Selene soon brought the dead body back to Ordgraz where both Kraven and Coloman was waiting for her in the meeting room as they were going to discuss Selene's mission as Kraven who ŀusted after Selene for two reason's one was her beauty and second was her being Victor's adopted daughter making her really influential. While he made many tries to woo Selene it all ended in complete failure after being rejected by her so many times in his anger he tried to give Selene very tough missions to make her understand she couldn't disobey him without consequences, but it always backfired since Selene always completed them making her more influential than him in some people's eyes.

This was not something he didn't like as he gave her the mission to kill and acquire the property of the so-called 'The Lords of the Crescent Wills' he expected her to fail, but to his shock she not only killed one of the brothers but also was able to make them flee. Kraven gritted his teeth and thought"No matter she still managed to lose two of the other brothers.I can use this to at least discredit her."Coloman was watching Kraven's just shook his head as he already guessed Kraven's intentions as he had instructions from Marcus to support Selene as he watched Selene enter the room she was still in her death eater outfit as Coloman spoke"Selene I have heard that you killed one supposed wolf lords and was even able to make the other two flee."Many so-called pureblood vampires in council clapped hearing this news.

While Selene kept a stoic expression as she replied"Yes my lord I was able to kill the older brother Darius while the other two escaped."Before Coloman could speak Kraven cut in"Selene how could you make such an amateur mistake, by letting the other two Lycans escape you made them hard to capture or find them again."

Some of the council who were supported Kraven murmured in agreement as Selene gritted her teeth and replied"No capturing them won't be a problem as I was able to track them down and was able to catch their benefactor."Saying this Selene threw the head of Mathias in front of the council some of the older members who were around the time of Lucian and Fenris easily identified the Lycan as Mathias who was pretty well known among as he was outed as rouge Lycan by Fenris for trying to rebel.

Kraven was stunned since he knew Mathias as one of the older Lycan's who was more slippery and powerful than the 'Cresent wolf lords' as Coloman smiled seeing this and spoke"Good job Selene you not only succeeded in getting the city for us, but also able to get one of the most notorious rogue Lycan's who caused the death of many death eaters."Kraven looked like he swollen a sour pill as he hesitantly clapped as he also noticed some of his supporters were looking at Selene with great interest as he knew he was going to lose some of his supporters.

One of the Council members questioned, "Miss Selene you said that you knew the location of the two wolf lords."Selene nodded and answered, "Yes council member Jane,I was able to get info out of Mathias about their location,but I fear those brothers would have moved immediately after hearing about this attack. So with all your permission, I like to finish my mission by hunting down the remaining two brothers."

Coloman looked at his fellow councilmembers who nodded as he spoke"Then you have our permission to finish off the two remaining wolf lords."Selene talked with Coloman for while then returned back to her room as she was removing her battle gear she remembered Fenris had given her the option to change her into a vampire similar to her sister as she had a small smile on her face when she thought of Fenris who was not only saved her sister, but also is benefactor is away as she felt she would never have found the truth about her parent's murder without him.

While Fenris was not sure what the deal was but he got a message from Alexander and William about meeting them in their base as they had something very serious to discuss as Fenris apparated towards Cleaners base where both Willam and Marcus was waiting for him as Fenris was curious and questioned"What happened your father seems to be in a hurry?"

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