Reincarnated In Testament Of New Devil

Chapter 28 - And another one~!

The moment Basara heard that his mind blanked for a moment. He was planning on making Mio his servant, but he didn't expect Maria to say it so soon. But he was filled with joy! Finally! It seems both luck and fate are on his side. Basara is a hedonist, it's not surprising considering the fact that he f.u.c.k.e.d Kaoru and even f.u.c.k.e.d the girls of an entire village!

He can perfectly control his carnal due to his training as a hero in the hero village. But the point is he an control them, not erase them. Since that day, when Basara f.u.c.k.e.d all those village girls it's been years since he had s.e.x with anyone. Because after that Chisato began paying on him and he didn't want to become a bad guy the eyes of a woman who would become his in the future.

But now even if Chisato is watching him, she won't say anything. Because Basara is now almost fifteen and considering the standards of the village, he is already an a.d.u.l.t. He just has to act a bit fl.u.s.tered in the beginning and everything should be fine. Even now he can sense Chisato's vision on him. Not to worry, in the future he'll rock her so hard and that she won't even dare to think of spying on him of suspecting him.

Basara didn't let his emotions show on his face as he rather kept a normal expression on his face.

""What is a Master-servant contract?"" Both Yuki and Mio ask at he same time.

"Basara, you didn't ask anything. Do you already know what it is?" asks Maria.

"Yes, I do. I learned about everything related to all the races during my training as a hero. Not all heroes know about it, but I utilized my high authority to do extensive research. The Master-Servant Contract is a unique magic that was created by the ancient demons to prepare for their battle against the God clan and it's used by a number of high-ranking demons. It ties the souls of two people together, which also makes them aware of one another's locations. However, it's been shown this can be negated utilizing a barrier."

"Wow! You know a lot. To sum it up it's a unique magic which connects two people's souls. One will become the master, while the other becomes the servant."

"I understand. But why do I need to form a Master-servant contract with Basara?" asks Mio.

"It can help you detect each other. If anything happens to any of you or you get lost, you can easily find wack other rising your connection. And it has a huge perk. The more the servant's loyalty rises, the stronger both of them become!"

"True, that would be very beneficial." said Yuki.

"Alright, let's do it now. In the human world, it can only be done on the night of a full moon. It can also been be released on the next full moon. Today is a full moon, so let's do it now!"

"Are you okay with this Mio?" asks Basara.

"I don't mind as long as you want to..."

"I also want to do it with Basara." said Yuki.

"No problem. But first let's do Basara and Mio's, then we will do Basara and Yuki's."

It was already night time and the full moon could be clearly seen from the transparent glass wall of the apartment. It's only transparent from the inside wand opaque from the outside, so that the ones inside can see everything outside but the ones outside can't see anything happening inside.

Maria starts chanting demonic words and a large magic circle forms on the floor. Basara and Mio walk to the circle and stand on it. After a while the large magic circle faded away.

"Now, a small magic circle will form on the hand of the master. The other one has to kiss the hand to become the master's servant." Maria explained.

A small green magic circle appears on the backside of Basara's right hand.

"Are you talking about this?" Basara showed the circle to Maria. When she looked at it, she was surprised and then for a brief moment a smirk appeared on her face which immediately went away. Mio immediately got fl.u.s.tered and she started shaking Maria to and fro.

"Maria, what are you saying?! I thought I was going to be the master!"

"Mio, I never said that you would become the master. When the magic is performed, only the stronger one becomes the master. Though Basara is extremely strong, I thought that you stood afair chance since you have Wilbert's power within you, even though it's sealed...."

"Hey, the magic circle is starting to fade." Basara says as the magic circle starts blinking.

"Quick Mio! Kiss it!"

"But I..."

"You can break the contract on the next full moon!"

"It already went away." Basara said. He was smiling widely in his mind. Cause now the fun stuff happens. Mio released a sigh of relief and Maria was feinting a look of disappointment, while she was trying her best to hide the smirk that appeared on her face.

Suddenly a blue colored collar appears on Mio's as she yelps and see falls down on her knees. Her breathing becomes hard and she releases sharp gasps. It's clear that she's incredibly aroused. Her face turns crimson from l.u.s.t and the aphrodisiac effect of the curse formed by a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s's nature. Her body starts sweating profusely as her c.h.e.s.t heaves up and down. Her clothes were sticking to her body and it was showing her nude figure creating a tantilizing site that could make any man lose his rationality.

Basara even used a bit of his aura to control himself, otherwise he would have jumped on Mio and started f.u.c.k.i.n.g her like a beast!

"I assume that Mio's curse activated since she refused to kiss my hand and it was a sign betrayal. If the servant either betrays or feels guilty towards their master, a curse would activate. The curse which occurs varies based on whatever magical nature is used in order to form it. So you used your magical nature meaning the nature of a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s, didn't you Maria?"

"You're right, Basara. Mio's nature is too dangerous and it might seriously harm her and the same goes for your nature. That's why I used my nature of a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s which crates an aphrodisiac effect, which drives the servant to a state of absolute arousal. Then the master has to reign in the servant to make them submit to him. Basara, you have to make Mio submit to you. If the urge goes on for long it will become dangerous." After saying that, Maria moves closer to Basara and whispers in his ear.

"The curse that is caused by my s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s's nature is an aphrodisiac that will increase the more the Servant continues to resist their Master, causing them to faint and their brains will even be fried. The servant belongs solely to the master in body, mind and soul. So, if another person defiles the servant or the servant reveals any information of importance of their master, then that will be a form of absolute betrayal. And the servant's mind will break and their brains will be instantly fried." Basara already knew so he just nodded to her. But it's still a bit unnerving that if she doesn't submit to him, then she might die.

Basara shook all the negative things from his head as an excitement began growing inside of him. It's time to have some fun~!

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