Authors note: MC will play along with the events since he will not kill everyone since his aim is to meet Lucian and reduce Victor's power base during the uprising, he will show his real abilities during Sonja capture.If you guys want him to be badass I can rewrite the chapter.

Fenris POV

The famous Lucian first of the Lycan's was born in 1207 AD. I did manage to get into the whole slave thing by doing compulsion here, and there also with that I was considered a special kind of beast as Victor calls it. Besides, I was bored and wanted to meet Lucian.

But Victor feared me since I was stronger than any Lycan, but his fears eased when he found out I couldn't create species of my own as Lucian. He foolishly thought I could be taken down with numbers if I ever went rogue.

I was training Lucian in hand to hand combat as I countered every move Lucian made then judo flipped him. He quickly recovered from it and came rushed to tackle me, which resulted in me throwing him towards the wall.

I clapped as I said, "Nice job Lucian you have improved."Lucian smiled"Thanks for the compliment, brother."Yes, he considered me his older brother because I practically raised him.

I had the same status as Lucian because I made sure to compel Victor himself to support me. Since when the uprising happens, Victor's power base will have hit a huge dent since he let Lucian and me live.

But I told Marcus to not actively support me since I didn't want him to get his influence or power base destroyed.

But both Lucian and I had those wretched collars on our necks.

I will definitely torture Victor for this.

I planned with Marcus to get into Castle since we wanted to cause enough trouble to make the vampire's side with; soon Victor started to use Lucian to get more Lycan's to be the daylight guardians of the vampires.

I grinned and asked, "I saw the look you were giving Victor's daughter."Lucian didn't look at me said, "I didn't do anything like."

I smirked, "Yes, right, you were only staring at her all the time."Lucian mock glared at that

Well, time passed, and Lucian slowly managed to win Sonja's heart. Well, soon, Lucian introduced me to her, and I smiled. "Well, it is nice to meet you, Sonja."

Sonja, who was nervous at first, then smiled and replied: "It is nice to meet you too, Fenris."I nodded. "Well, Lucian here doesn't shut up about you."

Sonja smirked at Lucian, hearing that Lucian defended, "No, I do not talk about her all the time."

I deadpanned, "Actually, you do talk about her almost all the time. Even in your sleep, I hear the name, Sonja."Sonja smiled at our interaction"I am sure to have mistaken both of you for brothers."

Lucian smiled at that. "Blood or not, he is my brother, the one I can count on."

I started to teach Sonja different sword styles whenever we met since she started seeing me as a brother figure. Soon Sonja joined the death dealers. It caused Lucian to worry about her safety.

Few years passed as I was able to make some of Lycan's lives a little better.

I asked Lucian with slight amusement, "so how is my sister in law doing."Lucian smiled "She misses you. After all, she does consider you as her brother just like me."I shook my head and replied, " I will visit her some time with you."

Lucian replied, "She will be happy to hear that."I nodded and asked, "So she is gone patrol again."

Lucian sighed, "I am concerned for her safety; the no. of Lycan's have been increasing." I nodded as Lucian went to the forge. I was doing the same we both saw Sonja enter through the castle with the other death dealers.

We had to make sure everyone had gone before going to meet Sonja.

I nodded at him as we both used the underground passageway then climb the whole mountain to reach the safe spot. I was waiting with Lucian as Sonja came who ran and hugged Lucian.

I smiled at the two lovers Sonja then looked at me said, "It is good to see you again brother."I nodded, "It is good to see you to Sonja."

As we hugged, I grinned at Lucian and said: "Loverboy here was worried about your safety." Lucian replied, "What anyone would be concerned even you were Fenris don't lie."

I shrugged, "Okay, I was concerned as well."

We talked for a while as I let the two lovers have their time, I muttered, "I really need to find a lover."

I went back to sleep. We had our daily duties as Sonja went on patrol alone that night.

I heard howls and roar from the forest I whispered to Lucian, "The Lycans they seem to be after something."

Lucian realized in horror "Sonja."I nodded, "You take the Bow; I will use the spears."Lucian didn't waste a second as he took the bow. I took 4 spears with me.

We saw her coming out of the woods with 7 Lycans on her tail. I readied myself then threw the spear, killing the Lycan. I took down 3 more in a similar fashion.

Lucian killed 2 with his bow.

One almost entered the castle, we both jumped next to the Lycan's body. Victor came with guards I heard Sonja questioned, "Have you have nothing better to do blacksmiths than play with weapons of war."

Victor asked his daughter, "A little gratitude to the ones that saved your life."I snorted "Yeah right. The bastard approves his daughter's attitude towards Lucian and me just now."

I heard him ask Lucian how he felt about killing his own kind; this bastard is really going to get it when the time comes just have to wait for a little more.

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