We were soon discussing hitting Mathais base he was one of those idiots who wanted to continue the war he went with the Vergis, Kandrill, and Darius father Malifus and tried to rebel but was outed. After understanding the fact without Fenris's support they are sitting ducks as Malifus was killed by death dealers and before long leaving Mathais with 3 of his children.

Fenris sighed and said, "We will approach their Base soon be ready."Both David and Selene gave nod as their prepared their weapons. David knew his father was testing him and so he didn't want to let him down. While we soon reached the place as Fenris chanted" Phasmatos veras nos ex malom. Terra mora vantis quo incandis per vasa quo errum signos" as boundary spell was cast around the mansion making it impossible for Mathias to get out without Fenris taking it down.

The mansion pretty much was guarded by Lycan's as the one of them tried to stop the entry only to get his heart ripped of by Fenris as these rouge Lycans were shocked making it easier for Selene and David who started to them out quickly.

Fenris was taking out one Lycan after another just through either decapitation or heart extraction as we all made our way to the mansion. While inside the Mansion Mathias didn't know his so-called nephews had brought death to his doorsteps as he was ordering"Go what is with all of you there is only 3 people. Should I do things myself?"

As more Lycans came out of the mansion and some even transformed as David took would his sword using his speed to his advantage he was slicing one Lycan after another.While Selene was dodging and shooting Lycans who had transformed these bullets were all silver nitrate bullets making it impossible for the ones who were shot to survive.The moment the silver entered their bloodstream they started to transform back to their human form and were on the ground groaning in pain.

Fenris spoke"Come on we have to move quickly.I have also called the cleaners they will be here soon."Selene nodded and replied"Yes."

While Mathais was worried as even when he sent that many people they couldn't kill these intruders as he walked to the balcony as cold sweat ran down his back as he saw someone who he wished never to meet again in his lifetime as he could utter"Lord Fenris."

Mathias then saw Selene who was pretty infamous among the Lycan's for being a cold-blooded killed as he remembers Kandrill saying"That bitch Selene cost us our brother and our whole territory."Mathias with pity had given them resources and stuff as he saw them as his own son's but now he started cursing them to death"You bastards brought death to my doorsteps may you two die like the dogs you are."

Mathias had tried to escape but some kind of invisible wall made it impossible for him to get out of the mansion.

As Mathias soon came face to face with Fenris, Selene, and David as Mathias tried to keep a smile on his face and greeting"Lord Fenris I didn't know it was you,if I had known I would have stopped the attack."

Selene snorted hearing this as Fenris just smiled at Mathias who was fearing for his life as time goes on as Fenris spoke"I guess you would have,but I must say you really must have had the worst luck in the world last time I told you that if you cross me again you would be dead."

Mathias didn't dare look at Fenris as he nodded as he said"My lord if I have known those brats had angered you,I would have sent them your way right then."Mathias was sweating as he remembered the rebellion he and Malifus started to overthrow Lucian only to be thwarted by Fenris who ripped apart a quarter of the Lycan's who had joined the rebellion single-handedly and Mathias still remember the blood-covered image of Fenris.

Mathias didn't want to go without taking at least one of them as he transformed into his Lycan form and lunged at Selene who he had perceived as the weakest only to be stopped by Fenris who grabbed him by the throat as he muttered"Well,will you look at that you at least die in a fight rather than as a coward."Fenris plunged his hand and ripped his heart out as Mathias died and changed back to his human form as Selene used her sword to take his head to show as proof for killing him.

Selene then gave a nod while Fenris looked at his son David and said"I must say you did really well,I will tell Sonya to take you to the nordic coven for the ritual.."David smiled hearing that and answered, "Thank you, father."

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