Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 16 - Birthmark Of The Red Dragon Clan

Her words had been spoken a little harsher than she wanted, but they would soon understand why.

Seeing that they were looking at her with surprised looks but said nothing she began : "I'm going for it. In my past life, I was thirty-four and had two sons, Gabin was three years old and Basile was only  eighteen months old.

I had broken up with their father when I was two months pregnant with my second child. I ran away because he was beating me.

I went through everything with him, humiliation, isolation, repeated death threats, harassment.

I have been almost one year without any news from him, I changed addresses three times in this past year and believed I was safe.

But two days ago he broke into my house, I rushed into the children's room and called the policemen, the ones in my world who help and save people, but by the time they arrived he had already beaten me almost to death, had raped me and had sprayed me with acid.

Despite this I had remained conscious, I think the only mistake he made was underestimating the maternal instinct.

After spraying me with acid, he tried to take away my children, Gabin debated and screamed for help, I managed to get up, I grabbed a toy that was lying around and i hit him right behind his head with all my might.

He fell and didn't get up, I hugged my children and collapsed to the ground.

I lost consciousness after the policemen assured me that my children were safe. Afterwards I woke up in this body and Anaya was the first thing i saw in this new world."

Liam and Anaya were speechless no wonder she didn't want to talk about it.

Anaya felt a nameless rage take hold of her, someone had dared to do that to her wife.

She felt something was wrong with her energy and a pain came from her left wrist, but she didn't care.

All she was caring right now was to destroy this man, reduce him to dust and shatter his soul into a thousand pieces so that he could never exist again.

She felt her mark heat up and the pain from her wrist was still there too, this heat spread all over her body, she was no longer in control, she just wanted to do a massacre.

Celia sensed that there was a problem with Anaya's energy. When she looked at Anaya, she was staring at a point on the ground in front of her.

Her energy was exploding, she was coming out of her body in successive waves, actually it was not only Anaya energy, there was something more, it was like a red string and it began to mixed with her energy.

Celia walked over but was stopped by Liam : "It's too dangerous, she's out of control, her reserve of energy is being released, it can hurt you. I'll have to knock her out to calm her down."

Celia freed herself from his hold and said : "Out of the question, you won't touch her."

Celia looked at Anaya and she could already feel the warmth of her energy dispersing.

She had to ask liam before going to Anaya : "Liam can you see that red string that began to mix with Anaya energy ? What is it ?"

Liam looked at Celia still shocked by what she just told him : "I can't see it Celia, i can just feel that her reserve of energy has released."

Then he added worried : "Cel do you see the mark on her left wrist that have just appeared ? That mark is the hidden birthmark from the red dragon clan, the most powerful clan of all mystical creatures.

The red string that you see should be link with that mark, listen to me, you can't go it is too dangerous."

After earing his explanation she decided to make a shield around her with her energy.

Before rushing to Anaya she said to Liam : "Let me do it my way, she is mine i will take all responsability for her behavior, just truth me okay."

Liam nodded but obviously he won't let them get hurt, he was just curious about how Celia was going to handle it.

Celia went straight to Anaya and she grabbed her face with her hands, trying to make eye contact to calm her down. But Anaya was in a trance, she didn't see her.

The energy that Anaya was releasing was burning her even with the energy shield, but she was not afraid of fire, and it wasn't that kind of burning that could hurt her.

The mark on Anaya's body was spreading more and more, it was visible on her arms, her neck and continued to climb to her face, she didn't take time to look at the second mark on her left wrist, she couldn't offer the luxury to wondering too much.

Celia thought of great dangers the great remedies. She kissed Anaya passionately, opened her mouth and stimulated her with her tongue.

That didn't seem to be enough, so she spread her legs apart and with one of her hand squeezed her hard where she was the most sensitive.

Anaya finally reacted and came to herself. The waves of energy ceased, and the mark halted its progress, the red string came back to her mark on her wrist, everything come back to normal and Anaya collapsed in her arms, she was still conscious though and she was shaking in her arms.

Celia hugged her : "Sweetie, it's alright, it's alright now my baby wife, it's over."

Anaya who had buried her face in her neck, hugged her very tight : "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know what got hold of me, I lost control. I'm gonna kill that asshole."

Celia just said to her : "That asshole will never deserve one of your thought it would be such a waste, got it ?"

Liam added : "Anaya, that asshole isn't even in this world. And Celia asked us not to ask questions and not to talk about it again. Calm down ! She's fine now, she's safe with you."

Anaya took her wife's face and kissed her again and again whispering to her : "I'm sorry, I'm sorry my love, I've lost control."

Anaya looked at Celia and saw red marks on her hands, forearms, neck and same on her cheek, she asked with pitiful eyes : "My love, did I do this to you ?"

The horror could be seen on Anaya's face, Celia hastened to reassure her : "Liam told me that you had lost control, and that your reserve of energy was being released, he wanted to knock you out so you could calm down."

She wanted to see Anaya smile again so she added in a teasing tone : "Like a good wife i have obviously refused it and chose to step into the perimeter of your energy."

With seriousness she added : "So yeah, you did that, but I went there on my own knowing I would be burned. Don't forget I told you my family can ward off fire, and believe me it's not that kind of little burns that can hurt me, in an hour or two there will be no more burns you can rest assure of that, so don't you think that you have a wonderful wife ?"

Celia wanted to be praise but Anaya disagreed : "Why did you do that ? You should have let him knock me out. I love you so much I don't want you to be hurt and especially not by me, or I'll never forgive myself, do you understand that ? How a so wonderful wife couldn't get that ?"

Celia had only remembered one thing from what Anaya had just said : "Did you just say that you love me ?"

Still angry Anaya shouted : "Of course I love you, and I don't care that we just met. Now you are everything to me, so don't ever do that again."

Anaya reversed their places and hugged her, Celia was now on her thighs, Anaya gave an angry look at Liam : "Why did you let her do that ? It could have been worse than just a few burns."

Liam honestly answer : "I was just curious to see how Celia could tame a heirs from the red dragon clan, she looked very confident so i let her try.

But please don't scold me i m still your master and you will have to learn to trust me, i would have never let Celia put her life in danger i was ready to assist her at anytime, okay ?"

Anaya was still angry and wanted to vent more of her anger but Celia kissed her on her lips and said just after : "My baby wife there is no point to arguing anymore what is done is done, show me your left wrist sweetie."

Anaya calmed down, she kissed her and after that she gave an apologetical look to Liam who nodded accepting her apologie.

Then she showed her left wrist to Celia.

There was a red dragon tatoo wrap around her wrist like a bracelet, it was not fully red some gold could be seen on different part of the dragon.

Anaya was confused and looked at Liam with an apologetically smile trying to apease him, she knew it wasn't fair to have vent her anger on him : "Master Liam i m sorry to have vented my anger on you please forgive me."

Liam nodded : "It's ok i prefer you to vent your anger than to loose control over your reserve of energy, Celia will may not be always there to help you out."

Celia : "I will be there !"

Anaya smiled at her but soon looked back at her wrist still very confused : "Master Liam do you know what is this ?"

Liam was confused too : "Ya ! I fu*king know what it is ! It's the birthmark of the red dragon clan, the most powerful mytical creatures, but it's not the birthmark i know, i never seen one with  red and gold color mixed.

You could have live an normal life without never triggered the power of that bloodline but i guess the desire to protect Celia after you heard her story awakened your bloodline.

You said you were both orphans so you don't have any memories from your parents ?

Anaya : "I don't."

Liam : "It's ok don't worry to much about it, but you will still have to hide your dragon mark for safety we will talk about it later, and for now it won't affect your training though."

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