After Basara finished explaining the details about all the races, it was now time for him to prepare a training regiment for each girl. Basara passed his eyes per all the girls, he'd chosen all five of them as his disciples. As a result, he'll be personally mentoring then to ensure the growth and development of their capabilities.

"Now that the explanations have been completed, it's time to decide how each of you is going to train. First thing's first, Chika and Shiho, come here." As Basara said that, Chika and Shiho immediately stood up as they quickly walked towards him. Basara had already thought about what he would do about these two adorable girls. Since normal human beings are incapable of using any supernatural abilities, he would first change both of them into Heroes. Heroes are a select group of humans, who were bestowed powers and blessings by the God Clan. Every Hero is normally born with supernatural strength and speed. Basara, Yuki, Kurumi and Takahshi were all born with their Heroic powers.

But since Chika and Shiho don't have any biological connection to the Hero Clan, they have to be made into Heroes. The way is simple, Basara or Yuki or any member of the Hero Clan, only need to channel a bit of their aura into the two girls's bodies and that should be enough. Basara placed the index finger of his right hand and the index finger of his left hand on the forehead of Chika and Shiho respectively at the same time. He channelled the smallest fraction manageable of his aura into their foreheads. He had chanelled roughly around only 0.00001% of his aura into their bodies. Any more than that and both of them would die die to how strong Basara's energy was.

This tiny fraction of aura seems to be more than abundant for the two girls as their bodies began glowing in a green light as a green aura began emanating from their body. After a few seconds, the glow and the aura faded away. Basra then produced a a pair large wooden doors in front of both the girls.

"Chika, Shiho; punch the wooden doors in front of both of you as as you can, with every ounce of our strength." They hesitating for only a moment before both girls punched the wooden doors in front of them with every ounce of strength they had. Immediately after coming in contact with their punches, the doors gathered into pieces. Both girls as expressions of surprise on their faces which was quickly replaced by expressions of happiness. Basara gave both of them a gentle smile. But then Yuki suddenly interrupted as she said "Chika and Shiho, that was an impressive feat if you both were normal humans. But you shouldn't e so happy, since in the Hero Clan even little children of only two to three years of age can do that." The expressions on both girl's faces immediately became shocked. They looked at Basara I my to witness that his gentle smile had turned into a wry one as he began scratching the back of his head.

What Yuki said just now is absolutely true. Within the Heir Clan, even little kids who're only two what's old can shatter a wooden door into pieces with a strike.

"Both of you don't really need to worry about it that much. What Yuki said is true,but all Heroes are born with this kind of power. And both of you just received it only today. With enough training, the two of you will also be able to become very strong. Anyway now that both of you have received your auras, it's up to the two of you to decide what combatant you'll become."

"What do you mean, Basara?" Shiho asked him.

"There are different types of Heroes. Some are fighters, while some are healers. Which one do you both want to become?"

"We want to be fighters!" Chika excalimes loudly, Shiho also seemed to agree with her as she nodded her head.

"Alright, then. There are two types of fighters. They are physical fighters and magicians. Magicians as you might expect are people athse magic to defeat tehri enemies. The ranking of magicians goes like this from the lowest to highest: Mage, Caster, Wizard, High Wizard, Elemental Master, Paladin, Sorcerer. My magical power puts me at the rank of a Sorcerer and Mio's one puts her in the rank of High Wizard. Physical fighters use a combination of their strong physical capabilities and close combat skills to defeat opponent. They also generally use weapons. I need to do an affinity test on both of you to see if any of you are capable of using magic, if not then you'll neck was physical type fighter. If you can then you can choose to become a magician. Generally a person can with use magic or he would possess strong physical abilities. I'm something of an exception to this rule, so don't get your hopes high by thinking you can become both." Basara then produced an orb in his hand. He asked the two girls to out their hand on orb, one by one. When Chika put her hand over the orb, it began glowing in a bright orange and blue light.

"Congratulations, Chika. You have an affinity with fire and water magic. That's something very rare. After all fire and water are two opposite elements, so having affinities for both of them is very lucky." Chika was currently booming with happiness, after hearing Basara's words. She was very happy that she could become a magician. Next, Shiho out her hand on the orb. This time the orb didn't how with any light. Instead the image of a bow and arrow appeared within the orb.

"Congratulations, Shiho. Though you can't become a magician, it seems that you've an affinity with a bow and arrows. Getting an affinity with bow and arrows isn't something that happens everyday. The weapons we Heroes use are actually spirits that we form contracts with. Getting an affinity with a bow and arrow spirit is very tough, since you need to have a high degree of perception, a good eyesight, perfect precision skills and fluency. You've all of those qualities. By the way, I wanted to tell all of you something. I was called by the village just a while back and they asked me to hurt back to the village because there has been an emergency. I wanted to take Chika and Shiho with me since I can introduce you two to the members of the village and both of you can also contract with spirits within the Inner Shrine. Yuki, I suppose you would come with me since you woilyd want to meet Kurumi and your parents. Mio and Maria, do the both of you also want to come with me to the village? To be honest, it might be very dangerous for both of you since most Heroes don't like Demons at all and ave a tendency to kill a Demon the moment they see if. If you both ant to. own then I'll definitely keep you safe. But you both can also stay here if you want. But I'd like you both to stay here. Before going, I'll deal with all the threats and I'll also put a barrier around the house that only someone of SSS Rank or above can break. Also I'll be leaving one of my guardians to take care of the both of you, so you shouldn't worry. But ultimately it's your decision. I'll be leaving for the village on next Sunday, so there's still a week's time before I leave. Yuki, Chika and Shiho will also return after a day." All the girls were thinking hard about Basara's words. Yuki does really want to meet her father, mother and Kurumi. Kurumi should've already reached AAA Rank by now, so she would bring Kurumi along with her when she returns to Tokyo. Chika and Shiho were excited that they would get to contact with spirits very soon. They were also very curious to look around the Hero village and meet the other Heroes. Mio and Maria were also very curious, but they knew very well that the moment they would enter into the village, they would be the enemy of every Hero within the village. In the end, they just decided to stay here since there was no point in going to the Hero village and Basra had already assured that they would be completely safe within the citt as Basara would deal with all the dangers before leaving. Basra would also leave a guardian behind to protect them, they were curious to see who this guardian was. Basara was glad that Mio and Maria didn't want to come to the village. I'm truth, he already knew that he would've to take both of them to the Hero village in the near future. But taking them to the village now was completely pointless. Vesie s if he took Mio and Maria to the village now, his reputation would immediately go downhill as people would say that he is a traitor assisting the Demons.

Though Basara can deal with the Heroes within an instant, he didn't want to be down tyrant who rules over the masses by methods of war and bloodshed. He honestly cared a lot for the villagers he grew up with since his childhood. Basra had no intention of resorting to violence, when things can be settled peacefully. Mio is currently perceived as a threat by the Hero Clan, because the don't know much about her and consider her to be someone evil. If Mio stays within the town for a month or two, without being involved in any events that would endanger the lives of the innocents. The very bad expression people had of her would slowly decay and using that opportunity Basara would introduce her to the village and make them understand that Mio isn't evil by using the point that Mio hasn't endangered the life of a single innocent person till date. Basara would also declare war on the Demon Realms and conquer it and then he would establish peace between both the Demon and Hero Clan. Basara always had over a thousand plans prepared for a single situation, and he was always prepared no matter what. He was determined to establish peace between all the races, since it was the wish of his second mother Raphaeline. Though in the past when he didn't have his memories Basara was targeting Raphaeline and Sapphire. To be honest, his instincts also trigger when he thinks about them crating a slight compulsion in his mind to make them his. But since Ethan's memories had returned, he didn't know what to do. Sapphire and Raphaeline were his mother's after all. A son having a romantic relationship with his own mothers is really...awkward. Though they truly weren't his mothers either, since they are Basara's mother but not Ethan's mother. Basara was his reincarnation but Ethan is his original identity. Also i.n.c.e.s.t is something that is pretty common in the Demon Realm and Celestial Realm. In the Demon Real, to keep the blood purity of a noble family pure, a lot of times a father marries his daughter, a brother marries his sister, a son marries his mother. I.n.c.e.s.t is nothing new in this record.


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