Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 13 - The Final Test (13)

After the awarding Ceremony was completed, Basara went back home to take some rest. After returning home, he took a shower and changed his clothes. Then he ate his dinner, which was fried rice with a beef steak. Basara had excellent cooking skills capable of rivaling the world's top chefs.(A/N: Even better than Gordon Ramsey!!!)

After finishing his dinner Basara went to his bedroom and summoned Brynhildr from it's dimension. Basara channelled his aura into the sword and as a result a bright green light stared emitting from Brynhildr. It started floating in the air and changed it's shape. It transormed into it's human form which was a tall and beautiful woman.

"Greeting, master. How may I help you?"

"Were you able to identify that dragon's energy signatures?"

"Yes, master was right. That dragon had two energy signatures, one was it's own while the other one was someone else's. I was able to identify the other one as Alberios's energy signature. Master you see correct in your speculations."

"I knew it before, but now it has been confirmed. Tsk tsk tsk Alberios Alberios it seems you'll have to die for me much sooner."

"May I ask what master plans to do now?"

"Nothing actually, I'll do what I planned for the start. Tomorrow after the test I'll leave the village." Tomorrow a test was going to be held in the hero village. This test is the final test for all of the Young heroes in the village. After completing this test they'll officially become heroes. Meaning their status will upgrade from a member of the hero clan to an actual hero.

"Then master I shall take my leave. By before I go....m-may I?"

Brynhildr was blushing for some reason. Basara just laughed at her cute reaction as he already knew that she wanted. His laugh made her even more embarrassed. Basara then hugged his hands around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. He looked at her beautiful green eyes before giving her a kiss on the lips. The kiss continued for twenty seconds before they separated. Brynhildr was now blushing even more but she had small smile on her face. She then transformed back into her sword form and returned back to her dimension. Over all these years, she had gotten intimate with Basara as they hugged and kissed each other but didn't cross the threshold yet. Basara wanted to take her v.i.r.g.i.n.i.t.y on a special occasion which he had ready planned.

"Basara how are you?"

"I'm fine dad." Both of them hugged each other. Jin had been out of the village for over a month after all. After separating from the huge Jin smirked at Basara as he spoke.

"I heard that you defeated a black chromatic dragon and received an alias. Look at you! You have even become a SSS Rank. I'm so proud of you son."

"Thank you dad. Did you complete your mission?"

"Of course I did. I had to, after all today is the final test and there's no way I'd miss out on swing my son becoming an official hero."

"Yep soon I'm even going to surpass you."

"We'll see if you can surpass me or you'll still remain a loser I'm front of me." Both of them laughed.

"Anyway let's go Basara. It's time for you to step on the path of a true hero."

"Yes dad." Jin and Basara then walked to the Colosseum. The Colosseum was filled with people as today was a highly important day. Basara went backstage and met all his friends including Yuki, Kurumi and Takashi. All of them said good luck to each other. Jim took a seat and was greeted by Yuki's father Shuuya. They both talked to each other for a while until the bell rang. The elders stood up and began speaking.

"Today all of us have gathered here to witness the final test." said Fuji.

"Today is the day to confirm the growth of the Young heroes over all these years with our eyes." said Kumano.

"The rules of the event are the same as always. All the youngsters will fight one in one with a random monster. The monster will be of a similar rank or a rank higher. Those who shall win will officially become heroes." said Atsuta.

"We have over twenty participants this year. So, without further ado let's announce the matches. First match will be for Takashi."

After the words finished, Takashi entered the arena with his spear Byakko by his side. He had a confident smile on his face. He trained all his life for this day. After today he would become a true hero.

After Takashi entered the arena, a monster was brought in a cage. It was an 'Aqua Serpent', large ten foot long snake with light green scales. The cage around it suddenly collapsed and the serpent broke free. It was looking with bloodl.u.s.t in it's eyes at Takashi. It began inspecting it's prey as it got ready to attack. The serpent was a ank higher than Takashi's, but he accepted the challenge.

The monster lunged forward at him with it's two pointy dagger like teeth. Takashi managed to dodge the attack by jumping backwards. It's teeth sunk into the ground and immediately that ground it's got disintegrated. This is how deadly it's venom is. The creature got back up and prepared for it's next strike.

This time it used magic. It was one of those rare monsters that had the ability to use magic and going by it's name it can use water magic. It formed a ball of boiling hot water and threw it at Takashi. He used Byakko to generate a strong winds that redirected the sphere back at the serpent with an even faster speed.

The serpent dodged it's speed. Takashi and the monster kept battling for some time, with both f them dodging and countering the other's attacks. Finally managing to find an opening Takashi stabbed his spear onto the monster's head. The serpent immediately died as it's body turned into dust. Everyone cheered and clapped for him. Takashi held his spear high with a look of happiness on his face. He managed to become a hero.

After Takashi's fight, many other youths also fought and so far all the youths won. Now came the time for Kurumi's fight. Everyone was eager to see what the young lady could do in the arena against a monster equally stronger or stronger than her.

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