Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 2 - Anaya's Mark

Celia was speechless, who would have thought that "Miss Rambo" was actually a fragile young girl with a fear to be left alone that was painful to see.

Celia was smiling heartily : "I have no intention of leaving so don't worry. And I will do my share of the work so that we can have a better life."

Celia thought to herself : that won't be too difficult coz how can it be worst than that.

She continued : "Ah yes, I am not fragile so please take advantage ! However, I have everything to learn, so you will have to be patient with me, but I m a fast learner so it shouldn't be a problem."

Celia had great confident in her skill, whatever work she had taken in her previous life, she only needed few hours to adapt and she always got praise.

Anaya even laughed when she saw how Celia was determinate to prouve it : "Alright, alright, I can see that you are full of energy. I am very happy to meet you Celia."

Anaya couldn't forget that Nara's body was having a huge fever just few hours ago so it won't be good for Celia to do anything with a weak body.

So Anaya added : "Come on, let's take a bath first, Nara's body has sweated a lot it will be good for you to wash it up, follow me."

Anaya took her hand to lead the way, and Celia felt again that electric shock, Anaya also looked at their hands with a strange expression, but she didn't say anything and took her near a hot spring.

This girl was really not shy, she undressed completely in front of her and went into the hot spring.

Anaya was not only very pretty, she also had a stunning body, this girl was a real treat for her eyes.

The hot spring looked like an oasis, a little gem of nature, in other words a downright heavenly place.

Celia wasn't shy either so she also undressed and followed Anaya. Once inside the hot spring, Anaya reached her in a few strokes.

Celia noticed that Anaya had a weird tattoo just above her left breast.

Previously, it was hidden by her off-shoulder top, she couldn't help but ask the question : "Naya … Uh, can I call you Naya ? I've always preferred first names with two syllables, sorry, and then I have to find a nickname for you like we're going to live together, i think it suit you well ..."

It was a really strange concept for Anaya but if it could please Celia then she doesn't care much. She still didn't know why she was so scared that she could leave her just like that.

When she woke up and look at those beautiful blue eyes it was like her heart and soul was taken away by celia, if you add the electric shock that happened when she took her hand not once but twice.

Would that mean that she had found her soulmate ? Celia didn't know anything about that though, so she had to be careful not to frighten her. Plus this was just a guess right now so let's see how thing will go on.

Anaya answered quickly : "You can ! It doesn't bother me on the contrary. Sould i give you one too ?"

Celia laughed : "My friends always call me Cel so if you want you can call me like that."

Anaya nodded, same if it was just a nickname for friends it was already a good start.

Celia spoke again : "Tell me Naya, is that a tattoo on your breast ?"

Anaya looked at her breast and said after a brief hesitation : "This is not a tattoo, this mark appeared about four months ago, I have no idea what it is."

Celia was surprised : "Strange, can I touch it ?"

This mark was golden, up close it looked like gold embedded in Anaya's skin. It was a pentagram, a symbol of magic in the world Celia came from.

She was very drawn to this mark because in her previous life she came from a family that had some gifts.

They could all ward off fire, even though Celia was the most powerful in her family, some had clairvoyance skills, some could see the dead, some could instill energy in other people, some could see the color of the auras around people, in short a really weird family, but at the same time so cool.

She was really starting to miss them, so it was best not to think about them too much.

Anaya simply nodded in agreement.

Celia put one of her finger on the mark intending just to touch it, but oddly, the mark began to glow and heat up.

Celia screamed in surprise, her finger was stuck to Anaya's mark : "But what's going on ? Naya, I'm sorry, are you in pain ?"

Right after saying these words Celia felt a burn on her left breast, the same place where Anaya's mark was, so there it was getting really, but really very weird, Celia thought.

She looked and saw the same mark appear on her breast.

Anaya who hadn't said anything yet looked at her with eyes that expressed her amazement : "Cel, to answer your question, it doesn't hurt, and I have no idea what's going on ... Let me try a thing, okay ?"

Celia nodded.

Of course Anaya could feel that when celia had touched her mark some of celia's energy has been absorbed into her body.

She had heard that something like this could happen, but when she saw that the same mark appeared on celia's breast, she thought that may be it could be link to the fact that celia must be her soulmate.

So she really wanted to touch her mark too and try to give to Celia some of her own energy.

Anaya put her finger on the mark that had just appeared on Celia's breast, and the same phenomenon repeated itself, the mark began to glow and heat up, her finger was stuck to Celia's mark, then all of a sudden, they disappeared and found themselves in a completely different place.

They went from bathing in a hot spring to standing in an unfamiliar place, facing each other completely naked and their fingers still glued to each other's mark, really it was a very uncomfortable situation.

Celia looked at Anaya, she was observing this new place, there was no trace of worry or fear on her face nor in her eyes. Celia felt the mark on Anaya's breast returning to normal, and indeed she was able to remove her finger.

Anaya also looked at the mark on Celia's breast, and after stroking it with her finger, she withdrew her hand as well.

Certainly this little girl liked physical contact could not help thinking Celia.

Anaya commented : "Don't be afraid Cel, I've heard of this kind of dimension before, except I had never thought I would be able to see one in my whole life. I'll explain to you later, let's have a look at it first."

Celia couldn't wait to hear Anaya's explanation, at least now she was sure that it wasn't her world. That dimension when you looked at it, it was like an Alibaba cave, they were in a sort of large hall and it was filled with gold, jewelry, weapons, a bookcase full of old scrolls, and items Celia didn't recognize.

After this hall there was an opening to the outside where you could see a large space, filled with fields of different colors with a huge lake in the center.

There was also on the left side a space that looked like a sort of training hall but in the open air.

After sometime, Celia turned back to Anaya who was in front of the shelves full of weird objects.

Celia asked : "Is there something you like ?"

Anaya was amazed by this dimension, but she turned to look at the shelves to stop looking at celia's body.

She knew very well this body because it was Nara's body and they had grown up together, but since celia had taken this body, Anaya couldn't stop her thought to be a little inapropriated.

In the same time, she saw that celia felt a little embarassed.

She finally found something usefull for them into these shelves and she was very excited to see how celia would react at this.

Anaya laughed : "Cel, I like everything here."

As she said that, Anaya had looked her up and down with a smile full of lust.

Celia thought awkward : Is she trying to seduce me ? At the end she prefered to keep her thought for herself and say nothing.

Anaya added : "Come over here, I'll show you something really cool."

Celia joined her and saw that Anaya had grabbed a simple but beautiful dark leather bracelet about ten centimeters wide, with three amber colored stones of the same size across its width.

Anaya put the bracelet on her and as if by magic, it adjusted perfectly to her wrist.

Celia couldn't help but say : "Wow !"

Anaya was smiling : "Wait, the best is yet to come."

Celia : "…"

Before Celia had a chance to wonder what she meant by that, Anaya touched one of the stones. Celia then felt her whole body warm up and a few seconds later she was wearing a combat gear.

She was all in black, army boots on her feet, flexible pants and a sweater at the top that came down to her shoulders.

Underneath the sweater there was a corset which also served as underwear, too classy she thought.

Celia again : "Wow ! I love it"

She looked at Anaya with a smile and asked : "Naya, but what is this ? Are there different outfits for each of the stones ?"

Anaya replied with a smile : "Yes, there are three different outfits in this bracelet, it fits the person wearing the bracelet, normally if I remember correctly you just have to think of the colors you want and the clothes will change color immediately.

And usually when there are three stones, there is a battle dress, an evening dress and a casual dress."

Anaya also took a bracelet for her, it was identical to Celia's, Anaya quickly changed from a naked goddess to a beautiful and sexy warrior.

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