Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 12 - The First Test

The man who was a tutors of the sun sect named Jonas, explained his role to them.

Each year, all tutors were to choose six new students and train them for one year. There were no rules, they were free to choose whether to form only mages, or fighters, or pairs. At the end of the year, a big competition between all the new students will take place.

There were rewards for new students and for tutors who won the competition.

After their first year, the new students either will become official students or they will be kicked out of the sect if they had not reached a certain level.

After walking for a good ten minutes, Jonas finally stopped in front of a door at the end of a long, rather spooky hallway.

Celia asked : "Tutor Jonas, are you interested in the pairs between mage and fighter ?"

Jonas : "Celia the pairs between mage and fighter are extremely rare, generally their personalities are not compatible. I was talking more about pairs of mages or fighters. Putting two mages together motivates them to progress faster, likewise for fighters, if they train in pairs they will get stronger faster."

Celia : "If we ever pass the tests and you take a liking to us, I prefer to tell you right away that I already have my partner and that I will not take another one."

Jonas looked at the two girls in front of him, there was something special about Celia, how could she be only fifteen or sixteen, he felt like he was the child and she was the adult.

Jonas sighed and could only answer : "Show me what you are capable of, if I like it, I will take you as my new students and leave you in pairs."

Seeing that the two of them had just exchanged a knowing look he continued : "Behind that door is the first ordeal. This is a very dense gravity room, it allows us to judge the stamina of the fighters and the ability to use spiritual energy for the mages. To pass this test, you just have to stay in it for ten minutes.

Of course, the point is to test your limits. So try to stay as long as possible."

He gave them a small disk each and a blue card for Celia, another red for Anaya.

In front of their puzzled gaze Jonas explained : "On the disk you can see a button in the center, when you reach your limit, press it, it will teleport you back here. The card will be used to record your event, you just have to insert it into the panel you can see right there."

He pointed to a black spot on the wall just to the left of the door.

Jonas : "When you're ready, insert the card and go inside."

Anaya inserted her card first and walked in, Celia did the same and followed her inside. When the door closed, the gravity appeared immediately into the room.

Anaya fell to her knees under the pressure, it was as if a mountain had fallen on her, she was even having trouble turning her head.

Celia, on the other hand, felt the pressure but could keep moving without too much difficulty. Seeing Anaya in this state disturbed her.

Celia knelt down in front of Anaya, she took her head in her hands to look at her and said : "I will give you only two choices so listen to me carefully. The first is that I let you test your limits by your own to see how long you can stand this pressure.

The second is that we mix our energies.

When I started to feel the pressure of gravity, I focused on my energy and created a kind of shield around me. I am sure that if we share our energies this shield will be able to surround us both.

So what do you say about it. Blink once for the first one or twice for the second."

Anaya didn't think too much and blinked twice.

She saw the surprise in Celia's eyes but Celia quickly grabbed her wrists and focused like the last time in their dimension before she teleported them.

Anaya felt Celia's energy mixing with hers throughout her body, the pressure easing almost completely. She got up and helped Celia get up too. She didn't know if Jonas had a way to spy on them but she didn't care, she really wanted to kiss her wife, and she did it.

Celia was doubly surprised, the first one was that she was sure Anaya would have chosen the first option, and the other surprise was the kiss.

Since they'd been outside, although Anaya hadn't pushed her away when she wanted to take her hand, she felt like she wasn't too comfortable flaunting their love to everyone.

Anaya guessed Celia's thoughts and explained to her : "My love, after what Jonas explained to us about being a pair, developing and mixing our energies to make sure that we are no longer weak will be my priority from now on."

Celia finally understood, Anaya thought that we would be separated inside the sun sect and that we should each practice on our own.

Being able to have this pair option changed her goals, now everything will be done through sharing, it suited her very well.

Anaya pointed to the back wall : "Look! Are these records ?"

Celia followed her gaze, there was a bright frame telling them how long they had been there, and right next to it were times with names written underneath.

Celia spoke : "I think your guess is correct these are many records, let's get nearer to see more closely."

There were about fifty names. The record was held by a certain Liam, and it was twenty-seven minutes and thirty-three seconds. Celia looked at the time and it had only been six minutes since they were inside.

Celia sat down with her back to the wall and made Anaya sit on the inside of her legs, so that she could hug her around the waist, her baby wife's back nestling into her body.

Celia took the opportunity to rest her head on her shoulder, she continued to play and test the limits of their mixed energies. She tried to expand the shield she had created.

Anaya was worried : "Cel, be careful, don't push your limits too far. It's weird, since you've mixed our energies I can see the shield, and see that you move it, but I can't do anything at all. I can see it, but I don't feel it."

Celia tried to apease her : "Okay sweetie, I'll stop playing."

After a little while she added : "When I was in my old body, and shared my energy with others, I could feel it but not see it. I felt a tingling where the energy was flowing. Sometimes I could even see the color of people's auras but it was very rare."

Anaya couldn't help but ask : "Could you really see the color of people's level ?"

Celia looked perplexe so Anaya explained : "Well my love, i guess what you called aura is the halo of energy around people body, so that is the color of people level."

She added : "So you already had a unique gift. Even in my world, those who can see the color of the level of a person, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Let me explain to you, when people reach the level eight they can see the color of the level of people weaker than them, only the weaker one.

So you see if you can see the color of people who are stronger than you it will be something outstanding."

Celia was surprised : "Really, is it that rare ?"

Anaya promptly replied : "Of course it is extremely rare, but what is even rarer is that you can see the spiritual energy that surrounds objects, the silver halo that you have seen around the dagger means that it's a magical object, created probably by a strong fighter."

Celia felt a little uncomfortable, she had never wanted to be so exceptional, so she changed the subject : "Sweetie, we have so much to learn and discover, it's all about training, focus and self-confidence, if you don't beleive on yourself then who will do it. You'll see, soon you'll be able to move that shield too."

Anaya didn't replied but she added : "If one day you stop to believe on yourself i will be there to remind you how wonderful you are."

Then she raised her head to look at the time : "We have already broken the record by two minutes. We can go out, I have the feeling that our limit is still far away and I want to do the other tests."

Celia : "Okay, let's go, but first give me your lips."

Anaya did not have time to protest that Celia was already crushing her lips with hers, and the latter took advantage of Anaya's exclamation of surprise to put her tongue inside, she only stopped when she heard her baby wife moan with pleasure. With a satisfied smile Celia pressed both buttons at the same time.

The most embarrassing thing was that they found themselves in the same position as in the room, and they both had swollen lips.

Jonas couldn't believe it, they had smashed the record, and instead of being at the end of their life, they looked like they had had a good time. My God, who were these girls ?

Jonas looked at them and ended up asking : "Do you want to rest or can we continue ?"

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