned all sorts of styles and techniques related to wielding swords and batons. A hero must have complete mastery of his weapon, hence all heroes must train in the techniques related to the mastery of their weapon. Since Basara has three swords (Brynhildr, Seiryuu, Suzaku) and a baton (Genbu), he needed to have in all three of them.

After finishing his training, Basara took a bath and then sat down on the table to eat breakfast. Jin was out of the village due to a mission. He then got dressed in casual clothes and went to meet up with Yuki and Kurumi.

"Good morning Basara. You look very handsome today."

"Thank you Yuki. You look very beautiful in that dress."

"What about me?"

"You also look charming in that dress Kurumi."

Yuki was wearing a white piece cloth and a blue overcoat. Kurumi was also wearing the same attire, only difference was that her over coat was purple. Basara held both the lady's hands. Since all of them had done a mission yesterday, today they had a holiday. Takashi invited them at his house, for some unknown reason.

After reaching their house, Takashi opened the door and the trio enter his house. The lights were turned off and everything was dark. Suddenly the lights were turned on and the room was visible. The house was beautifully decorated. It seems like today is a great occasion. All the villagers were here.


"What's all this about?"

"Today's your anniversary. On this exact same day, five years ago you saved our village. This is a celebration for that."

"Thank you."

Basara was very happy today. He had no idea that the villagers loved him so dearly. The elders also congratulated Basara. Everyone had a wonderful time. The older people shared their life stories while the young ones shared their ambitions. The party as ended and everyone was about to go back to their houses. But then suddenly something unexpected happened.

The emergency alarm began sounding, notifying all the heroes. In the village square, there's a huge alarm. This alarm only sounds when there's an emergency. After hearing the alarm, all the heroes immediately equipped their hero battle suits and rushed to the village square. Basara also ran there in his battle suit without wasting even a second. After reaching there, he met up with Takashi, Yuki and Kurumi.

"Do you guys know what happened?" asks Takashi.

"We have no idea." says Kurumi.

"Something must have happened." said Yuki.

"Anyway, it seems the elders are here. Let's see what they've to say about this."

Takashi, Yuki and Kurumi seeing Basara. He eyes were cold and his demeanor was serious. All the heroes in the village knew one thing, to never piss off Basara. Whenever Basara would wear his battle suit, the air around him would change and an invisible pressure was emitted from his body. When it comes to his duties, missions, his integrity and hero clan's integrity; Basara would become dead serious. That's why, no one ever tried to show off or misbehave in front of Basara, because they that of they do anything like that Basara wouldn't spare them. Even the elders would avoid making him angry. Everyone knew well that Basara can be nice, but he can also be very cruel at the same time.

The elders got on the stage and Atsuta started speaking.

"We have encountered a dilemma. There's an emergency mission. A dragon has been spotted approaching the hero village. It was a black chromatic dragon. It's going to attack our village within the next three hours. Jin is all not here at the time. That's why we ask Basara to take part in this mission."

"How strong is the dragon?" asks Takashi.

"SS rank."

Immediately everyone quieted down after hearing that. Basara himself is SS rank, so there should be no problem. That's what people may think, but at the end of the day that's not any monter, that's a dragon. In the hierarchy of monsters, dragons stand at the top. In general dragons are of two types True and Lesser. They are classified below:

"True" Dragons

Metallic Dragons

Chromatic Dragons

Ferrous Dragons

Lung Dragons

Planar Dragons

"Lesser" Dragons

Elemental Drakes

Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Ooze, Magma, Smoke, Ice, ----'?--Ambush drakes


Dragon Turtles






Spiretop Dragons



Other dragon species that exist outside of the main dragon families include: Pearl, Amber, Cloud, Mist, Shadow, Song, Mirage, Arcan, Epic, Independent and many more.

Black chromatic dragons are the most cruel of the chromatic dragons. They don't just kill o protect themselves and their territory, but because they take p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e in killing people. If Basara oes to fight that dragon, it will do everything in it's abilities to kill Basara. That's why, no one says anything.

"I accept." When Basara said that, immediately everyone looked at him. They were surprised at his words.

"I won't let anyone harm our village. Before anything, we are heroes. We can never back down from the path to destroy evil."

Everyone agreed with Basara. All of them are heroes, it's their sworn duty to even sacrifice their lies for the destruction of evil.

"Alright then. Basara you need to leave right now."

""Take care."" said everyone.

"I'll be back....with the decapitated skull of that dragon."

Saying so, Basara activated his wind magic and flew to the sky. Using his supernatural senses, he detected the location of the dragon and immediately started heading in it's direction. No matter how trying that dragon is, against Basara it will taste defeat.

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