Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 13 - Master Liam

Anaya stood up and helped Celia, she was feeling pretty good thanks to Celia protecting her, and Celia looked like she had just come out of a walk in the park.

Anaya replied : "We are ready for the next test."

Jonas looking at them made a decision : "Both of you follow me."

He retrieved the cards and kept them, he took them to a room that looked like an office. There were a large table and chairs and he asked them to be patient.

He returned quickly enough followed by two other people and strange objects.

One looked like a mirror, but the glass was blurry, and the other looked like a slate rectangle, Celia wondered deep down inside, what the hell was going on.

Seeing their intrigued gaze, Jonas first introduced the two people with him, the one on his right was called Liam, he must have been a little younger than Jonas, like twenty six or twenty seven years old, and was a Master of the Northern Academy, so he was definitely a genius and should be very powerful.

The other was called Gregory and was the representative of the sun sect. With Jonas's explanation, Celia deduced that he was the sect leader's right-hand man.

These two men were much powerful than Jonas. When Celia concentrated a bit, she could see that they both had a golden color around them. Poor Jonas had a turquoise blue color circulating around him.

Celia knew the value of the golden color but ignored the value of Jonas's turquoise blue. What was certain was that it was much less powerful.

Jonas quickly moved on to the items he had brought, the mirror was there to identify their potential, and the slate was a test to certify a person's age.

They started with the age test, they just had to put a hand on it and a number appeared on the slate. Anaya was fifteen and Celia sixteen, since they were both orphans, they did not know their date of birth.

Anaya had assumed that the mark had appeared to her on the day she turned fifteen, since you became an adult of the age at fifteen in this world, but that was still a guess.

At least now they were fixed on their age. Celia then put her hand on the mirror. A silvery light as bright as the moon appeared.

But that was not all, there were also darker silver filaments that appeared to be alive inside the mirror. Everyone looked at her with astonishment, Jonas came to his senses and asked Anaya to take the test.

Anaya put a hand on the mirror, a golden light appeared bright like the sun, and to everyone's surprise there were also silver filaments dancing all around the golden light.

Celia grabbed Anaya's hand, she didn't really like the look full of interested that Gregory was throwing at her.

If she sensed danger, she could teleport them directly to the dimension. Anaya gave her a sideways glance to let her know she understood, she even entwined her fingers with her.

Oddly, it was Jonas who spoke first : "Girls, it was an honor to meet you, but I'm afraid I'm not qualified to teach you anything. I will go out now and let you discuss with Master Liam and Master Gregory."

He greeted them and left.

Celia felt that Anaya was calm and in a defensive mood, fine, she didn't have to worry about her baby wife, so she could focus her full attention on the two men in front of her.

Master Liam spoke first : "I had come to look for new talents but I did not expect this. Do you know what the colors that appeared in the mirror represent ?"

Anaya gave her a look that indicated she was letting her handle the situation, so Celia replied : "The only thing we know is that silver is the highest level, and gold is the level just below."

Master Liam looked at them in turn : "For the meaning of the colors that is correct. But Celia did you know there are seven more grades once you get to the twelfth level ? And you, Anaya, do you have any idea what were the silver filaments around your and Celia's color ?"

At this point even Master Gregory was looking at him with wide eyes full of curiosity.

Liam continued : "Don't answer right away, I need to speak with Master Gregory face to face first."

Liam turned his head towards him and said affectionately : "Come on, we need to talk."

Before leaving the room, he turned to the girls and said to them : "Don't take this opportunity to run away, I'm one of the few people who can answer your questions, it would be a shame to waste this opportunity, no ?"

Once alone Anaya asked : "My love, what do you think ?"

Celia : "I think the silver filaments are related to the fact that we are soulmates, I don't know if he can deduce that we have already mixed our energies.

I watched them and they were both of the same level, golden color, no kidding.

However, I have my doubts about this Liam, he seems much stronger than the other, and he seems to have a huge knowledge.

So in my opinion it must have a silver color, and an advanced tier among the seven grades that he mentioned.

My baby wife, this is just my impression, thanks to the ring we found in the Eben's chest we know already that hidding a level it's something possible."

Anaya was agreed with Celia : "What do you want to do ?"

Celia : "i m new to this world so i have plenty questions and like everything is new it is quit difficult for me to adapt, it will be great to have someone to guide us.

Let's give him a chance, if I sense something wrong I will teleport us in safety to the dimension. Don't let go of my hand, under any circumstances."

After saying that she looked at Anaya.

Anaya looked serene, as if she trusted her completely, she even put her head on her shoulder and bit her neck : "My love, don't be so tense, we will know soon enough, and don't worry about me, I will let go of your hand when we will feel safe."

Anaya added playfully : "Ah wait ! forget it, even then, I'm not sure I would want to let go of your hand."

Celia laughed and told her proudly : "Very well my baby wife, you are learning fast, do you want to show me what's more did you learn from my shameless behavior ?"

Anaya had an evil smile in her face and said : "You just shut up ! Wait for the time that i could punish you from teasing me so much, all you could do will be moan in pleasure and beg for mercy, in fact, with you it's more begging for some more."

Celia : "how can you call that a punishment ? If you continue like that i will beg to be punish."

After those small teasing words they both laughed heartwarmthy, Celia stole a first kiss from Anaya, which was followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth, Anaya laughed and said: "Be good, this is neither the place nor the time for these things, you better keep for yourself your dirty thought."

Liam came back half an hour later, he absolutely had to talk to these little ladies and convince them to follow him, he started : "Girls, I would like to talk about a lot of things with you but not here, there are eyes and ears everywhere and some things should not to be heard."

He saw Celia's troubled gaze and added : "Don't worry Celia, I had set up a force field around the room, no one heard what you said to each other, not even me, okay."

Celia : "What did you talk about with Master Gregory."

Liam : "I asked him to keep secret that both of you came here, Jonas won't say anything either."

Anaya : "And he accepted ?"

Liam : "I can be persuasive. Moreover, Jonas is a smart person, enough to understand that it is better to be friends with you rather than enemies.

As for Gregory, he is my childhood friend and he obtained his position within the sun sect thanks to me, so he won't say anything either. So, do you want to follow me ?"

The girls looked at each other and nodded. He motioned for them to follow him and took them to a crowded restaurant, very close to the sun sect building.

He exchanged a few words with the waiter and they found themselves drawn into a small private lounge.

Without asking them what they wanted, he ordered a bit of everything and waited until the waiter had left to start speaking : "First, I'd like to hear your answers to the questions I asked you."

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