Authors note: This is a quickly written chapter if you find anything wrong do comment.I have no idea what to do with the pairing.

Fenris POV

I decided to take the name Fenris Mikaelson because I chose the surname Mikaelson because in my past life my father's name is Mikael and he was not like the bastard from TVD.

A/n(I really didn't think much about the surname until I someone made me remember the fact that Mikael was the most hated father in the whole series, and choosing that name was not a good idea)

I trained in both my speed and strength, then started to learn to do spells. The no. of spells were great; some of them were very useful for the future.

I mostly practiced silent casting, the most important was telepathy and telekinesis.

Then a couple of tries to get it correct the teleportation spell, Bonnie used it to send messages to Elena since she didn't have enough power, she got exhausted quickly for me that was not a problem.

I started creating my own group of vampires soon. There were not many rules.

Do not reveal anything to humans.

I started to slowly create bases in different parts of the world Athen, Italy, Norway, Hungary....etc.

I started to go by many names became known for my swordsmanship, which is how I met Alexander Corvinus; born in 472 AD, the brat wanted to learn how to be a great warlord.

I was now looking at 14-year-old Alexander Corvinus as I shouted, "Come one, brat, you only did more than 76 pushups."Alexander grumbled, " Easy for you to say since you made me run all around the village."

I said, looking at him, " don't give up so easily. You want to be a warlord, right" That got him to work. I shook my head and thought, "I don't care much about the death of other people, but those close to me are not going to die, that is for sure."

I took a wooden sword and threw that towards him, alexander caught it as I smirked "Let's see what you got, brat."

I had put one arm behind my back, which made him angry because he thought I was mocking him. He lost his calm as he started to attack random slashes, which I parried or dodged.

I did this making him more and more exhausted he gave one last try as he ran straight at me trying a vertical slash that I dodged and disarmed him.

I shook my head as I saw him lay on the ground, exhausted.I muttered, "I am going to double your training."

Hungarian warlord Alexander Corvinus becomes immortal in 497 AD

Marcus and William are born in 501 AD.

William, bitten by a wolf, mutates and becomes the first Werewolf, and later, Marcus, bitten by a bat, the first Vampire in 603 AD.

Marcus turns a dying Viktor to create an army to hunt William, who was going on a killing spree, creating more Werewolves in 607 AD.

The first Vampire Coven is founded, and the Vampire Elders reign in turns as part of the "Chain" in 625 AD.

Amelia founds the Eastern Coven in 627 AD.

Amelia and Vidar found the Nordic Coven in 632 AD

William Corvinus is captured in 1202 AD

Lucian is born in 1207 AD and Sonja in 1210 AD

The Rise of the Lycans happens in 1402 AD

David was born in secret at the Nordic Coven to Thomas and Amelia in 1980–1990

Underworld occurred in 2003

I was now bored as I started to train the brat in swordsmanship, warfare tactics, politics.....etc.I teleported to my other bases to see what is going on from time to time; nothing was interesting.

I helped the brat for 2 more years to give him the means to be a strong warlord. I soon decided to go off on my own, I said, staring at the brat, "You are becoming a great warrior brat. Show me you can be a warlord by the time I come back, okay."

Alexander just nodded as I went off to one of my bases in Greece. I did keep tabs on him. He quickly gathered forces and gained followers because of his charisma and sharp mind just like he promised, he became a warlord in 494 AD.

He soon became pseudo immortal because of a lethal plague that wipes out everyone in his village. I did visit him at that time to explain his immortality.


I looked at the only survivor of the plague as I heard him whisper, "What am I."I asked in confusion "What made you ask that."

Alexander drew his knife and made a cut on his hand, which slowly healed. He then looked at me and said, "Look at this; it is not normal ."

I sighed and explained, "You remember the plague, right it kinda made you into false immortal as long as you don't have life-threatening injuries like decapitation or wounds close to your heart, you will not die."

Alexander studied me and asked, "You are the same as me."I shrugged and replied, "In away, but I am, but I am much stronger and can survive much worse injuries."Alexander didn't question me any further.

I patted him on the back and said, "Move on, brat, you have your whole life in front of you, and don't let this power get into your head, okay."

Alexander nodded and sighed, "I will move forward, and this power is not something that will get into my head."

Even if I intervened slightly, the timeline did not change much since I saw alexander marry Helena and give birth to Marcus and William Corvinus.

I decided to visit him to see how he is doing since my vampires didn't cause many problems, and my second in command was Miroslava, a girl I found in Russia who took command when I am away.

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