Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 17 - Mage And Fighter Level One

Celia took Anaya's white leather bracelet on her right wrist and put it on her left one to hide the birthmark.

She then asked Liam : "Why did you ask me how I died ? Is there anything to do with the fact that I still have the same eyes color ?"

Liam focused back on Celia, he didn't intervene and let Celia help Anaya as she asked because like he told Anaya, Celia seemed very confident in her own skill.

But the burns on Celia's body should have been extremely serious, and actually she got only few burns, he didn't understand how it was possible.

Celia had said that her original family ward off fire, but we re talking about a fighter's energy reserve here and if you add the power of the red dragon clan their is no way Celia could just got those small burns.

Had Celia used spiritual energy to protect herself, but she didn't open yet her spiritual energy right ? If she hadn't then who was that girl ?

Liam decided to leave this kind of question for later and answer Celia : "Celia, I think you suspect that not everyone can be reincarnated  to another person's body. In fact it is very, very rare.

Your death was violent and unfair, and you sacrificed your last reserves of energy to protect your children. You only agreed to die once you were sure they were safe.

All that you have endured and sacrificed has been allowed you to be reborn. In my opinion, your exceptional potential had to be already in you, and when you found yourself in this body, since you were the stronger of the two, you were able to keep a characteristic of your old self, your eyes."

Anaya : "Nara was a normal girl. She was very nice, maybe too much, but one thing was certain, she would never have become a mage or a fighter.

Celia, my love, you are different, you are so strong. Already in your past live you could do tons of things that even here in this world very few people can do."

Celia didn't really know what to say, so she let herself go against Anaya waiting for more explanation from Liam.

But inexpected Liam said : "We'll drop the rest of the explanation for now. If you have things, we'll go get them. If not, we leave right away."

Celia : "We can leave immediately, all our stuff are in the dimension."

Liam : "We'll wait for Anaya's mark to retract and set off, we will heading to the capital of the south western kingdom, Dawn city."

After a moment of thought, he took out of nowhere two magic pills, one blue and the other red.

Liam explained to them : "I wanted to wait until we get to Dawn City to give you these magic pills, but your energies are too unstable, it's starting to get dangerous.

The blue is for Celia, it will allow you to open your spiritual mind, after that you will have fully access to your spiritual energy which can only be used by mages.

This energy is inside you but not only, an extreme concentration is necessary to be able to use all its potential.

You will be able to use and modulate it as you wish after to eat that magic pill. You will also officially become a level one mage."

Celia took the pill and asked : "Master Liam, you said that the spiritual energy is inside of me but not only. What does it mean ?"

Liam explained : "Mage can use spiritual energy, this energy is very special, it's like using your life essence. Each mage can use a certain amount, this amount increases according to the level of the mage.

But, if a mage can concentrate to the point of communing with the world around him, he will have access to another source of spiritual energy which is called natural energy.

This natural energy can be drawn from everything around us that is alive. It is available for both mages and fighters, with that new energy you could use the elements you are compatible with such as, water, fire, earth, wind or lightning.

We could check which elements you are compatible with but i need to get a tool for that i think we could buy one in Dawn city.

Celia just commented with a "Wow !" Anaya laughed, at least the pressure had gone down.

Liam continued : "Anaya, the red is for you, it will allow you to open your meridians, these are the channels that will allow your chakra to flow throughout your body. Like that, the phenomenon of earlier will not happen again.

The fact that your energy or chakra can flow freely in your body will give you better control over it, and it will not disperse again. You will become a level one fighter.

You both have powerful and wild energy, I will teach you how to channel it and use it. But we will have to go through all the stages. Each level is important, because once crossed, it becomes the basis of the next level. Go ahead, take them !"

The girls obeyed and each ate their pill. Celia closed her eyes and felt her energy rush to the middle of her eyebrows, a feeling of peace seizing her.

When she opened her eyes, she was still sitting on Anaya's thighs, and Anaya hugged her from behind. She turned to look at her, her mark had retracted, she looked much better, her emotions and energy had finally calmed down completely.

Liam watched both of them, and couldn't help to think "What kind of genuises are they ? Anaya had recovered from the pill in only eight minutes and Celia two minutes after Anaya.

Of all the opening ceremonies he had been both fighters and mages needed one and half hour to recovered, for the best one, some needed at least three hours to regain consciousness.

With the appearance of the red dragon bloodline, the future of Anaya was limitless and Celia skill to control the spiritual energy, well to have the chance to see how is she going to develop her talent he felt very lucky.

Liam had already footed the bill, fortunately Anaya didn't burn the whole place it would have been troublesome, so they just had to go.

After going out, he explained to them that he was due to attend an auction in Dawn City and that it was taking place in six days.

They were going to use a teleportation magic circle to save time. It was relatively more expensive than other means of transport, but it was also much faster. Celia did not understand everything but followed suit, Anaya held her by the waist without any intention of letting go.

Celia ends up asking Liam questions about this new world : "Master Liam, now that you know that everything is new to me, can you explain the different way to travel ? And earlier you talked about soulmate couple who could spend a hundred years together, how is that possible ?"

Liam smiled at her : "I never liked titles, so when the three of us are alone called me only Liam. Celia, I'll answer your second question first, how old do you think i am ?"

Celia replied even though she couldn't tell why he was asking this : "Twenty six or twenty seven years old."

Liam replied : "I'm a little over four thousand years old, and I'm still very young. Does that answer your question ?"

Celia was shocked but not destabilized : "Wow ! No kidding ? And no, not quite, you didn't answer the how is it possible ?"

Liam laughed so hard that the other passersby turned around : "One thing's for sure is that I'm not going to get bored with you.

The average person lives an average of one hundred years.

Mages and fighters depending on their level can live indefinitely, the reserve of energy for fighters also called chakra and spiritual energy for mages can prolong their life, and your body will stay healtly and young.

However, even if in absolute terms dying of old age is not really an option for us, we can very well be killed."

Celia looked at Anaya, so she was going to stay the rest of her life with this woman by her side, not just fifty years or so.

Anaya looked at her and smiled at her, hugging her a little tighter, she said : "Don't worry my love, I will work very hard and i will become so strong that no one will ever be able to hurt you again, I will protect you."

Celia : "That wasn't exactly what I was thinking. Sweetie, I know it's a bit late here, but you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me, after all we've only known each other since yesterday. I'm sorry, this concept of immortality is a bit shocking to me."

Anaya : "Oh, that's what you were thinking about. I don't know how to explain it, but when i saw your eyes and when our hands sent electric waves into our bodies, I knew it was you, that you were my soulmate. So yes, I want to spend the rest of my life by your side.

I already told you, you are the first one and you will be the last one."

Liam in an exasperated tone : "Again ! Please, can you spare me and don't forget that I'm still here you can keep your sweet words for later."

Celia with a playfully tone : "Ya ! He is true, i have already told you to stop trying to seduce me with your sweet words, it's pointless i have already fallen for you."

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