[Authors note: Please enjoy a fast written chapter and do comment; also the events are fast-paced till the rise of the Lycans.]

Fenris POV

505 AD

I was now looking at a hand-drawn portrait of Alexander Corvinus, and next to the portrait was a drawing of Helena. I heard the door opening. I saw Alexander with 2 guards who seemed ready to draw their swords.

Alexander shouted, "I know who he is and leave us be."One guard replied, "But sire."

Alexander glared at the guard which made both the guards go out of the room. I grinned, "So brat, I heard you got married and already have two kids."

Alexander mock glared and said, "Stop calling me a brat also, yes I did get married. I was trying to find you, but you were nowhere to be found, and yes, I have twins."

I smiled. "You will always be a brat for me, and congratulations on your marriage and kids."Alexander smiled at that.

For a while, I talked with Alexander as he suddenly went to his table and brought out a Corvinus Clan ring. I raised an eyebrow and questioned, "So you want me to have this your Clan's symbol."

Alexander nodded, "Yes, this is specifically created; faking it is really hard, so if my children question your identity, show this."I sighed as I looked at the ring, "You do know I have my clans ring."Showing him the Norse Viking wolf ring.

Alexander muttered, "You can just wear both of them."I shook my head and wore it to appease him. I know he will be bugging me if I don't take this.

I played with both the twins from time to time. I don't know if they would remember me but seeing William, the kind little boy, turned into a mindless beast.

I was decided to stop visiting them from then on. I whispered, "This is for the best."

I used the spell inadu, or The Hollow used to transform people into werewolves.I created the werewolves but added something to make it like a sireline and make them loyal. Most people who join my organization or group are given a choice to be a werewolf, vampire or hybrid.

Vampires and hybrids could have children.

I had to create moonlight rings to make them able to transform at will. They were are like werewolf transformation from noblesse but not that powerful.

Timeskip 1202

I saw the events play out; both William and Marcus got the gift of immortality from their father while their little brother was mortal. Helena died soon after, leaving broken alexander, whose relationship with his children became estranged.

In 604 AD, William was bitten by a rabid wolf turning him into the first of his breed's werewolf, and Markus was bitten by a bat, which led him to become the first vampire of his breed.

William can see what's happening but can't control his actions.

I saw William go on a killing spree, which made Markus go to the dying Victor for turning him into an immortal in return for his help in getting his brother. I was William continue his rampage and evade the death dealers for 600 years until now.

I saw William getting captured getting Markus tried to help but soon found himself alone since all the death dealers were loyal to Victor.

When returned to his chambers, Markus threw his helmet at the wall and started destroying everything but stopped in between and said, "I know you are in here. Whoever you are, you can come out now."

I came out of the shadows as Markus studied me and muttered, "I have seen you before."I showed my Corvinus clan ring then it clicked for Markus, "Grandfather, is that you."

I ġrȯȧnėd at that and said, "Stop calling me that, Marcus."That was Alexander's revenge for calling him Brat.

Markus had a small smile and said, "Father talked about you after mother's death. He tried to find you but couldn't."I sadly smiled at that. "I did meet him just some years after your transformation, which has gotten both of you in trouble."

Markus grimaced and said, "Yes, we never wanted this, and now William is going to be imprisoned for life, and I can't do anything."I asked curiously, "Why not ask your father for help. He is a warlord after all."I knew the answer

Markus, in anger, replied, "I did, but he said his hands were tied. It is like Williams change didn't matter to him."

I looked at Markus and said, "Actually, it is the opposite; your father is powerful probably could take down all the elders, but he is still one person, and the human army he has will not work. Marcus, you forgot your father still mourns your mother. He had to see her age and die unlike you who can change your lover into a vampire. Your father did not have that liberty."I think mostly Alexander did not know if he would have given Helena his blood. It could have made her immortal I don't know; I will have to ȧssimilate the Corvinus strain into my body to see the effects.

Markus, who slightly hated his dad for not helping William started to feel sympathy for his father.Marcus sighed, "So what can we do now with this many immortals? Victor will kill me sooner or later."

I smirked, "No, he wouldn't; he fears if you get killed, so will all the vampires die out with you."Markus smiled and replied, "That's foolish, but I am thankful for it."

I explained, "I will try to come with a cure for William soon, but you must create a power base of your own within the vampires."Marcus nodded. "I can do that, but what about Victor, his influence with the death dealers and the council."

I grinned, "Time will come, little Marcus, when you have more influence than Victor."

I soon got Alexander's blood, which held the Corvinus strain. I found a spell that lets me ȧssimilate it without any problems.I found out it enhanced my strength and speed.. There was lots of potential in the corvinus strain.

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