Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 14 - Can I Check Your Soul ?

Celia replied : "We had no idea that there were still seven grades after the level twelve. And for the filaments, it is surely due to the fact that we are soulmates."

Liam looked at them and said : "Yes and No. Filaments are indeed the bond between soulmates, however, they do not appear until the union is consummated."

Celia looked at Anaya who had flushed up to her ears and found it this just too cute.

She still asked a question : "Are all the filaments silver ?"

Liam looked at her with an approving look : "Of course not, the color of the filaments is the highest level in the couple. Though, I don't know exactly what is your potential Celia.

To find out, you will have to follow me to the Northern Academy, we will test your true potential there, and don't worry Anaya, based on your alchemy with Celia, even if you take a little more time, you will manage to rise to the same level as Celia I am sure of it.

There is something else you should definitely know and keep in mind, soulmates between mage and fighter are extremely rare, usually both are mages or fighters.

At the Northern Academy there are only four pairs of soulmates, three are fighters, the other is a couple of mages. If you agree to follow me, you will be the first mixed couple in all the history of the Academy."

Celia knew Anaya dreamed of going to this Academy, but she needed to be sure of one thing before agreeing : "Isn't the North Academy just for sects geniuses ? Anaya and I are newbies, we don't have a sect, and we don't even have the basics, having potential is good but it's not enough. How long will it take us to get to the Academy ?"

Liam replied : "It will take us six months to get to the North Academy because I have to stop in some places. These six months will allow me to start teaching you girls.

I would say with my knowledge and skills I should at least get Celia to level three. For Anaya, I should be able to take it a step further, and get you to the level four. Fighters progress more easily at the start than mages, which is why I set this goal for both of you.

If you really want to know how much I esteem you, for mages with a silver color grade one or two, on average it takes a year to get to level three, to reach the twelfth level, it takes an average of twenty years.

For fighters with a golden color, it takes an average of sixteen months to reach level four, but I feel Anaya's skills are exceptional hence my requirements.

Besides, I'm a fighter myself, it will be easier for me to help Anaya than you Celia."

Celia : "It's perfect like that. You should take care of Naya i can learn by myself. What about the first question ?"

Liam : "Oh ya, being part of a sect, right ? It doesn't matter, if you agree to follow me in the northern kingdom, I will take both of you as disciples.

Therefore, the Academy is open to you, you won't have to pass the exam to enter, and by becoming my disciples you will enjoy many benefits. So girls, are you up for it ?"

Celia looked at Anaya, and Anaya was also looking at her awaiting her verdict. She had told her that she trusted her, even if Celia refused, she was sure Anaya wouldn't blame her. After a short break, Celia finally accepted Master Liam's offer.

In her past life she had not been able to protect her children, she was too weak. Now she vowed to herself that she would never be weak again, and she would protect Anaya no matter what. This man and this Academy could help her to get stronger, and in the meantime if they were his disciples, they will be under his protection.

The waiter returned with a multitude of dishes. Liam invited them to help themselves, the girls had never seen so many varieties of food and they did not hesitate.

Liam was watching them, there was something missing, they didn't just have the chemistry between soulmates, their bond seemed much deeper. The entire time he had spent with them, their hands had remained united. Celia, although she was the mage seemed to be the dominant of the couple, strange, even if there was a difference in level, Anaya should have been in command.

He couldn't resist asking a few questions : "Girls, how long have you known each other ? And how did you meet ?"

Celia had seen the way he was looking at them, but finally she didn't think too much about it and replied : "Yesterday morning in the forest around the city of Lights."

Liam who was drinking suddenly choked, coughing and spitting. Celia smirked, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking, and what he was thinking was that it was just impossible.

For a bond as strong as theirs, and even if they had already consummated their union, the filaments usually took years to form.

Liam asked : "Anaya, is that the truth ? Or Celia is trying to play a trick on me ?"

Anaya looked at Celia confused but replied : "It's the truth. But why do you have to ask me ?"

Celia laughed and looked at her innocent baby wife, Anaya still looked confused so she explained : "My baby wife, I think our bond is intriguing Master Liam. Not to mention that our filaments allowed him to discover that we had already consumed our union ..."

Anaya blushed and looked away. Celia looked very satisfied with herself, she then put different meats in a plate and place it in front of Anaya to make amends.

Celia, after taking care of her baby wife, focused her attention on Liam : "Master Liam, is there something wrong with our bond ?"

Liam wasn't sure what to say : "No and yes. No, because the fact that your bond is so strong will only bring you benefits for the future.

Yes, because it's completely abnormal. Let me explain, for the filaments to appear, it usually takes several years spent together and unwavering mutual trust.

Some soulmates, even after spending a hundred years together, are barely able to have a fine thread that intertwines with their color.

Not only are your filaments multiple, but they are strong and seem alive. It was the first time that I had seen one like that.

And now you tell me that you know each other only since yesterday ? Is there something you are hiding from me ? Because even if your energies were alreday mixed, that wouldn't explain everything."

Celia looked at him, before answering she needed to check something, but she was going to have to let go of Anaya's hand for that.

She asked Liam : "Master Liam, before I answer you I need to be absolutely certain of your sincerity. I'll have to take your hands and check your soul. Do you agree ?"

Liam was shocked at these words, how this girl could do to check his soul. Liam was dubious, and seeing Anaya's astonished look, she was apparently unaware of this faculty Celia had.

Liam, who was very curious by nature, nodded : "After that, will you answer my questions ?"

Celia : "Of course."

She took Anaya's hand which was still intertwined with hers and kissed it before releasing her hand, she caressed her face and said : "Naya, sweetie, it's alright, okay. But if you feel any danger just leave right away."

Anaya frowned and said in a determined tone : "Never without you."

Celia sighed : "My baby wife i already told you that you don't have to seduce me with your sweet words i have already fallen for you."

Anaya coughed and blushed.

Celia laughed and then she stood up she told Liam to sat down on the sofa.

She sat down next to him and grabbed both of his hands, she turned them palm towards the ceiling and placed her hands on his, as she had done with Anaya before.

Celia asked him : "Are you ready, you won't feel anything, it won't hurt you."

Liam just said : "Go ahead i have nothing to hide."

Liam thought : actually i have really something to hide from you but there is no way you can find out that one part of me is a demon, anyway that part has been sealed for so long it didn't affect me at all there is no danger.

Celia looked at him straight in the eyes and froze. In her past life, she had already practiced this with her brothers. They were having fun watching people in the street, and sometimes they could spot some shadow wrapping around the person. The shadow was emitting ill intend, that's what she was looking at, if there was no shadow then she could trust him.

Normally, she didn't need physical contact. Just by focusing she could have fathomed him, but seeing as he had managed to block out his true color, she knew that with physical contact she would be stronger, Celia thought, let's go.

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