Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 3 - Time For An Explanation

Celia had changed the color of her battle gear dress, the flexible pants had turned white, while the sweater had turned fuchsia, too cool, Celia thought.

Anaya continued to look at the different objects on the shelves. Celia let her do it, but soon after, her curiosity could not be suppressed anymore.

She took Anaya's hand, finally she didn't feel anymore electric shock, then she led her outside towards the lake and made her sit down.

She also sat cross-legged in front of Anaya, and she asked her : "Naya, I can see that you are really excited but could you take some time to explain to me what just happened to us ?"

Anaya looked at her with a strange gaze then looked at the lake and finally the sky, she said : "I'm gonna to tell you all i know and what i can guess, promise me not to interrupt even if you don't understand everythings. Let me finish the whole story first."

Anaya finally looked at her in the eyes, Celia just nodded to confirm that she understood.

Anaya continued to look at her with that strange gaze, there were a lot of emotions mixed up in that simple look.

Her eyes alone expressed a lot of things, fear, confusion, adoration even though Celia didn't really understand the meaning of that look, she waited patiently for Anaya to begin.

Anaya : "Right now that's just a guess okay. The mark appeared to me on my fifteenth birthday. Here fifteen years means that you are no longer considered as a child but as an adult.

There are three possible way to live for the people of Eben, that's the name of my world.

The first is that you were born with an ordinary body and no spiritual energy, so you can only become a weak human being and try to survive.

The second is that you were born with a reserve of spiritual energy, I will tell you more later.

What you need to know is that a reserve of spiritual energy allows you to become a more or less powerful mage depending on the potential you have.

The third is that you were born with a chakra, it's a kind of reserve of energy, then you can become an extremely powerful fighter by using it.

Usually, the leaders of the different sects are all fighters and the mages are their advisers.

This is a big summary of the situation, sorry, we can talk about this later, I will answer all your questions, okay ?

Celia nodded and Anaya continued her explanation : "Now about the dimensions there are two kinds, only the strongest fighters can create them, I don't know how they do it, I don't know the details.

All I know is those dimensions are created by an opening in the time's space all around us and it can be done only using the chakra.

Inside that opening you can find the purest spiritual energy, so that space, also called dimension, is the best weapon to become stronger because it is a place where the spiritual energy is concentrated and very abundant.

The fighter can therefore isolate himself in his dimension to train, meditate, to store equipment and valuables.

Another way to have a dimension is to inherit it. I'm not sure what to tell you because I'm an orphan girl, I have no memory of my parents, and I had no idea that there was a hidden dimension into the mark.

Well those dimensions that people can inherit are generally small one and can be actived by tools, or mark like ours or also by spell. But our dimension seem special, let me explain to you.

In fact, I always thought it was a myth, our dimension is the rarest thing that exists."

Anaya was trying hard to find an easy way to explain to Celia as she was really clueless about all of this : "How to explain, I had this mark on me for a few months now but it had never activated. When you touched my mark, I felt that i was absorbing some of your energy, then the same mark appeared on your breast and I couldn't resist the urge to touch you too. I felt that you absorbed some of my energy through your mark too.

This dimension was activated because we both willingly agreed to blend our two energies together.

This dimension is bounded to our mark on the breast, but I could never have activated it on my own.

Apparently it took the mixed energy of a mage and a fighter to activate it, and what we did was like a wedding.

There is a legend about this dimension though, the legend says that only two soulmates, a mage and a fighter, can by uniting their energies open the portal to the ultimate dimension."

Celia was speechless and she just had a million questions to ask. However, there were priorities, when she was sure Anaya was done she asked : "Naya, I have a lot of questions on my mind but we can take it slow, okay ?"

Anaya smiled and said : "I'm listening to you, ask me whatever you wanna know."

Celia began : "I'm sorry, I had no idea what I was doing when I touched your mark. I hope you won't be mad at me for that, and can you tell me more about this supposed "marriage" and about soulmates."

Anaya was surprised so she said honestly : "How could I blame you, it's my fault too. I couldn't resist the urge to touch you and mixed our energies. The problem it's we cannot undo it, our energies will stay mixed for ever.

And we can only enter this dimension if we are together, I mean not physically together, but as a married couple.

Don't hate me after what I'm about to tell you, but since we have already mixed our energies you will no longer be able to be attracted to anyone other than me, and you will only be able to making love with me.

This is why when the energy of two people is mixed together it's called a marriage.

In addition, the energy of a fighter is more powerful than the one of a mage, even with a relationship between soulmates there is one of the two of us who must submit to the other ..."

Anaya had blushed after saying those last few sentences, she didn't even dare to look at her in the face.

Celia thought : really too cute, except that it was barely a few hours that she was in this new body, and she was already married to this little beauty who was still a teenager, this world was really too weird.

Celia didn't want to embarass Anaya but she really needed to say her thought out loud : "Naya you just said that one of us need to be submit to the other one, why is that ? Can't we find a good balance inside our couple ?"

Anaya was speechless, celia sounded like she already accepted her and see them like a couple, how can someone be so adaptable, it was like celia already said that she was hers. She was filled by happiness and couldn't help smiling like an idiot.

Anaya tried hard to focus back on what celia just asked her and she replied : "It's because of the mixing energies between us, one of our energy need to tame the other otherwise they will fight against each other, and if this happening while we are fighting it could endanger our lives.

Like i said generally the fighter's energy are stronger than the one of the mage, but like you came from another world let's see, i really don't mind if you are the one who will tame my energy."

Celia just sighed in relief : "So it's like that, it's just about how our energies will cooperate in the future.

Then i don't mind either, i was a little scared that you will ask me to do the housework, cooking and to speard my legs whenever you will like to do it.

Ah wait, for the latter actually is fine, you can ask for it whenever you want i will be more than please."

Celia couldn't help to tease her, Anaya was just too cute and the blush in her cheeks turned to be as red as a tomato.

Celia took Anaya's red face in her hands and kissed her softly on the lips, she thought : after all if I'm already married I might as well enjoy it. Celia pressed her lips harder to Anaya's lips, she turned her head slightly to get a better angle and with the help of her tongue, she parted Anaya's lips and entered her mouth.

She found Anaya's tongue and played with it until she moaned with pleasure. She finally released her and kissed her softly several times on the lips and eyes to relieve the pressure.

Celia with a charming smile : "Sweetie, we should just let our energies meet and learn from each other. I really think that none of our energies will be need to be tame, they will just adapt and use to be mix together."

Celia waited few second before adding : "Well, for the kiss sweetie, i won't apologie to you and you better get use to it quickly like we are already married, i am someone who love physical contact."

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