Basara was currently thinking about his two mothers, Sapphire and Raphaeline. Though his instincts do create a strong urge in him to get in a romantic relationship with the two beautiful women, Basara isn't that supportive of the idea. Though i.n.c.e.s.t is nothing new in this record, it's something very new for him. Both of them are in love with Jin and there's a good chance that they'll never love anyone else. All these years that Basara was with Jin, he got the love and affection of a father from Jin. Jin was his father and someone very dear to him. That's why Basara felt very inflicted when his impulses tell him to get Sapphire and Raphaeline. He also feels conflicted whenever he is reminded by his instincts that Jin is a threat to him. He doesn't know why, but ever since he reincarnated in this record, Basara has always felt something malicious from Jin. Though Jin definitely have him love and compassion, for some reason, his instincts always tell him to just cut Jin's head off.

But how could he do such a horrible thing to his own father? To the man who painstakingly raised him. The man who taught him morals and values, the importance of friendship and companionship. It was Jin who trained him. Basara always couldn't help but clench his hands until blood comes out, whenever his instincts are triggered against Jin. That's why, he tries to avoid Jin. It just isn't fair! What did Jin ever do that Basara has to kill him?! The same can be said for his mothers. They sacrificed so much for him that it's hard to count. He doesn't want to see tears on their faces of his mother's when they learn that he killed the man they love. He doesn't want then to fear or hate him. No man would ever want their own mother to hate or fear them. But Basara knew that the Void is both omnipotent and omniscient exist. So, when his instincts trigger around Jin, it does so with a reason. When he feels the compulsion to make his mother's his, this compulsion happens for a reason. Basara only feels this compulsion to women whose fates are intertwined with his. It means that Raphaeline and Sapphire's fates are deeply intertwined with his, meaning they are destined stop be together. When Basara feels a compulsion towards a woman, it means that 'The Aether' itself has chosen that woman for him and since the 'The Aether' is a part of the Void, it's the Void that chooses his women for him. Basara knew that the Void's judgement can never be wrong. So, Raphaeline and Sapphire have been chosen for him. If they ever decide that they want to be with him, though it might be very awkward, Basara will accept them without any hesitation. The only woman he would adamantly refuse to accept would be his real mother, Amanda. Ethan's blood doesn't have any genetic information whatsoever, so even though he's related to Sapphire, Raphaeline and Jin on a biological level, his DNA doesn't actually match theirs in any way. It would be the same for his own children, since Ethan is a being created by the Void itself, that he doesn't truly have any blood relations with anyone.

Even though Basara has Jin's Hero powers, Sapphire's Demon powers, Raphaeline's God powers and Fafnir's Dragon powers are coursing through his body, their blood isn't. If he never reincarnated into Basara, then Basara would truly be related to them by blood, but after Ethan reincarnated into the of a four year old Basara, his unique golden blood absorbed Basara's hybrid blood along with all of it's powers. Now, he doesn't have any blood relation with his father and two mothers.

Since Ethan's golden blood is something created by the Void itself, nothing else can emulate it, since his blood isn't actually comprised of genes and DNA, it's entirely comprised of the Void energy. So, Ethan's children also will never inherit his genes, since his genes are impossible to inherit. None of Ethan's offspring would be truly related to him by blood, they will only be blood related to their mothers. Ethan also doesn't have any blood relation to his real parents, Jacob and Amanda. But he would still refuse to ever take Amanda even if his compulsion acted towards her. And thankfully his compulsion doesn't activate when it comes to her. It doesn't mean that their dates aren't connected or he won't meet her in the future. It just means that they are destined to not be in a relationship romantically. But they can be in a romantic relationship if Ethan wants since nothing is impossible for him with 'The Aether' and the Void at his disposal. But since Ethan himself refuses to even think about his real mother in such a way, it would never happen.

Basara shook his thoughts to remove all the stray thoughts from his mind.

"Mio, Maria and Yuki, it's time to fix training regiments for each of you." Basara then teleported to the forest with the Mio, Yuki, Maria, Chika and Shiho. He then placed a barrier around the forest. The barriers that Basara and all the races use is a special barrier that allows creates a separate dimension where all the fighting happens. Afterwards when the barrier is removed the separate dimension is destroyed.

"I want the three of you to come at me with everything you've got. Depending on your results, I'll see what training each of you need. Don't hold back. Now come!" Basara stood away from the girls with a serious expression on his face. Yuki immediately summoned her battle outfit and Sakuya in her hands. Mio summoned large red magic circles behind preparing to attack. Maria also transformed into her s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s form. Basara couldn't but always think that as a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s, Maria looks more cute than s.e.xy. But cuteness has it's own perks. A green aura covered Yuki's body and Sakuya as she took the sword stance "Ko Gasumi No Kamae". Maria assumed an MMA fighting stance as a blue aura covered her whole body. Mio's raised both of her hands high in the air as she body was covered with a red aura. Immediately four massive fireballs were hot straight at Basara. Basara just stood there as the fireball impacted against his body and created an explosion as Basara's body got covered with smoke. This explosion seemed to be their signal to start as Maria quickly towards Basara with so much force that the ground beneath her cracked. She clenched her left fist which was covered in a blue aura and punched at place where Basara's head should've been.

From within the stone a single finger extended forward as Maria's punch was blocked with this very finger. Tevforce of her punch remove dthe smirk, revealing an unscathed Basara blocking Mio's fist with his index finger. Following the momentum of her body, Maria rotated and kicked Basara's stomach. With another finger, Basara blocked Maria's kick and redirected her kick sideways before issuing a palm strike at her abdomen. He didn't put a lot of strength in that strike since he didn't want to seriously hurt Maria, regardless it was very painful as Maria coughed up spit and flew backwards. She flipped her body in the air before landing on her feet.

She fell onto her knees unable to stand up. Though there wasn't a lot of damage done, it was still very painful as she looked like she was about to cry any minute. Basara promised in his mind that he would pamper her a lot tonight, so that she would forgive. He didn't like to see his girls hurt, if not for the fact that this was necessary to measure their power levels, Basara would've immediately stopped this sparring.

In the next moment, Yuki rushed towards him as she swing Sakuya sideways at Basara's c.h.e.s.t. Basara blocked her strike using his index finger. Yuki immediately flipped backwards and issued a sword slash towards Basara's skull. Basara blocked the strike with his index finger again and Yuki, as if expecting this, jumped upwards and slashed her sword vertically in the air, firing a green arc at Basara. Following this, she slashed Sakuya three more times, firing three more arcs at him. At the same time, Mio used her [Hellfire] magic, to create a massive pillar of flames beneath Basara's feet.

Basara punched the the pillar of flames that was rising toward him, causing the flames to disperse at once. He then gave a glare at the three arcs and the arcs immediately exploded. This is Basara's new technique, in which my using by simply staring at something as he fires a shockwave with his glare. Yuki then landed on the ground beside Mio. This time Mio used only her Gravity Magic. Though she can't use it for any techniques or moves, it's raw is sufficient or crush an opponent into pieces. When a huge pressure fell on Basara, his legs pushed were pushed into the ground as the earth beneath him began cracking and breaking apart. E was honestly impressed with Mio's powers, it's raw power was very high and it wouldn't have been this strong had she not formed the Master-Servant Vow. But still, this increased pressure couldn't do anything to him, as Basara widened his eyes as he released a large shockwave from his body that neutralized the pressure. Mio then fell on her knees huffing for air. Since she didn't have perfect control over her gravity magic, using it was extremely exhausting for her. Mio had used all of her Mana reserves for that attack and now she was left completely exhausted. Basara then appeared in front of Yuki using his incredible speed and pointed his finger at her neck. Yuki raised both if her hands signalling her surrender. Basara drew his hand back and immediately afterwards Yuki's battle outfit and Sakuya vanished as she fell on her knees releasing a sigh. Chika and Shiho had stars in their eyes as they couldn't but think only one thing from all of this, that Basara is so cool! Basara extended both of his hands and helped Mio and Yuki stand up as he said.

"I now understand the extent of each of your powers. I'll tell you your training regiments tomorrow early at morning. For now, let's just return home." Then Basara teleported away to his apartment with everyone, after removing the barrier.

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