Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 14 - The Final Test (23)

Kurumi entered the arena with a serious expression on her face. She was determined to win this fight and become a hero. Though everyone was eager to witness her strength there were some people who had doubts. After all, how could such a frail looking young girl be able to defeat a monster possibly stronger than her? But Kurumi's determination seemed to wash away their concerns as they began to cheer for her victory.

After Kurumi entered the arena a cage was brought containing a monster. It was a Lygerfang, a tiger monster with white fur and black stripes and it was a rank higher than Kurumi. The monster wasn't an ordinary Lygerfang, it was an independent Lygerfang. Lygerfang's generally live in groups, but strong members of the group can challenge their leader to a fight. If they win the fight, they can either choose to become the new leader of the group or become independent. The latter is stronger than the former because the leaders have to spend most time tending to the matters regarding management of the group while the independent ones can grow stronger without any inhibitions.

After having a look at the monster, a magic spell was cast causing the cage to collapse and helping the Lygerfang to break free of captivity. The moment it was released it took a good look at Kurumi as if it was evaluating her. Lygerfangs are cautios monsters, so they don't fight like fools rather they fight with caution and fight only when they have a chance at victory. Kurumi had summoned her spirit gauntlet to prepare of the battle.

After evaluating it's opponent for a while, the Lygerfang stood with a force expression on it's face and bloodl.u.s.t evident in it's eyes. It jumped at Kurumi and prepared to attack her with it's sharp claws. In response, Kurumi used her wind magic to create a strong gust of wind to distract the unsuspend monster. The moment it became slightly distracted, she created water spears by compressing her water magic. She attacked the monster with the spears, it managed to notice her attack and countered it with it's sharp claws, slicing them apart.

It landed back on the ground. It had a look of anger in it's eyes, the human girl was being It charged at her with high speeds, but Kurumi remained calm as she used her wind magic to create a gust of wind. Riding it, she flew above to the sky.

The monster was surprised, it didn't expect it's opponent to be able to fly. This time Kurumi attacked it with strong gales of wind, which constantly attacked the target. The Lygerfang was held back with the force of the gales. These gales were actually balls of compressed air that would explode after coming in contact with a body causing it to explode and cause damage.

The monster had some minor injuries on it's body from the attacks but it had enough. It swung it's sharp claws crating sharp winds that cut though Kurumi's gales of winds. Lygerfangs can also use wind magic after all.

Kurumi attacked it with a blast of compressed air. It's a deadly attack, an invisible blast of highly concentrated air which can rip through flesh. The monster sensing her attack immediately roared and created two tornados and aimed them at Kurumi. Kurumi's bast managed to penetrate through the first tornado but wasn't able to penetrate the second one.

It created a third tornado and aimed it at Kurumi, who managed to block the attack with a wind barrier. She then created cyclone and infused balls of lightning magic into it and threw it at the monster. The attack hit the Lygerfang causing it to get highly damaged. It had some bruises and burns. Now it was mad.

But before it could do anything Kurumi covered it's body with a wind barrier and removed all the oxygen within the barrier. The monster was suffocating from the lack of oxygen in the air. It quickly started attacking the barrier but it wasn't affected. Kurumi had given almost half of her mana creating this barrier. But even so it won't be able to sustain itself after receiving much of the Lygerfang's strikes. So, she began preparing for her next attack. She'll give it all in this final attack.

She started charging her attack as she gathered a lot of water above her and kept infusing lightning into it. She also indeed it with compressed air. While she was charging her attack, the Lygerfang managed to destroy the barrier. It took long deep breaths as the oxygen returned from it's lungs.

It then began gathering compressed wind around it's claws. The wind added an extension to it's claws which was very sharp. It then swung it's claws aiming at Kurumi causing eight sharp slices of compressed air to be launched at her. When the attack was about to it her, Kurumi finished charging her own attack and launched it at the Lygerfang as she shouted the name of the attack.

"Dragon Blast!"

The water transformed into the shape of an eastern dragon whose body was covered in lightning and filled with compressed air. The money it hit the Lygerfang's attack, it swallowed the monster's attack and hot the Lygerfang. The result as anyone can guess was the death if he monster. It's body turned to dust signifying Kurumi's win.

Kurumi had a smile on her face as she closed her eyes and lost consciousness and begin falling down on the ground. But before her body could hit the ground Basara quickly ran to the arena and caught her. He was very happy, all of his friends including Kurumi and Takashi had won their fights. Now he and Yuki are the only ones who remained.

Basara took Kurumi to the medical room so that she could rest. Yuki was very glad that her younger sister manged to win her fight. Now, it was her turn. There's no way she's gonna lose. She would win this fight, become a hero and walk side by side with Basara and Kurumi. Now, her fight shall begin!

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