Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 16 - Leaving the village

The next day Basara woke up early in the morning as usual. Following his daily routine, he mediated and did some sword training. Then he sat at the dining table and had breakfast together with Jin. While they were eating, Jin started a conversation.

"Basara, now that you've become an official hero; what're you going to do?"

"What do you mean dad?"

"You already know what I mean. After becoming an official hero everyone above the A Rank will be given missions directly by the elders. But until they receive any mission they're free to do whatever they want. What do you want to do?"

"To be honest I am thinking of leaving the village for now and going to a city to attend a school. I want to receive education and wish to become an open member of the society while being a member of the hero clan."

"That's not bad. I'm thinking of taking you with me to Tokyo. You can enter a high school there."

"I'll join the same high school as you did when you were young. You used the alias Azuma Takehito. I'll also join that school."

"As you say. Then let's inform the elders later. Oh yes! I forgot to ask, where's that badge Alberios gave you? Now that you've become a hero you can use that badge to exercise your authority which is only second to Alberios."

"I have it with me. I'll wear from today onwards. Alright I need to go."

"Where are you going?"

"I need to pack my bag and stuff since I'm leaving and say goodbyes to my friends."

"Alright, don't be late."

Basara then went to his room and paced his suitcase with his clothes and battle suit. He applied the badge given by Alberios to his hero battle suit. The badge had the name of 'Eusebius' written on it with red and golden designs with a tinge of violet. His rank was also written on the badge below the name. After his rank increased to SSS Rank, if before Basara was already famous, now he became an absolute legend throughout the entire hero clan.

"Good morning uncle. Can I meet Yuki and Kurumi?"

"Sure, Basara. Come inside."

Basara entered the house and sat on the couch. Shuuya called Yuki and Kurumi. They came running as soon as they heard that Basara had come. After arriving immediately Yuki gave Basara a kiss on the cheek and said "Good morning Basara."

Basara had a slight blush on his face, seeing his reaction Yuki smiled while Kurumi had a jealous expression on her face. Her sister had taken the lead and even confessed to Basara. His can't let Yuki have Basara all to herself. She arrived at Basara's other side and gave him a kiss on his other cheek and said "Good morning Basara-nii chan.."

Basara was surprised at this as another blush appeared on his face. This time Kurumi smiled whereas Yuki had a jealous expression. But there was someone I'm between all of this who was angry and it was Shuuya. His elder daughter already confessed to Basara and it seems the younger one is also in love with him. Basara stole both of his previous daughters. Seeing Shuuya like that Basara had a cold sweat in down his back. But he couldn't stray from the reason of him coming here.

"Yuki, Kurumi, I came here to inform you both that I'm leaving the village." The three of them were shocked at this.

"What do you mean Basara?" asked Yuki.

"Why are you leaving the village?" asked Kurumi.

"Are you leaving the hero clan?!" asked Shuuya.

"Calm down, I didn't mean any of that. I'm not leaving a hero clan, I'm going to Tokyo to study in a school to receive education and become a part of the normal society. Since now I'm a hero, I want to adapt to society." The three of them had a look of understanding on their faces. They understood that Basara was only becoming a part of the normal society he's not leaving the hero clan. But Yuki and Kurumi had sad expressions. They didn't want Basara to leave, they wanted to stay with him.

""We'll also come with you.""

"No, Yuki, Kurumi, I want both of you to become even stronger than you're now. Stay in the hero clan for some more time and advance to AAA Rank, then you can come."


"No buts Basara is right. You don't want to become a burden for him, do you? Then become stronger and then go to the city." Yuki and Kurumi seemed to understand Shuuya's words. Even though they wanted to go with him they didn't want to become a burden for him.

""Alright, we'll come after becoming stronger."" Both of them had a few resolve. To become strong enough to be able to be with the man they love. Basara hen said goodbyes to them as he gave them a hug, he also said goodbye to Kaouru and gave her a hug.

He then left their house and went to Takashi's house. He informed Takashi of his decision and he didn't seem to mind it much. But he promised Basra that he would also become stronger. Basara then informed his other friends and went back to his house.

By now it was already late in the evening and the sun was about to set. Jin had packed his bags as well. Basara and Jin carried their suitcases in hand and locked their house. Both of them wore a coat over their bodies. They then went to the house of the elders to inform them about leaving the village. After talking to the elders and giving them goodbyes Basara and Jin exited the village. After exiting the hidden barrier surrounding the hero village, they booked a cab and went to Tokyo. Basara's journey now begins!

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