Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 4 - The Sun Sect

Anaya blushed even more after that last sentence, her eyes again expressing so much emotion it made you dizzy.

There was no fear anymore in that look but you could tell how confuse she was.

She finally said shyly : "You seem to be taking it pretty well."

Anaya waited a little bit, the time to focus back on their discussion : "For our energies let's do it like you want but if it doesn't work we will need to tame one otherwise it will really endanger our lives.

Cel you need to know that this world is a dangerous one where only the strong one can survive, okay."

She added with a shy smile : "You said you had a lot of questions …"

Celia : "Indeed, I have a lot, enough to give me a headache."

She replied with a sorry look on her face. Celia looked at Anaya straight in the eyes and asked : "The next questions are very personal, but I need honest answers from you."

Anaya nodded to say she understood, Celia continued : "Did you like Nara, i mean in a romantic way ? Were you more than friends ?"

Anaya looked at her surprised, obviously she wasn't expecting this kind of question at all : "Nara and I were just friends, I never had feelings for her. I considered her as my sister."

After a short pause : "Cel, are you jealous ? Why do you want to know this ?"

Celia was still looking at her, she was quite good at analyzing people's emotions, especially through their eyes.

Where she came from, the eyes were said to be a reflection of the soul, and although a person can have a poker face, the eyes themselves never lied.

Anaya was telling the truth, a sigh of relief escaped her : "Hmm ! Jealous, yes I guess. After all, you said we were married now, so I wanted to be sure you weren't confused with your feelings.

Your world looks very strange to me sweetie, but in summary this is what I have understood.

You're a fighter, so I'm supposedly a mage, although I have no idea what that entails.

This dimension is a very rare treasure, so we will have to keep it to ourselves otherwise it will get us into trouble. And it is a dangerous world so we better get stronger quickly."

Celia stood up and held out her hand to Anaya : "Sweetie, one last question, is there a place where we can be taught to be a fighter for you and a mage for me ? Like a school or an academy. And if it could be in the same place for both of us, that would be even better.

Ah wait, forget what i just said if It's not in the same place just forget it i don't want to be separated from you, we still could learn by ourself."

Anaya was a little stunned by celia, how this woman could adapt this quick, she didn't look trouble at all, and she understood very well their situation.

Actually celia was true, they really need to learn to be a fighter and a mage that's will be the only way to be safe in the future, this world is too dangerous, it's a world where the stronger kill the weaker like they were just ants.

Anaya accepted her hand and stood up too, before answering she pulled her into her arms and gave her a fiery kiss on the lips.

Anaya was so happy to be celia's soulmate, so like celia was someone frank and honest she won't hide her feeling for her, she just said : "You don't need to be jealous, you will be always the only one i love, and there was no one else before you."

This statement was followed by a long, soft kiss.

Then Anaya spoke again : "I agree with you, now that we have this dimension, it would be a waste not to learn to be a fighter and a mage.

In a month, in the nearest city, there will be a recruitment to enter the biggest sect of this part of the continent, the sun sect, fighter and mage can enter there, so we can stay together, and that is a good start for us."

Anaya with a serious face added : "We will just need to train, I heard that the selection was very difficult."

Anaya was thinking while she was caressing celia's face, she told her : "I think we have everything we need here, there must be books in the library to be able to help us to learn the basic knowledge, and I have a place to train over there."

Anaya was pointing at this place where you could see a combat ring and weight training equipment, Anaya stopped for few seconds before adding : "And for you, well there are all those magic herbs ... what do you say ?"

Celia nodded with a smile same if she has no idea what was a magic herb : "Sound like we have a plan."

The two made their way to the hall again, Anaya couldn't help but add : "At least money isn't a problem anymore, I've never seen so much wealth."

Celia smiled : "Me neither, this is the first time that I didn't need to worry about this."

Celia needed to ask one more thing : "Can we stay in the dimension or do we have to go back to the forest ? I mean, we have everything we need here, except for the food ..."

Anaya thought for a moment before answering : "We should go to this city and find a inn while we wait for the selection. We have money after all, and we need to focus on training.

The inn will provide us with meals and we'll come and train here, we'll probably also need to buy some things, it'll be easier to be in the city, are you okay with that ?"

Celia with a smile replied : "Naya, sweetie, I trust you with my life, so you decide what is the best for us, I will follow you."

Anaya blushed and said : "Ok, it's settle then, we're going to the city. But first, let's take a look at this library and do a quick inventory of what's there."

To be able to train properly, besides Celia was a complete novice and had no idea what it was like to be a mage, searching the library was a good start.

The library was divided into three parts, a small part was reserved for the history and geography of few worlds, Eben, Inferno, Elementary and Stellar some of these books date back millions of years, Celia was shocked : how can it be millions of years, the first books on Earth had not even appeared a thousand years earlier, and there we were talking about millions of years of existence, completely aberrant.

Anaya already told celia that Eben was the name of this world, and she gave to Celia just a quick explanation about the others. Inferno was the demon's world, Elementary was a primitive world full of mystical creatures and magic beasts, and Stellar was like the capital of all the worlds, it was the bigger world and the only one in the higher plane of existence, the three others were in the medium plane of existence, and the one like celia's world was in the lower plane of existence.

Celia for the first time realized how big the universe was.

A second part was reserved for fighters, most were manuals to strengthen or increase the chakra, there were manuals about the control of the natural elements, water, earth, fire, wind, lightning, and about martial arts, there were also some about mystical creatures.

The third and largest part was for the mages. There were a lot of magic herbs books, there were a lot of scrolls for making what appeared to be magic pills, everything was sorted according to the level of the mage, it was really well classified.

Celia was afraid that there was nothing for beginners in this library, but in the end she found what she was looking for.

A manual that looked more like a guide and called itself "level one to level twelve mage."

So there were twelve levels, the magic herbs books were also of twelve different levels, but oddly enough the scrolls for making magic pills only started at level four.

Anaya was looking at the weird objects on the shelves. Celia joined her, she hugged her from behind and put her head on her shoulder, it was a lot of informations all of a sudden and she was feeling tired.

Anaya caressed her head and asked : "Tired ?"

Celia was rubbing her nose into her neck : "A bit yes, can we stay here a bit longer before we go to the city, I'll take a nap if you don't mind. You can continue to do the inventory if you want."

Anaya was still blushing to Celia action so she said to her : "Sure, have a rest, I'll be there in a little while, I'm almost done. There are a lot of storage memories that are sealed I have no idea what's inside."

Anaya showed her jade discs, some red and some white.

Anaya continued : "We will need to be stronger to break those seals and uncover all the treasures that are in this dimension."

Celia gave her a last kiss on the neck and walked away to lie down by the lake, the ground was covered with thick, very soft grass, Celia thought, it's really cozy here.

Then she immediately fell asleep, she didn't even feel when Anaya lay down next to her and hugged her.

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