Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 15 - Not An Ordinary Story

Celia was in intense concentration, almost in a trance, she was focused on this man in front of her and nothing existed around.

Then she saw it, Liam's true silver color appeared. He was really very powerful, she sensed an other power and she focus on it, a cage appeared with seal on it.

Inside the cage the energy was not as powerful as Liam but it was a dangerous one she could felt it.

She focus back on Liam energy and she saw no sign of malice, his energy was pure and soft, controlled and powerful.

Celia forced herself to come to herself, going into a trance had always been easy for her, the hard part was breaking contact.

She let go of Liam's hands and she thought of what she had seen, what was this energy inside the cage ? Anyway Liam had sealed it so it was good enough for her to prouve his good will.

She wanted to get up to join Anaya but was dizzy and sat down. Anaya rushed towards her and took her face in her hands, Celia was very pale, she had never seen her like that.

Anaya : "Cel, you can hear me. how do you feel ?"

Celia could only let out a hurt sound and collapse into Anaya's arms, she felt like her skull was going to explode, her ears were hissing and she was dizzy, it had been a long time since she had felt dizzy like it.

Liam reassured Anaya : "She's fine, she just pushed her limits too far. She should be feeling better in a little while. Lay her there on the sofa and let's wait."

Anaya laid Celia on the sofa and rested her head on her hips, she caressed the face of her wife who had already found back some color, a sigh of relief escaped her, her heart had almost stopped beating when she had seen Celia's collapse.

Ten minutes later Celia opened her eyes again, she felt better and sat down accepting Anaya's help.

Before Anaya asked her the question, Celia explained : "Sorry sweetie, it's been a while since this happened to me, I must have pushed a little too hard and I didn't realize it."

Liam asked : "So the verdict ?"

Celia was wondering : should she told him that not only she found out his true color but she also found that a part of his energy was sealed, a very negative one ?

His soul was pure that was the most important and if her guess was correct he had sealed himself his negative energy.

She tought carefully about it, everybody has the right to have some secrets it won't affect their relationship.

Celia still asked out of curiosity : "Why do you need to hide the fact that your color is silver Other than that, I haven't found any hint of malevolence in you, your soul is pure and powerful, that's fine with me, I trust you."

Anaya : "So your theory was correct, he really hide his color ?"

Celia leaned over to Anaya and kissed her tenderly on the lips : "Apparently yes my baby wife, but I don't know how he did it, did he use a tool or did he do it using his energy like a shield ?"

Liam : "Hey don't pretend I'm not here girls. Celia, can you already see the color of people's level ? "

Celia : "Yes and no. Yes I can make out the color of the people's level, but I have to focus to be able to do it, and no, because I only see what people want to show. It took me a physical contact with you to be able to see your true color."

Liam : "Celia to answer your previously question, i didn't use any tools to hide my color, i use my own energy to do a protective shield and you just broke it, no one had succeeded in doing that yet, and you haven't even opened your spiritual energy and started training, this is completely crazy."

He paused briefly and then continued : "Now why do i have to hide my true color is for mostly two reasons, the first is to keep out of trouble, jealousy is really a pain. And the second is to surprise my opponents, it's better if people think you are weak like that you have an avantage if they want to fight you.

Okay, now are you ready to answer my questions ?"

Celia looked at Anaya it was a decision she had to make together : "Naya, we can trust him I'm sure of it, now do we tell him all or only a part of it."

Anaya : "If you trust him, then let's trust him, tell him everything, you, us, the mark, even the dimension."

Celia smiled : "All or nothing um, I like that."

She kissed Anaya once again on her lips and turned around : "Master Liam, I hope you are ready, our story is not an ordinary story, if you have any questions after hearing it, we will try to answer them honestly. Is that Okay with you ?"

Liam : "I'm listening to you, and I'm dying out of curiosity."

Celia : "Okay, here's a summary of the situation. I died two days ago and found myself in this body. Anaya was next to me when I woke up, the owner of this body is her childhood friend.

Anaya knew right away that I was not her friend because of my eyes, I kept my eyes color from my past life. She took it pretty well and after we introduced ourselves we went for a bath."

Liam mumbled : "Pretty well taken ? Take a bath ? But who are these two phenomena ..."

Celia left him mumbling, she found it too funny then she continued : "Once in the water, I saw a mark on Anaya's breast, it was a pentagram, in my world this mark represents magic, and my family has always had special gifts so I suddenly wanted to touch it. I asked permission from Anaya who agreed.

When I put my finger on her mark, the mark started to glow and heat up, my finger was stuck to her mark I couldn't remove it, then a similar mark appeared on my breast.

Anaya asked my permission to touch it as well and the same happened. My mark started to glow and heat up and Anaya's finger was stuck to my mark as well, and then we ended up in a dimension.

We found back our freedom, Anaya explained to me that we had just mixed our energies, even if it was more an accident than anything else, and that now we were considered as a married couple.

Liam looked at Anaya : "A married couple, um ..."

Anaya blushed and same if Celia didn't know why she continued her explanation : "She also explained to me about the meaning of soulmates.

Before we consummated our marriage we had to do it several times because my mark scared us and at first we didn't know if it was dangerous or not.

When I lose control of my emotions, my mark turns silver and spreads all over my body, it was only after we were sure that there was no risk that we have consummated our union.

The rest you know it, we had decided to learn about the recruitment of the sun sect and we met you there.

Anaya do you want to add something ? And anyway why did you blush, when he talked about married couple ..."

Anaya was still very embarrassed but she told her the truth : "Mixing our energies and be soulmates actually nothing were permanent if we didn't do the union. You can refuse your soulmate and be with somebody else like the mixing energies after few days it's gone and it will not have bound us.

Celia was shocked : "Oh, and you knew it ? That's means that you chose to do the union with me than to be free to choose someone else.

Anaya was confused : "Aren't you angry than i lied to you ?"

Celia smiled : "There is no point to be angry it's already done right. But i m glad to know that you chose me rather than your freedom it means a lot."

Anaya still confused but happy just said : "My love you never react like i imagined, and to get back to our story it was a good summary.

Liam who was wondering why did they have to flaunt their love like that said after earing the last sentence of Anaya : "… A good summary …"

Liam was shocked, he thought : no kidding, not an ordinary story um.

He absolutely had to clarify some points, so he asked : "I think I got the gist, but I'm going to ask you questions that you will have to answer."

The girls nodded, Liam continued : "Celia, you died two days ago, and when you woke up in this body, you said that you have kept your original eyes color, is this true ?"

Celia nodded and asked : "Is there something wrong with that ?"

Liam couldn't believe his ears : "My little girls, nothing is right with your story but you seem both of you completely unaware of that, are you idiots or just too naive."

Anaya looked offended and Celia put her arm on her shoulders : "My baby wife don't take it to heart, see how shocked he looks, i m sure that it was not what he wanted to say he was just too frustated."

After Celia's speech, Liam remembering that he had just accepted them as disciples, he explained to them : "Celia are you always so shameless ... no no it's okay i don't wanna know that answer.

You are right i shouldn't have said that to you, i m sorry girls."

Celia winked at him and then he continued : "Well Celia, there is a big problem, normally people who are reincarnated in another body keep all the characteristics of that body. You shouldn't have kept your eyes color. How did you die ? Tell me."

Celia looked at Anaya with a heavy heart, then she looked at Liam almost begging him : "I don't want to talk about it, especially not in front of Naya."

Anaya was surprised to hear that, and now she wanted to know even more.

But before she could speak Liam continued : "Celia, it's very important, too important, you can't keep this to yourself, and especially not hide it from Anaya, it will end up creating tension and it could damage your bond with her, do you understand ?"

Celia wanted to answer him : you understand my ass if I understand ! But hey she was a well behaved woman so she surrendered : "I wasn't going to hide it from you Naya, I'm just not ready to talk about it. So I'm going to tell this story once, just once, I don't want any questions and I never want to talk about it again is that clear."

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