Celia have had a dreamless sleep, she was truly too exhausted, may be because Nara's body was weak from the fever, anyway she felt really good now.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that Anaya was holding her in her arms, her head was resting on her shoulder, one of her arms was resting on Anaya's stomach, their legs were intertwined.

Celia thought : It's still a little creepy, usually the slightest noise wakes me up, I've always been a super slight sleeper, so how I ended up in her arms.

Celia took the opportunity to enjoy this moment being care by someone was a great feeling, she could feel that the bound between Anaya and her was very deep.

Anaya saw that she was awaked and stroked her back, she asked : "Are you feeling better ?"

Celia straightened up on her elbow to watch her, and then she told her : "It's getting better, I can't even remember the last time I slept so well. By the way, how long have I slept ?"

Anaya was pleased to hear this : "About three hours. If you feel better we should go, it takes about two hours to walk to the city of Lights. You need to eat to regain your strength, we will start training tomorrow, don't forget it's Nara's body and the fever has really weaken it."

Celia reluctantly withdrew from Anaya's embrasse : "Ok sweetie, let's go !"

As she stood up, Celia added : "We should start by finding out where and when the selection for the sun sect will take place, and what kind of tests we will need to pass to prepare for the best."

Anaya also got up and took her hand : "First let's go to the city to find an inn. Second we will eat till we are full, and then we'll see what we can do today, otherwise it will be for tomorrow, we still have a lot of time. Don't push yourself, okay Cel ?

I am not sure about the exact date but i am sure we have at least one month before the selection start."

Celia nodded : "Ok, I won't push myself stop to be worry sweetie, how do we go out ?"

Anaya smiled and replied : "Now that the dimension is activated, you just need to focus on where you want to go out."

Celia looked at her dubiously : "The honor is yours then, show me how it works."

Anaya smiled confidently, she wrapped her fingers around those of Celia and said : "Here we go !"

In a flash, they found themselves not in the hot spring as Celia had thought, but in the shade of the tree where she had met Anaya.

Anaya noticed the surprise on Celia's face and explained : "The advantage with our dimension is that we can go in and out as we want. When you were asleep, I tested the dimension a bit, I noticed that we could go out to a different place from where we entered.

However, when I tried to teleport to the forest near the city of Lights, I didn't succeed, I think the more we will advance in our respective levels, the more our scope will expand."

Celia laughed : "Ok Naya, received five out of five, we have to become stronger to have more control over our dimension.

Sweetie, since we're in your makeshift camp, do you want to get something back ?"

Anaya frowned : "No, there is nothing of value to me here. It's just a bad memory that I quickly want to forget."

Their hands were still intertwined, Celia exerted a little pressure to comfort her and stroked her palm with her thumb.

Celia was confused, although she grew up in an open-minded family with two of her brothers who were gay, she had never been with a woman before, and although she likes physical contact and making love, she had only known Anaya for a few hours.

So why couldn't she stop wanting to caress or kiss her all the time ? What exactly was this connection between them ? It was really disturbing.

Ah, whatever, she couldn't do anthing about it anyway. Besides that's feeling wasn't bad at all, actually she really enjoyed it.

Anaya was so cute that's she couldn't help to take advantage of her.

Anaya looked at her puzzled : "Something wrong ? Why are you looking so thoughtful ?"

Of course, Celia had no intention of sharing that kind of thought with her, so she told her : "Let's go back to our dimension, I have an idea."

Celia grabbed her waist with her other hand, pulled her in her embrass and kissed her passionately, when they opened their eyes, they were already in the dimension again.

Celia said in a seductive voice : "Sorry Naya, but your lips were really too tempting !"

Anaya who must have struggled to come to her senses after this fiery kiss could only respond with a "hum."

Celia finally let go of her hand but instead of pulling away as she intended, her two hands found themselves on either side of Anaya's waist, Celia kept her eyes on her, their noses touching, their lips were so close she could feel Anaya's breath. She began to slowly kiss her and she held Anaya tighter, she just wanted to enjoy this moment, she was feeling so lost in this new world, fortunately she met Anaya, she was glad to have her by her side and she wanted to express all her feeling through this kiss.

Anaya no longer dared to move and she could feel that it was only a innocent kiss from Celia, her heart was beating faster, almost aching, she felt the urge to protect her from every danger that they will meet. Anaya just wanted the love of Celia and she will do everything to win her heart.

Celia released Anaya and asked her : "Sweetie, if you are already considered like a adult, what about the legal age to make love in your world ? Can we do it or do we have to wait ? I just wanna know out of curiosity, i won't do anything to you nor push it if you are not ready don't worry."

Anaya was feeling confuse, she didn't know if Celia have asked that really out of curiosity or if she wanted to do it with her : "Well there is no legal age to make love with a soulmate, this relationship is sacred and anyway the link between soulmates is activated only once grown into adulthood."

She grabbed Celia's neck with one hand and with her other hand on her waist she pressed their body together, she kissed her, their tongues batteling with each other's with consuming passion.

Celia was losing her footing, she could only moans with pleasure, she wouldn't have guess that her question will turn Anaya to respond with so much passion and it was great though.

Suddenly she felt that there was something wrong going on with her mark, it was heating up, this sensation was starting to spread all over her shoulder.

Celia in a bit of panic gently pushed Anaya away and looked at her mark pushing the sweater to see what was going on : "What's the hell ? What's going on ? Naya ?"

Anaya looked at Celia's neck and shoulder : "What's the ... ? Take off your sweater, let me see."

Celia took off her sweater, pulled down a little bit her corset and saw that the mark on her breast had turned silver and other intricate patterns had appeared spreading over her body.

Celia looked at Anaya worriedly : "Naya, take off your sweater too, let me see if you are ok."

Anaya took off her sweater but her mark had remained the same, so she put back on her sweater.

Celia felt relieved, at least Naya had nothing.

Anaya touched Celia's mark and asked with some fear in her voice : "Are you in pain ? I don't know what's going on, I'm sorry, if I knew it will end up like this I would not have kissing you like that."

Celia pulled up her corset and put her sweater back on as well : "It was just a weird sensation, I felt a heat spread from the mark all the way to my shoulder, it doesn't hurt, it's just weird so don't worry too much about it. And i really liked our kiss so please don't say something like that, nothing bad happen sweetie."

Celia could feel that Anaya was still scared so she prefered to change the topic : "Well, if I asked you to come back to the dimension with me, it was to try something."

Celia was trying to concentrate but couldn't, she had to ask Anaya something : "Naya, sweetie, before I try my idea I would like you to give me a straight answer, okay ?"

Anaya who was still very confused about what's just happened nodded : "Sure."

Celia then declared without any embarrassment : "Actually i think i really like you, i don't know if it's due to the bound between soulmates but i feel like i couldn't live without you anymore, it's a very confusing feeling for me."

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