Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 185 - The Battle For The Red Papers

Celia and Aiden had done exactly what Basile had suggested, and after launching a wave of universe energy through the transdimensional portal to strengthen the seals that held prisoner the demon god, the transdimensional portal had closed.

Celia had let Aiden and Caleb finish taking care of that asshole, whitout that shield to protect him, he was at their mercy and thank to the Sword of Chaos whatever will happen they will be safe.

While with Anaya, Liam and Alec, they had started the second phase of their plan.

They teleported themselves using instant teleportation portal spells to the city of the elves, where the shop to purchase the talisman papers was located.

The second phase of their plan was very simple and it was for them to appropriate all the red papers available, whether in this shop or directly at the source which was guarded by evil creatures.

Celia began by buying the green papers which according to the owner was the easiest talisman paper to obtain, and he said to her that he would never run out of trees to create one because it was the most common tree in their world.

She bought him fifty thousand of green papers in one go, the owner had refused to increase the prices for them so Celia took the opportunity to refuel.

She asked the owner if they could use the blue papers to store the trees of the red papers, and she was satisfied because the owner explained to her that one blue paper could store an entire tree on its own.

She ended up buying him all his stock of red papers, which was just over six thousand, and she also bought five thousand blue papers, just as the green papers they were reusable at will, that should be enough for a good while, thought Celia.

Celia let Alec handle the transaction which was two hundred and fifty million notes, and the owner gave them the name of the place where the evil creatures kept the trees for the production of the red papers, as promised.

Celia contact Aiden and told him the name of this place and that they needed to hurry to go there before the demon god send the reinforcement.

The ultimate goal of all of this was to fight for the red papers, this was a battle that they couldn't afford to lose, the demon god would definitely send someone very strong to protect this reserve.

They all met at the entrance of the Evil Forest, it was called like this because of those evil creatures guarding the trees of the red papers, and Celia was happy to see that Daniel was back to fight with them.

Celia said to the others : "Here is the plan, I will use a large shield made from universe energy, Anaya will stay with me and fight from there, she will attack them and protect you at the same time.

Aiden you can fight alone, the sword will protect you by creating a shield around you, Liam and Alec you will stay together, Alec will take one of our daggers to fight, Caleb will take the other one and he will stay with Daniel.

Even if we have managed to strengthen the seals that hold her prisoner, I think she understood what we are trying to do now, she will surely send us one of her generals to try to stop us.

If it gets too dangerous, get the hell out of there and go directly inside the dimension, my shield will protect us, Anaya and me, and we still have a lot of surprises we want to try against them, so don't be worried about us."

Liam nodded and said to everyone : "We will use in priority the spells with the light energy of Anaya to fight against them, if one of the generals really shows up, Aiden you will have to take care of him, you are the more qualified among us to do it, the girls will cover you, with the others we will take care of the vermin."

Everyone was happy with this plan, it was the best they could come up with in such a short time, Alec and Caleb each took a dagger which they both turned into swords.

Alec had used his dragon's sacred fire energy on it and a green paper with light energy, so the blade had turned red with golden flames on it.

As for Caleb he had used his darkness energy directly on it, the blade turned black and flames of the same color appeared immediately, after all, the darkness energy was effective to eliminate all forms of life.

He entrusted his green papers filled with light energy to Daniel, and Daniel sighed but took them anyway to appease his man, he already felt lucky that Caleb came back to get him to fight.

They were finally ready to enter to the forest and Aiden and Caleb led them towards their enemies with their hunting skills.

Aiden finally took his brother's arm to stop him and turned to the others to say : "Their numbers have been multiplying at least by five in the last few minutes, and more are still arriving.

No matter how powerful we are, it's going to be a long battle, we will probably have to take turns to get some rest."

Celia shook her head and said : "No need, we will use that instead."

Celia gave them all few bottle of the lake water to replenished there reserve of energy.

She said again : "Don't forget that Anaya won't be the only one to protect you I will fight too, it will be okay."

Aiden looked at her in the eye and said to her : "We will be all in your care then, they're right in front of us, get ready."

They came to a large plain and across the plain was a forest of red trees, their targets.

Only, between them and this forest was a big army, there were about fifty men, some were demons, others fighters, none was a real threat, only their number was threatening.

Behind these men were some kinds of unknown creatures, there were some kind of big dog that were two meters tall and which had gigantic black flames on their backs, as well as creatures that looked like griffins and also had black flames all around their wings.

Behind these evil creatures stood a man, he was leaning against one of the red trees and Celia could not scan him, she could not help saying to Anaya : "My beloved baby wife, i think you are going to enjoy this battle a lot."

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