Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 195 - A Great Discovery

Celia couldn't believe it, she had just found a fourth energy, and this energy source, unlike the creation energy, was an inexhaustible source.

This fourth energy was called simply the regeneration energy, Celia needed to test it to see if it could be used as well on mystical creatures, as on demons or even on humans, but for the moment, the most important was to fill a lot of green papers with this energy.

She asked Daniel to remake an energy ball with his chakra and this time she used green papers with her spiritual energy so as not to get tired during the process.

Caleb and Anaya had finally joined them and when Celia finally sat down on the floor, gesturing to Daniel that it was over, he also sat down completely exhausted.

Celia had made him make in the last two hours at least two hundred balls of energy of his chakra, thanks to her green papers with her spiritual energy, she absorbed so quickly his orange energy that this one did not have time to regenerate and therefore he had to constantly provide her with new balls of energy.

Anaya asked Celia when this one was bringing back all the green papers scattered all around them in front of her with her spiritual energy : "What did you find my love ?"

Celia gave one of the green papers to Anaya and she saw the astonishment in her eyes, her baby wife said to her : "I thought there were only two energies, light and darkness and you have already found two others, creation and regeneration, have you already tested it ?"

Caleb, who had hugged a completely exhausted Daniel, had a hard time hiding his grievance, but when he heard that Anaya was speaking of a new energy, he understood better, he asked Celia : "You found this new energy in his chakra ?"

Celia nodded and she said to Caleb : "Not really, well maybe I'm not sure, when he made his chakra energy balls, the chakra was only a core in the center and it was surrounded by a bright red energy which was mixed with the orange energy which is the regeneration energy."

Celia said to them : "I think this man who tortured the both you was not just a demon, after all he had the same characteristics as Daniel a demonic flame and instead of Daniel's orange-red flame, his was a green one."

Anaya nodded, it seemed logical, she said to her : "So there are species which can contain other kinds of energies, it is rather a great discovery."

Celia patted her cheek affectionately and said to her : "Yes it is, my golden dragon which can provide unlimited light energy is no longer that exceptional ... ouch !"

Anaya had just pinched her thighs, so she quickly said to appease her : "Of course, my beloved baby wife is always the most amazing one."

Anaya kissed her fiercely and said close to her ear : "Good, remember it for the next time."

Celia just had remembered that Anaya asked her if she had already tested this new energy, she said to them : "I haven't had time to test it yet, but we can test it right now, to do this I need a demon, a mystical creature and a human, we're all here."

Celia pulled out her dagger and handed it to Caleb : "The honor is yours."

Caleb took the dagger and before Daniel had a chance to stop him, Caleb had sunk it deep into his thigh and when he pulled out blood was spreading all over the place.

Daniel was furious he said to him putting his two hands on the wound to stop the bleeding : "What the hell Caleb, couldn't you just cut your arm ?"

Caleb kissed his forehead and caressed his head he said : "We need to make sure that your energy can heal everyone on the battlefield and not just some small scratches … It's up to you Cel, let's try it !"

Celia was a little shocked, she also thought like Daniel that a simple cut on the arm would have been enough, but what Caleb had just said made sense too, she said to Daniel : "I'm ready, you can take off your hands, and don't worry if it doesn't work I'll use darkness energy directly to heal his wound."

Daniel still looked furious with Caleb, but he did as Celia told him and after removing his hands, he stepped back to give her more room.

Celia pulled out that orange energy from the green paper and positioned it over Caleb's wound, the wound closed almost instantly and Caleb looked at her stunned.

Celia absorbed back the orange energy that hadn't been used inside the green paper and she asked him : "How are you feeling ? Is your demonic energy reacting weird ?"

Caleb shook his head and said : "No weird feeling, it's like I didn't stab myself at all."

Daniel suddenly disappeared and Caleb sighed helplessly he was going to have to coax his man, he looked at Celia and asked her : "Do you still need me ?"

Celia smiled at him and said : "No I m done, you can go and coax your man, on the other hand if you feel weird effects come to find me right away."

Caleb nodded and disappeared to join Daniel.

Celia looked at Anaya and handed her the dagger, Anaya did the same as Caleb and Celia hastened to use the orange energy on her wound, as for Caleb Anaya felt no side effects.

So she was the last one, she wasn't afraid of the pain but when the dagger was about to stab her thigh Anaya stopped her.

She took the dagger from her hand and she made a slight cut on her arm.

Anaya said to her : "That will be enough my love, you don't need to stab yourself."

Celia once again used the orange energy and her cut closed immediately, she also felt no side effects.

This energy was a gift from heaven, she said to Anaya : "Thanks to this energy, we will be able to save a lot of life, it's amazing."

Anaya hugged her a bit to savor this moment, but she finally said to her : "Aiden asked us to hurry up with the preparations, that the longer we wait, the more enemies will come and the more difficult it will be to beat them."

Celia nodded and said : "Okay, let's get back to work then, we need to go to the simulator to create more spells."

Anaya nodded : "I've already warned everyone that we need twelve hours and that we won't be reachable during that time, are you sure the shield will hold up ?"

Celia nodded and said : "Absolutely sure, let's go then."

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