Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 196 - New Shield

Fortunately, Celia and Anaya had only stayed in the dimension four hours finally.

When they returned to the academy, they saw that everyone was on the fortified wall, and they could feel a heavy atmosphere in the air.

Celia and Anaya after hearing a deafening noise and feeling the earth shake under their feet, rushed to the wall to see what was going on.

Celia first of all searched where were her children and brothers and as she expected, Basile was in Aiden's arms while Gabin curiously was in the arms of Alec, Arthur who was in the human form of a little boy of seven or eight years old now, stood near Tal and Onyx.

Her brothers were also well protected, apparently the magic beasts that she had freed from their cursed seal took their role of bodyguard very seriously.

Anaya called her to draw her attention to the shield, contrary to Celia thought, the shield was cracking and at this rate it was going to break soon, she absolutely had to save them some time.

Celia called Liam : "Liam, has the academy been evacuated of all of its students ?"

Liam turned around when he heard Celia calling him and she could see the relief on his face, he told her : "Yes all the students have been evacuated to a Lys Alliance base, they are safe there.

On the contrary, your brothers refused to go and they told us that if we would send your children there you would turn us into dog food."

Celia smiled at their brothers and said to Liam : "You did well to listen to my brothers."

She turned to her brothers and felt like a change in their energies, she used her super perception and saw silver filaments around their colors.

Celia asked them puzzled : "But what have you done, why do you have filaments around your colors ?"

Anthony replied : "Don't worry we just temporarily mixed our energies with our bodyguards, me with Sky, Jeremy with Lilac and Yann with Flame."

Celia was still looking at him with that expression of 'Why the hell did you do that' on her face so he explained to her : "Well, we are still too weak to go to the battlefield and the red seals to attack will become unusable when the battle will begin, so we had to find a way to help you otherwise.

It was Yann who had the idea, in your green jade disc you explain that only a mage and a fighter who have mixed their energy can use the shield which serves as both defense and attack.

The mage holds the shield while the fighter launches attacks.

The important point here is that we just need to mix our energy to a fighter, we don't have to wait until we find our soulmate or some other connection for it to work, hence the term temporarily mixed our energies."

Celia would never have thought of that, it is true that if there is no Union consumption the filaments will disappear by themselves in two or three days.

Celia looked at them and actually couldn't believe that her brothers and friends truly did that, that was fuc*ing brillant.

She saw the astonishment of Liam and the others, so obviously nobody was aware of it, Celia said to them : "Brothers, and my friends, you have just considerably increased our attack force, what a good move."

Snow then stepped forward and said : "For this battle I will keep the children in the dimension, it's not that I don't want to fight but I know very well that you will never leave them to strangers, so we came out with this solution, like the others will fight alongside with your brothers."

Celia was really happy that Snow volunteered to babysit, it was a weight that had just come off her shoulders, she smiled at him to show her gratitude when she suddenly heard someone scream : "He's coming back."

She didn't get the time to be ready that another powerful attack was launched on the shield.

Celia felt the tremors even on the wall and looked intently at the cracks on the shield.

She revealed her wings of spiritual energy and said to Snow : "Thank you for taking care of the children for this battle, we will definitely find another solution for the next few ones, I promise, take them now and leave, it's getting to dangerous."

Celia had no time to waste, she absolutely had to create a new shield before this one broke.

Celia used her spiritual energy to take her children back from Aiden and Alec arms, she kissed them softly and told them that she loved them very much.

She didn't forget to remind them to be good with uncle Snow, then she handed them to Snow who took them and disappeared immediately into the dimension followed by Arthur.

A good thing have been done thought Celia, she soared into the air and placed herself in the center of the current shield.

She took out her dagger and instantly changed it to a scepter, she opened her divine door and sent her universe energy inside the scepter which absorbed it a bit like the Sword of Chaos with the darkness energy.

Clara had told her that this dagger was made for a mage to help him concentrate his energy, after several tries in the similator, Celia now knew how to use it to her advantage.

Once the energy was concentrated in the scepter, she could use it at will without getting tired.

Celia had to hurry, if the attacks were launched at regular intervals then she only had two or three minutes at most to create the biggest shield she had ever made, no pressure at all she thought wryly.

She unfurled six hundred green papers all around the existing shield using the scepter.

She focused on the scepter and released the energy of the six hundred green papers all at once, she counted, one, two, three, four and five ...

Her six hundred green papers could only create five layers of shield.

Celia was quite pleased with this result, the energy that had just been dispersed was a whole new shield, she had mixed the universe energy with the light energy of Anaya and the regeneration energy of Daniel.

Thanks to Daniel's regeneration energy her shield was no longer limited in time and it had become much more resistant too.

Celia returned to her position in front of the battlefield and looked into the eyes of the man who was solely responsible for destroying the academy's shield.

This man was extremely powerful his demonic flame was the greatest she has ever seen, if she were to compare it to the one of Caleb, the most powerful demon she knew, this man's demonic reserve was double than his and to top it off, he had eighty percent darkness energy in his demonic flame.

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