Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 19 - The Legendary Level

Liam laughed : "Definitely nothing escapes you Celia. Yes I have surrounded us with a force field, in the future if we want to discuss about your origins, we would have to do it when we are in a safe place and not in a public place.

When the teleportation magic circle will be activated, I will not be able to maintain the force field.

So if you have any further questions, we'll have to wait until we get to the Dawn city. I think it's almost the time now."

Just when Liam finished his sentence, the view around the teleportation magic circle began to change. It was beautiful, the outside world disappeared and was replaced by a sea of turquoise and sapphire color, these two colors matched beautifully.

Liam exclaimed : "Well, well ! This magic array have been done by a level eight mage about to upgrade to level nine this is very impressive. Dawn city is not skimping on resources."

Celia asked : "Can you guess the level of the mage with the color around us ? And why are you saying he doesn't skimp on the resources ?"

Liam : "Oh ya, that's right, maybe you don't know the colors associated with level yet ?"

Celia : "Naya just explained to me about the black, gold and silver one."

Celia thought that same the book didn't mention it, may be it was too common for them to be written in books.

Liam : "Your two questions meet, I'm going to give you a summary of what you need to know first about mages and then about fighters.

Level one to level three mages are considered low potential mages and it's currently sixty-five percent of the mages. The color of a level one mage is green, level two is gray, and level three is yellow.

Then there are level four to level six mages who are considered mages with an intermediate potential, they represent twenty percent of mages. The color of a level four mage is orange, level five is red, and level six is fuchsia.

Mages from level seven to level nine are high potential mages and represent only ten percent of mages. The color of a level seven mage is lavender, level eight is turquoise, and level nine is sapphire.

The remaining five percent are for level ten and eleven mages who are said to be of exceptional potential, their respective color is black and gold."

Liam leaned over to the girls and whispered the rest : "Celia you have a level twelve potential which is not even one percent of mages, your potential is said to be unlimited, we also call level twelve mages, legendary mages, and of course your color is silver. There are only four mages in all Eben who have this potential, at least to my knowledge, you are the fifht one.

For fighters it's a little bit different, the signification of the level and the color stay the same, only the percentage is different.

There is no low level fighter, if you can use chakra then it means that you can at least reach level four, so thirty five percents of fighters are intermediate level, forty five percent are high level, fifteen percent are exceptional level and five percent can reach the level twelve, like there are more fighters be able to reach that level it's not called legendary level but the ultimate level."

When Liam said that Anaya couldn't help but to feel weak, her level was only an exceptional one and five percent of fighters could reach the ultimate level, it means that five percent will be always stronger that her how could she protect her wife if she couldn't reach at least this level.

She couldn't think too much about it though because Liam was still explaining to her what was the signification of the colors around them.

Liam : "When a mage or a fighter is about to level up, the color of their current level blends with the one of the higher level. Right now, even if your potential is the color silver, people can only perceive a green color.

The color that you can see around people it's their level and not their true potential. Normally mages and fighters can see them only when they reach the level eight, but unexcpected you can already see it Celia."

Liam paused, while Celia and Anaya digest all this information, then resumed : "As for your second question, Naya has already answered it. Mages and fighters are the highest paying professions in this world. And believe me, for a level eight mage to agree to create a magic array between two cities, it means that the one who request it is quite wealthy."

Anaya all smiles : "See, I told you my love, money won't be a problem for us."

Celia smiled and winked at her, then returned her attention to Liam : "Anaya and I have decided to show you something when we get settled in the hotel.

This is something we want to share with you. You decided to guide us and you promised to protect us until we can do it ourselves, then Naya and I don't want to keep any secrets from you.

What we're going to show you will probably answer a lot of your questions."

Liam nodded to tell her he got it and remained silent. He was surprised, other than that dimension they had mentioned, he didn't really see what else it could be.

Moreover, from the little that they had mentioned it, this dimension did not seem to be a common dimension.

Normally, even for soulmates who both have a similar mark on their chest, they should both have their own dimension, and they should only be able to activate it upon reaching level six.

Anaya and Celia haven't even started their training yet and their common dimension has already been activated, come to think of it, he had never heard of a common dimension shared by soulmates.

Only that legend about the ultimate dimension could match with what they told him, but it's impossible right, it's just a legend nothing else.

Seeing that Liam was lost in thought, Celia turned and hugged Anaya, she rested her head in the crook of her neck and tenderly kissed her tender skin. Anaya caressed her hair with one hand, her other hand remaining possessively on her waist.

They stayed that way until the teleportation magic circle stopped. Celia couldn't wait to see what a capital city could look like in this new world.

Anaya was just as excited, aside from the village where the orphanage was and the forest that surrounded it, the city of Lights was the first city she had discovered and now she had arrived in the Dawn city, a capital.

She wanted to take Celia shopping and just have a good time with her. She was still upset by her wife's story, and what she went trought but Celia seemed to have a great ability to adapt quickly, and take things as it came.

Her wife was what we call a quiet force, so strong and so gentle, she was a person who will never choose the violence first but who could do everything to protect their love ones.

Once outside Liam explained to them that they were going to stay at a hotel near where the auction was to be held.

Celia was very curious so she asked : "Why do you have to participate in this auction ?"

Liam : "This auction is very special, it only takes place once a year, and it is always full of treasures. The Northern Academy asked me to bring back a box that contained several level ten magic pill scrolls. There might be things that interest you."

Celia : "Maybe."

They both followed Liam through the maze of streets, at the moment Dawn city looked quite a bit like the City of Lights but on top of that, the streets were literally crowded. Liam led them through the shopping streets.

There were everything from grocery, wood supply shop, textile shop, there were even shop specializing in selling magic pills and others selling magic herbs. They also passed a huge library, an armory, and even a jewelry.

Celia didn't like shopping too much, maybe because in her past life she had never had enough money to be able to enjoy it, but she could see Anaya's expression, her eyes were glowing with excitation. Celia promised to find time to satisfy her baby wife's curiosity.

After all, Anaya was only fifteen, and she had only known the orphanage, it was time for her to enjoy life.

An expression came to her mind that made her smile, in her family it was used a lot to tease each other, it was : baby is discovering life.

Liam stopped before a huge hotel and waved the girls in. He booked two suites for six nights, one suite in this hotel cost ten gold coins a day, the equivalent of the month they had paid to the city of Lights, she guessed that it was the difference between to be a big or small city.

It was still around five o'clock in the afternoon, so Liam offered to take a little break and meet in the hotel restaurant in two hours. The girls were too happy to be able to finally be alone, and quickly entered their suite before Liam changed his mind.

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