Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 15 - The Final Test (33)

After Kurumi's fight ended it was Yuki's turn. She entered the arena with determination written all over her face. Everyone was excited for the battle. Everyone knew that Yuki is a very strong warrior with the sword. She was also adored by the villagers due to her kind and calm demeanor.

After she entered the arena, the elders told up from their seats. Everyone was surprised at this. Why did the elders suddenly stand up? But the elders said something that shocked everyone in the Colosseum.

"We have decided that this fight will be different. Unlike the others Yuki won't face off against a monster, she will face off against another person." said Atsuta. No one understood why this happening. And everyone started thinking who would fight Yuki. But they didn't have to wait long as the elders said something that made everyone astonished.

"This fight will be the last fight of the final test. Yuki will be facing off against Basara." said Kumano. The moment he said that everyone fell down from their seats even Jin was shocked. He couldn't form any words as his mouth kept opening and closing like a fish. Basara was onnfused about the situation.

"Yuki was the one who asked us to do this. She wants to face off against Basara. He will give the conditions for winning and losing. But whatever the end result might be Basara will become a true hero. We already planned to make him a true hero egarless he fights or not because he already defeated a black chromatic dragon." said Fuji.

As they finished speaking Basara entered the arena. He wanted to know the reason behind Yuki's d.e.s.i.r.e to fight him. All eyes were glued as everyone was curious to know what the conditions of the fight will be. Everyone was concerned since they all knew that Basara was several times stronger than Yuki. Under what conditions could she even stand a chance against him?

"Basara, I want to fight you. I want to become someone who can stand beside you and fight alongside you. I want to show you that I'm worthy of you. I will prove myself to you and everyone present that I am qualified to stand by your side for the rest of my life." She said the words with determination and a gentle smile. Basara and everyone in the Colosseum was surprised. Everyone understood that she just proposed to Basara and wanted to prove herself worthy of him. But when he saw the determination and smile on her face, he couldn't help but reveal a smile of his own.

"Alright Yuki. Then show me your strength and your conviction." When he said those words the crowd started cheering for them and some of them even whistled. Basara had just accepted Yuki's confession and gave her a chance to prove herself.

"Now about the rules, since I'm a SSS Rank while you're AA Rank, there's a major power gap. So, for you to win, I want you to land one strike. If you can lend a strike on me even once then you'll win and I won't hit you even once or block or counter your attacks, I'll only dodge them. I'm sure everyone would agree to these conditions." The moment he finished everyone nodded their heads. A SSS Rank is astonishingly powerful even more so of it's a prodigy like Basara. The fact that Yuki would've to land a strike on him was as far as he could go to ensure that she at least had a chance of winning. But even so for an AA Rank to even strike a SSS Rank even one time is no easy feat. This should be the hardest challenge she has ever faced till today.

Yuki took out Sakuya and took the sword stance known as Ko Gasumi, basically lifting the sword over the right shoulder and pointing it's tip toward the opponent. Basara seeing that she was ready just stood there calmly. Yuki then ran towards him with high speed as she swung the sword towards him. He dodged the strike by moving his body sideways. It seemed to be no effort for him.

Yuki kept slashing at him while Basara kept saying her attacks with relative ease. But that didn't cause her determination to faulter instead it only made her even more determined. She infused her aura into her feet to further increase her speed.

She approached his left as swung the sword at his waist but he just flipped upward and avoided her strike. Yuki sliced the sword on Basara's head, but he thing she cut was only an afterimage. Basara was standing behimd her and when she swung her at her back, he dodged it again.

This went on for sometime until Yuki started gasping for her as she got very tired. She decided to use Sakuya's true power. She started chanting and as a result Sakuya started shining. It's color began changing from silver to pink. It gave her a massive power up as she charged at Basara with a speed ten times faster than before and when she swung the sword at him, he dodged it yet again.

The sword drew an arc that destroyed the land in front of it. Everyone was surprised at the strength behind that attack. It seems even it's strength had increased by a huge amount. The strength and speed behind her attacks should've increased by twenty times. But even after such a power up she couldn't hit Basara once.

Yuki was starting to get tired as she had spent a lot of her mana reserves to release Sakuya's powers. But she couldn't give in, she had to win. She wanted to walk by Basara's side no matter what! Her determination earned Sakuya's respect as the legendary blade's color again began changing as it now shined a crimson color. Sakuya is a spirit sword that shares the same name as the goddess, Konohanasakuya-hime from Shintoism, as such, it gained a great deal of spiritual power over time due to their belief. It chose Yuki for her unwavering faith towards Basara. Due to it's connection to Mount Fuji, the close it gets to the mountain the stronger it becomes and the hero village is near Mount Fuji, so here she can utilize it's true power. Seeing Yuki's determination to stand at Basara's side, Sakuya decided to allow her the use of it's full power.

When the blade shined a crimson color, the Sakura trees in the village started blooming and unbelievable power started being emitted from Sakuya. Everyone was surprised at this and even Jin was on guard because if this power goes out of control there'll be very unfortunate consequences.

Yuki decided to put all of her power in one strike. She gathered all of Sakuya and her powers in the blade as she got ready to strike. She moved at a speed hard to detect and appeared behind Basara, the moment the sword was about to land on him Basara blocked the sword as he grabbed the blade with his right hand.(A/N: He didn't catch it with his b.a.r.e hand. Remember he had his battle suit on.) The moment he caught the sword all the strength behind it had dispersed. Yuki ad a smile on her face as she finally fell in unconscious. Basara caught her in his arms and couldn't help but be incredibly happy. Basara told we he wouldn't black the attack but he just did, meaning he broke he rules and by default the winner of the match is Yuki. Now, she was officially a hero and since it was decided before hand Basara was a hero officially.

That strike had the same strength and speed as that of an S+ Rank. Basara couldn't help but think that of Yuki became stronger that power would also be one even stronger. Basara could've dodged this strike as well, but the way Yuki ran behind his back and tried him looked like an elegant dance. Her incredible beauty combined with the beautiful crimson blade and adding that elegant dance to top it all of, made Basara enter a daze as he marvelled at her beauty.

His body instinctively blocked the sword and only then he broke out of his daze. Regardless he was happy with the results. Everyone in the arena cheered for them and some of them even shouted that they should marry each other. Hearing those words, Basara couldn't prevent a blush from appearing in his face. Basara was not the same from five years ago. He now truly wanted to become a hero and was very reserved now to acts of affection between the opposite gender. Yuki was one of the women he loved , so hearing things like marrying her truly made him embarrassed.

He then went to the medical room with the unconscious Yuki in his arms. Kaoru, who was the village doctor was there sitting beside an unconscious Kurumi. When she saw Yuki unconscious in Basara's arms, she helped him lay Yuki down on a bed. She checked on her and was glad to see that Yuki was unharmed.

She then looked at Basara. Her gaze was filled with affection. After their last s.e.x five years ago, they decided to not have any s.e.x until Basara officially became a hero. But it didn't stop them from meeting each other and doing some intimate things like hugging, kissing, cuddling and sleeping together.

When she looked at Basara like that it made his heart ache. He had a hard te controlling his urges, otherwise he would've taken her then and there. Basara held her by the waist and pulled her into his embrace. He gave her a kiss on the lips as he started s.u.c.k.i.n.g on those juicy lips. For the next five minutes, both of them continued to kiss each other. After they separated from the kiss, Basara went to the arena where he along with his friends including Yuki, Kurumi and Takashi were announced as being officially promoted to true heroes. It was day of happiness in the hero clan as everyone celebrated the day in a festival. At night all of them had a good night sleep to relieve themselves from the stress developed since this morning.

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