[Authors note: This is a new chapter I wrote pretty quickly ]

Fenris POV

Selene who snapped out of her stunned state started muttering in denial "No...no this is not real."Cecelia who was hurt seeing her little sister in such a state said "It is really me Selene."

Selene's stoic mask broke while she yelled "No it is not true Cecelia is dead you Lycans are just trying to trick me."Selene raced straight towards Celelia tries to kick her only for her to block it. Selene continues to fight with Cecelia, landing lightning-fast kicks and some punches but most of them a blocked or shrugged off. Cecelia seeing her sister is in complete denial easily counters the punch sending Selene groaning on the floor, but she quickly recovered. Selene tried a spin kick only for Cecelia to easily dodge it Selene realizes nothing is working in irritation tries to throw a few Shurikens only for Cecelia to dodge them and quickly sped to Selene and flips her head over heels. As she smashed onto the dumpster.

While wincing in pain I already knew who was going to win so I bluntly questioned "What do we gain by tricking you, Selene. You may be favored by Victor but you are not an Elder nor are you on the council so what do we gain by lying to you."

Selene who was still in pain when she heard this started to calm down and the more she thought about this the more she could see that Fenris here didn't gain anything from doing this just like he said she may be a skilled death dealer but she is not in the council nor was she an Elder and sure Victor favored her but there was a limit to how much she was favored by him.

Cecelia calmly said, "Selene think about it have you seen my dead body after the so-called Lycan attack."Selene thinking back replied, "No victor said your body was mangled beyond recognition."Selene knew what Cecelia here told was true she didn't see her dead body she just took Victor's word for it, also she didn't want to see the last image for her sister to be like that.

Cecelia continued "Selene our parents were not killed by Lycans but were killed by Victor and Kraven."Selene who heard this was broken and questioned "Why kill our parents? What did they ever do to him ?"

Cecelia sighed and replied, "Our father was master stonemason he was in charge of building a fort for Victor remember the one we used to play in when we were young when we went with father to see it."Selene had slight flashes of memories while Cecelia continued "The location of that place was something Victor didn't want to fall into hands of Lycan's so he killed our parents and even me if not for lord Fenris saving me."

Cecelia seeing Selene is still having a hard time believing all this so she walked towards Selene and bit her wrist while making Selene drink her blood while saying "Drink you will see the truth."Just like Cecelia said Selene started to see Cecelia's memories like Kraven killing almost killing her also saw Victor killing both their parents. Selene knew about Blood Memories are a trait possessed by both Vampires and Lycans, which allows them to transmit their memories through their blood to others it was not something you can fake not even Fenris could create fake blood memories best he could do was hide them.

Selene in confusion questioned, "So why didn't he kill me."Cecelia took a breath and replied, "Because you reminded him of his daughter Sonja. He is trying to make you a perfect copy of her, unlike the original Sonja who fell in love with Lucian he was able to make you completely hate Lycan's."

Selene raised an eyebrow she had heard about Sonja and her death at the hands of Lucian but now she knew that was also a lie as she asked "So he lied so he could mold me into Lycan hating version of Sonja."Cecelia just gave a nod while I spoke: "I know you have a hard time believe this but all of this is true."Originally Selene would have denied everything even if she had seen her sister she would just consider this all a ploy by the Lycans.. But the seeing the blood memories cannot be faked by any means Selene slowly hugged her sister while crying this was the first time Selene cried after death of her parents.

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