Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 186 - A Diversion ?

They advanced towards their enemies and the girls positioned themselves inside their shield, Celia created as in the tournament forty layers of shield with the universe energy and she came to stand near Anaya to be able to attack more easily.

Together with Anaya she would take care of the evil creatures, Liam, Alec, Caleb and Daniel would take care of the fighters and the demons, and Aiden would take care of this man who was probably the general of this army.

This battle had last for several hours, almost a whole day, these evil creatures were much more powerful than they had expected.

Anaya's golden flames could do nothing against the power of their black flames, it was only with the help of the universe energy that they ended up killing all of them.

It had taken them quite a long time as Anaya while attacking these evil creatures, was protecting the boys and kept them from getting serious injuries, when Celia occasionally gave Aiden a hand when he was in trouble.

This man who had fought against Aiden was strong enough to fight against the power of the Sword of Chaos, that was truly impressive.

But the girls had seen him appeared in their vision, so they knew that he would eventually run away and as expected, after losing almost all of his men and evil creatures, he threw a red paper and a transdimensional portal opened, before fleeing he laughed and told Aiden that this was just the beginning.

After that battle they were all exhausted but Aiden had to say its thoughts out loud : "That was way to easy, there is something wrong, I know we are all tired but we should finished here quickly and go back to Eben."

Daniel had sat down when the last men had fled under the command of that man, he said to Aiden : "Brother, how can you say it was too easy, I m fuc*ing tired."

Caleb sat down behind him and made him leaned against his body, he caressed his hair and said to Aiden : "I agree with you, it was too easy, as if the main battle wasn't here and this one was just a diversion."

Daniel looked at Caleb a little lost and said to him : "You too think that was too easy ?"

Caleb kissed him and bit his lower lip before saying : "Ya, something was wrong in that battle."

Anaya asked them confused : "A diversion ?"

Celia was confused too she asked them : "If the main battle weren't there, then where is it ? Weren't us fighting for those red trees ?"

Liam said frowning : "Don't tell me she has willingly accepted to lose the red papers, why would she do that ?"

Aiden answered them : "The red papers isn't important like for us to her, she has probably enough right now to wait until she will be free again.

So I can only see two options, she will try to avenge that man she had try to save or she will try to get the golden stone that is in Elementary."


Meanwhile on Eben, Tal had received an emergency call from the Northern Academy saying that they were being besieged by demons and unknown creatures who all had black flames on them.

Fortunately for Tal and the others they still had enough green papers of light energy left to fight against the black flames, and the shield which surrounded the Northern Academy was not made of energy like the ones Celia used.

Liam had explained to them that it was seals that held it in place and that no attack so far had succeeded in destroying it.

That shield would give them time to arrive there and check the power of their ennemies before deciding what to do.

He decided to warn Liam, after all the Northern Academy was very important to him, he took out the transdimensional stone of communication and Liam answered his call immediately, he said to him : "I hope you have finished settling your business over there, because we are going to need reinforcements here and quickly.

The Northern Academy is being besieged by demons and evil creatures with black flames on them."

Liam asked him : "How long will it take for all of you to reach the Northern Academy, when did the attack start and does the shield hold up ?"

Tal replied : "We're heading right now to the Northern Academy, we'll be there in a dozen hours, we can't go any faster and the attack has just started, for now the shield are holding up, I will let know if I got more information."

Liam said to him : "We will meet there, we will probably arrive before you, Celia will soon be finished collecting all the trees that provide the red papers."

Tal said : "Okay, we will go there as fast as possible."


Caleb said once the communication was cut off : "So she went for revenge, our uncle know how important the Northern Academy is for Liam."

Aiden said : "May be they thought that Liam had the golden stone that our father gave me and that he hid it in the Academy."

Liam said : "Whether it is for revenge or getting back a golden stone, we have to go protect them, we absolutely need more people by our side, we can't be always at her mercy, we need to protect the worlds that we have taken back from her."

Celia who was busy to put the blue papers on the trunks of the red trees with her spiritual energy said to him : "I agree, we need to hold our positions on the worlds we are taking back and especially on those who have an advantage tactic like this one.

I will be done soon here, we will be able to go, maybe your friends and the Grand Masters of the Northern Academy will have a solution for us."

Liam said : "Okay, we're ready Cel ... Are you sure your technique will work ?"

Celia had just finished placing a blue paper on each tree, she wanted to use them all at the same time, she said to him : "I'm done, and we'll see if it works, let's try !"

Celia used green papers with her spiritual energy and tied all the blue papers together, she said "Capture", and just like that an entire forest of red trees disappeared, still using the spiritual energy of her green papers she made the blue papers returned to her and stored them in her magic bag.

She turned to the others and said : "It worked, let's go now !"

Anaya threw three red papers and the transdimensional portals appeared, she said : "After that fuc*ing battle I want to take few days off !"

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