Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 18 - The Teleportation Magic Circle

Liam : "Damn you Celia."

Both were laughing out loud and in his heart Liam was really very happy to have found those girls.

Liam looked at them and smiled : "Until you get stronger Naya, you two don't have to worry, I will protect both of you, I swear it.

I might not look like it but I am very powerful, out of all Eben there are only three people who can beat me up, so focus on your training."

Liam was really trilled to start training them and getting to know them, life had been really boring lately.

He finally remembered Celia's first question : "Celia for travelling, I'll give you an example, if we had to take the road to Dawn city it will take us at least two months, by tunes about flying giant birds, it will take us a good week. With the teleportation magic circle only two hours is enough.

Now for the price, on the road it will cost us only a few gold coins per person, per flying giant birds it must be around five hundred gold coins per person, and the teleportation magic circle here must cost around ten thousand gold coins per person."

Celia stopped, ten thousand gold pieces, with Anaya they had gold, but it was a large sum that Liam was asking for. Anaya who was holding Celia by her waist had been stopped by her.

She looked at her wife and saw her eyes full of uncertainty.

Anaya understood immediately and whispered in her ear : "My love, if it is for the money don't worry, did you already forget that in the magic bag there are twenty-five million gold coins, not counting the treasures in the dimension and the other exchange currencies of the other magic bags.

Relax my love, if ever we ran out of money it would be easy to earn it, fighters and mages are the highest paid people in Eben. Money will never be a problem for us okay."

Celia smiled relieved to hear this : "Ok sweetie, I'll let you handle the finances then ! And sorry it's just that i have always struggled to get money so it's hard to think that now i don't have to worry about it."

Although she was on the street, Celia gave her a light kiss on the lips.

Liam coughed to get their attention : "If the two of you are done, we can go now."

After walking for almost an hour, they arrived at the teleportation magic circle. There were four teleportation magic circles, each could accommodate up to twelve people, and all four led to a single destination, the capital of the south western kingdom, Dawn city. If you wanted to go somewhere else, you had to go to the capital first.

Many people were already waiting to take the teleportation magic circle. Fortunately after making inquiries, there were still six places left in the last "boxing ring", ya actually the teleportation magic circle look like a circle boxing ring, and the departure was scheduled in thirty minutes.

Celia thought : what a good timing, a little bit more and they should have waited until the next day to leave.

Liam explained to them that like it was not a big city and the people here were not that rich only one departure per day was available.

If all four teleportation magic circles was full all people who had booked it will receive a notification and then they will leave right away, if they were not full the schedule time was settled  at three pm, so in thirty minutes.

She couldn't wait to discover the capital, would it still be a city that looked like it had emerged from the Middle Ages or a more modern style, she was very excited, her new life was like one of an aventurer.

Waiting for the departure, Celia asked Anaya about the guide book for mages they found in the dimension, and Anaya all smiles took their magic bag and gave the book to Celia, she said she put it in just in case Celia would like to read it.

Celia was really please, she then found a quite place for her and Anaya and she began to read it to learn what it means to be a mage.

So at the begining to be a mage look quite boring.

Till the fifht level, she could only make magic pills, after level five she could begin to use the five elements, at least the one she will be compatible with.

At level seven, she could learn to draw array like that teleportation magic circle, she guessed, and drawn talisman, it will be like casting some spell, she didn't finish the book before Liam  called them for the departure but she couldn't wait to start her training.

In fact if she could have learn that with her brothers it will have been so much funnier. She was sure if her brothers was there they will be mages like her. She really missed her lovely familly, fortunately she didn't much have time to think to them so the pain in her heart was  bearable.

Liam had told them that once settled into the hotel they would begin their respective training. He would make a list of what they needed, and will go shopping for all the supplies.

At that moment, Celia had let him talk. But, when he had walked away to pay the cost of the transport, which he had decided to offer them, she had suggested to Anaya, whispering in her ear, that since they had decided to trust him, they might as well show him the dimension as quickly as possible.

After all, that list of furnitures he absolutely wanted to do, would probably be useless after showing him the dimension.

When they were able to settle into the teleportation magic circle, there were no seats so Liam led them to the back and told them to stand on the safety railing.

Celia asked full of curiosity : "Liam, how does this work ?"

Liam smiled at her and explained : "The teleportation magic circle all work the same. They are always created in pairs, to be able to enter and exit, that circle boxing ring is like a boat sending us to the arrival port.

They can cover very long distances depending on the magic circle, or more known as magic array, and the power of the one who drew it. You cannot see the magic array because it is below the ring.

Only mages of level seven and above can create them, and again the mage drawing the array must have a special affinity with the earth element. The magic array use the spiritual energy of the mage and create a portal, the earth element is used to link the two portals and make it stable.

The downside to this transport is that the magic array have to be renewed every month. Fortunately, the capital of south western has no shortage of high-level mages."

Anaya with her eyes full of excitement : "So Celia will be able to create this kind of portal later ? This is just so cool !"

Liam replied : "As long as she has an affinity with the earth element, yes of course Celia will be able to do it.

If she has an affinity with the lightning element, she could even create transdimensional portals.

This is a whole new level, those portals can only be create by level eleven mage or above and it is used to travel from world to world. You can even travel in world of another plane of existence."

Celia asked with excitement : "What did you just say ? If i have an affinity with the lightning element i will be able to travel to a world in another plane of existence ? Like the world I come from ? Could I ever go back there ?"

Celia who was still being held by the waist by Anaya hugged her a little more, full of excitement and, at the same time, apprehensive as she awaited Liam's response.

Liam before answering set up a force field around them so that no one could overhear the rest of their conversation : "You are thinking of your children."

He smiled at her and continued : "You can, but it will be difficult, let me explain. There are three kinds of planes of existence which are the higher plane of existence, there is only one world there and it is called Stellar, intermediate plane of existence, there are three worlds called respectivily Eben, Inferno and Elementary, Anaya already told you that right, it's a normal knowledge for everyone here."

Celia just nodded, Anaya already explained that to her the first time they looked in the library in the dimension.

Liam then continued : "And there is the lower plane of existence, where your world probably comes from, there are a hundred of them.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but even you I'm sure you understand, creating a transdimensional portal to the higher plane of existence will be something much easier, because at this point in your evolution as a mage, you will be able to feel the higher spiritual energy of this world, and it will give you a lair point to stabilize the portal.

If I understood what you told me correctly, your world must have almost no spiritual energy, hence the difficulty."

Anaya could sense Celia's disappointment so she said : "Don't think too much about it right now my love, I promise we will find a solution and join your family. Your potential is almost limitless, and don't forget that you have me too. I will always support you."

Celia looked at her and smiled, then she looked back at Liam and said : "Ok, let's not talk about this for now, but now that i know it's possible i won't spare any effort to go back there, my babies still need their mommy. I m so excited my baby wife, I can't wait to start our training."

Anaya laught and kissed her forehead.

After a moment Celia added : "Liam, have you put a shield around us ?"

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