On that night Basara r.a.p.ed all the girls in that village, awardng all the villagers with green hats. Since then he has been doing several missions, climbing up the ladder to the top. Five years have passed away. Currently Basara is fifteen years old. The heros that were once kids are now teenagers with high ranks. While the highest rank is possessed by 'The Prodigy of the Hero Clan'. In the hero village...

"How did your mission go, Takashi?"

"It went fine. The mission was to destroy a horde Ogres. It was an AA ranked mission. Now I'm officially rank AA. What about your missions Yuki and Kurumi?"

"We both did a collab quest. It was to kill an evil spirit. It was an AA ranked mission and both of us managed to score it."

"We both have also entered AA rank."

"Anyway, where's Basara?"

"Didn't you hear Yuki? He went on an SS rank mission to kill several packs of werewolves, each of the werewolves with S rank."

"There's nothing to worry Basara-nii chan can handle it."

"He really is the son of Jin. He has become so much stronger in these years."

"""We need to catch up on him!"""


Somewhere inside a forest, a pack of werewolves had gathered. It seemed that several packs were gathering in this forest. Werewolves were very strong monsters with the bodies of wolves and deep yellow eyes. They would normally strike at night. But it seems that these packs had something else in mind.

One doesn't need to be a genius to figure out that these packs are gathering here to attack nearby villages at night. But now it was afternoon. There's still time before anything happens.

There remained a beautiful lake in front of the forest. It's water was blue I'm color, signifying it's cleanliness and freshness. There were hills surrounding the area. The hills, the lake and the forest created a magnificent scene of nature.

A young man stood beside the river enjoying the cold breeze passing through the area. The youth had a tall and muscular, but slender frame. He had fair skin and unkempt brown hair jutting in all directions. His sharp light green eyes could pierce through the skys and his handsome face could make any woman enter a state of trance.

The boy, Basara was wearing his hero battle outfit which had a crimson color. Basara was now an SS rank hero. His rank would be higher if he decided to reveal his true strength. Basara had mastered all of his powers and Brynhildr's forms. He even mastered the three divine weapons. Basara's strength is now on a while other than five years ago.

Since Basara still had time left, he thought of something. In the past five years, Basara learned to use his powers to learn teleportation. Now he could even teleport directly to the demon realm. A crimson magic circle appeared beneath Basara as he prepared for his teleportation. The magic circle absorbed him and reappeared in the demon realm.

Basara used an SS rank artifact to turn himself invisible, which he obtained in one of his previous missions. Basara began to fly towards the Demon Lord's castle. Arriving at his destination, Basara used his time magic to stop the flow of time.Instantly, everything in the demon realm came to a halt.

He entered one f the rooms and found a beautiful who looked like in her mid-teens. She had a voluptuous and well endowed body-figure. She also has a pair of bright blue eyes, a very long wavy light blonde hair, and a blue ribbon which is tied behind her hair. Her attire is rather revealing, consisting of a simple gown-like cloth that extends from a fluffy collar to her ankles, covering most of her front, and similar-styled clothing on her wrists and legs, completed with white p.a.n.t.i.e.s. The cloth is narrow, baring the sides of her large b.r.e.a.s.ts and leaving her back and most of her legs completely exposed.

This lady is the adopted older sister and lover of Leohart, Liala. Basara had no intention to give up on such a beautiful woman. He decided a long time ago that he would make Liala his. Basara used his time magic to go back into the past.

After returning to the past, he saw that the flow of time in the past has also stopped. Basara's theory was correct after all. His timeagic influences the past, present and the future. So of he stops the flow of time in either the past or present, the flow of time will stop in both of them. As for the future, he needs to test some things out but that could be done later.

Basara entered a time in the past when Leohart was just adopted and hadn't met Liala yet. Basara went to the dungeon inside the castle. And within one of the cells, he found Liala. Since the flow of time stopped, she couldn't move. Basara decided that he would change the present by changing the past.

One of Shiba's victims had the power the power of mind control and telekenesis. It could also control ones memories and emotions. It was named 'Mind Control'. Basara would use that power now on the past versions of Liala and Leohart.

Basara manipulated Liala's emotions to a point that when she would meet Leohart, she would only have sibling low for him in her heart. He then went upstairs and found Leohart. He manipulated Leohart's emotions so that when he meets Liala he would only have sibling live towards her. He controlled their minds in such a way that both of them will never love each other in a romantic way. But they'll both hold a bond extremely strong asked only on sibling love.

Now for the past to take effect on the future Basara would have to start the flow of time again. It's better to do it in the past; otherwise of he starts the flow of time in the present, all that he did might not take an effect and the present might remain the same.

Basara made himself invisible and started the flow of time again. Everything went back to normal as if nothing ever happened. Basara returned to the present and immediately stopped time. Liala is not someone to be underestimated, she might sense him despite him being invisible and hiding his presence. That's why stopping the low of time if his best option.

He immediately went through all of Liala's memories and emotions and see that his hard work had come to fruition. Liala and Leohart never feel in love with each other in a romantic way, not they had a strong bond based on sibling love. Basara then exited the palace and again started the flow of time.

He teleported back to the earth in that lake. It seems night time had arrived. There's a time difference between the demon realm and the earth. One second there is equivalent to one hour here.

Basara went into the forest and notice dthe pack of wolves. He made himself visible and came in front of those werewolves. The monsters turned vigilant at his sight. Basara didn't waste his time anymore.

"Fire magic! Flame spears!"

The werewolves numbered fifty in total. A total of fifty flame spears formed behind Basara and lunged forward at their targets. All the spears successfully hit their targets. It pierced through their targets and afterwards set their body ablaze. The werewolves turned in ashes. Flame spears is actually a very simple form of fire magic, which is not very strong. But Basara's one was stronger due to his infinite Mana/energy. The strength and mastery of magical attacks depend on Mana. Some Basara has an infinite amount of Mana, he could master his magical attacks to their absolute fullest.

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