Authors note :I wrote this quickly sorry if this sucks but I could only come up with this for now.

Fenris POV

I knew we didn't have a lot of time since Selene had a mission to kill the Lycan brother so I immediately said, "Cecelia we have to move since Selene has a mission to complete."Cecelia who slowly let go of Selene said "Don't worry we will help you with the lycan problem."

Selene gave a nod while started to reload her gun a small part of her still said victor would not have killed her parent so she started to go through her previous memories and saw that her father had once mentioned about the Lycan attacks stopping after Lord Fenris and Lucian took over castle Corvinus and Victor was an Elder he didn't take part in patrols so him to show up when her family was attacked by so-called Lycans to be too much of coincidence for a high ranking vampire like him appear. Selene grimaced while going through Cecelia's blood memories her sister almost getting killed by Kraven,the things her sister had to go through as she thought "My grief and rage blinded me there are too many holes in Victor's story about the Lycan attack."

We soon made our way to their castle seen questioned "So these brothers do you have any info on how many Lycan's are under them."I thought for a while and replied "Well the youngest brother krandrill has a harem of women who are all lycan's they are all brainwashed to follow his every order other than that they have no other defenses also the brothers are too arrogant because I didn't do anything to them till now."

Selene who returned to her expressionless self gave a nod as I gave her two 9mm Heckler & Koch USP MATCH loaded with Silver Nitrate bullets she looked at the gun and looked at me for an answer as I replied "That is different from normal Vampires' standard silver-plated bullets used to kill Lycans. This when shot, a silver solution is excreted from the round directly into the bloodstream of the Lycan victim, clogging it with poison.But remember to keep it out of Kraven and Victors reach since both of them will mass-produce this to go war with Lycan."

Selene looked at the gun with interest while she will not lets Victor or Kraven get a hand since her hatred for both of them has reached a new level also she is really thankful that Fenris helped her sister. We soon reached the castle as I could easily sense the Lycans inside the castle getting ready to fight us.I threw a flash grenade in as Selene and Cecelia broke into the mansion through the window and started firing at the lycans who were blinded both were like reapers since each target receives two well-placed bullets to ensuring incapacitation. Both never slowing, never missing while Selene Once emptied the magazine quickly reloads it with Cecelia covering her continues the massacre.

Cecelia wanted to keep her sword skills polished as she cuts down one lycan after another easily dodging Lycans attacking her while also kicking them when they are too close. She Blade axe slices through one of Lycans In an eye-blink, Cecelia is up again, advancing. He cuts down another Lycan, pushes forward, Cecelia who saw sweeps her sword around in a wide arc, cutting straight through the 3rd Lycans' mid-section. The upper half of Lycans body topples away

Cecelia saw four Lycans who was had not transformed started readying their rifles as she yelled "Selene take cover." as both Cecelia and Selene quickly dodged and rolled behind a pillar taking cover from the firing as I was watching the fight with interest as I muttered, "Cecelia has really come a long way if you used her full speed she would have easily killed all of the Lycans. Both Selene and Cecelia make good partners."

Cecelia quickly took out her gun and waited for them to run out of ammo the moment arrived soon as Cecelia dove and shot the shooters straight in the head killing them immediately.

I was enjoying their fight as four Lycans rushed towards me as I dodged the incoming Lycans and punched through Lycan's ċhėst and ripped out his heart killing them instantly. While quickly going to next Lycan and using full strength to slice through Lycans' neck decapitating him. The other 2 Lycans started to fear me and ran away while I started wiping my hands of all the blood.

Well, the fight ended as I looked at Cecelia and Selene and said "The brothers and escaping we must move now."Knowing time is running out I followed the brother's scent into an underground passageway as we made our way through it we were ambushed by three fully transformed Lycans Cecelia quickly dodged the attack from Vregis while she threw her sword towards Selene who jumped over the older brother and stabbed the silver sword right trough his should while the youngest brother Krandrill pounced at me as I simply grabbed him by the throat and threw him towards his brother Vregis both knowing they are defeated started to run as Cecelia threw her Glaive which cut the arm of Vregis who howled in pain. Selene drew the two 9mm Heckler & Koch USP MATCH loaded with Silver Nitrate bullets and started to shooting them only for Darius to cover his brothers knowing for his brother to survive he must sacrifice himself seeing chance to escape both brothers fled.

The moment Darius was shot by silver nitrate bullets the silver solution is excreted from the round directly entered into the bloodstream poisoning him a he turned back to his human form while gasping said"My...Brother....will avenge me."I smiled as showed him my hybrid eyes and replied, "I must say you are a really good brother. But sorry to say both your brothers will soon join you."Darius who saw this said "Lord...Fenris.." soon he succumbed to poisoning caused by the silver.

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