Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 200 - The Academy’s Battle Part 3

Celia had exhausted the maximum time to stay in that form, at the moment, as she was still level eight, the maximum she could hold using that much power was just ten minutes.

This demon had already managed to hurt her several times despite the universe energy shield she had placed on her body.

She was covered in blood and had quite gashes all over her body, luckily she had managed to dodge the blows that could have caused her the most damage.

When she had felt that she was resuming her usual appearance she had used the green papers to quickly create a shield, but this demon was as possessed and relentlessly hitting the shield layers she was putting on.

He broke them so quickly that in the end Celia, who was tired after using her maximum ten minutes of transformation, could not keep up with him.

When he finally broke her shield Celia positioned her arms in front of her in a protection gesture and the last thing she heard was two fierce growls coming from two different directions.

One was coming from this demon in front of her who was finally going to be able to hit her with all his might and the other was the growls of rage from her beloved baby wife, crap she really didn't want her baby wife to see her in this state and even less get hit so badly, but that was only a foolish wish.

When the blow came, Celia was thrown far into the air, Anaya's body moved on its own and retrieved her wife who was now unconscious from the blow she had just received.

While Anaya took care of Celia, her swords which contained the energy of the golden dragon hearts went directly to fight alone against this demon.

Anaya quickly destroyed the black flames that were trying to devour her wife's body and she sighed in relief when she saw that she was still breathing.

She looked at this demon who was fighting with her swords, his eyes bloodshot he was swearing at her swords furiously, she said to him : "Wait for me there, you will pay with your life for this."

Anaya disappeared and reappeared immediately near Anthony, Celia's brother immediately opened a gate for her and took Celia in his arms, he gritted his teeth when he saw her sister's state and finally said to her : "I'm taking care of her, don't worry."

Anaya wasted no time and disappeared again only to reappear right in front of this second general, her two swords immediately returned to her hands and she said to him : "Well, we can start now."

Anaya wanted to kill this demon herself, but seeing what condition he had managed to put Celia in while she was at her maximum power, she knew it was impossible.

So she decided to let the power of the golden dragon hearts take hold of her once again.

The second general immediately felt the difference, the aura that this golden dragon gave off had completely changed, the fury had given way to a coldness which was even more frightening.

With a expressionless face, the golden dragon began to move at lightning speed and attack him without giving him time to breathe.

Her swords hit him several times, and each time, he had to continue the fight while channeling a large amount of darkness energy into his wounds to counter this powerful light energy that had nothing to do with the one she had used earlier.

He didn't understand how that was possible, and how this golden dragon who were still so young and inexperimented, was not only able to match up with him, but she was even starting to gain the upper hand in the fight, a second of carelessness and it would be over with him.

Just when he thought about that, all his senses went on alert and he felt an immediate danger.

That's when he saw dozens and dozens of beams of light coming down on him from all directions, he didn't know where they were coming from but he couldn't counter them all, not as long as this golden dragon was harassing him in this way.

Anaya who was no longer in control of her own body saw the beams of light approaching this demon at high speed and felt that the golden dragon hearts increased their attack on this demon even more.

Anaya smiled inwardly, it was done with him, and indeed this demon who was busy parrying the mortal blows of her swords, had been crossed right through by these beams of light.

Anaya regained control of her body and before this demon let out his last breath of life, she crossed her swords and beheaded him mercilessly.

When Anthony saw that Anaya had finally beheaded that asshole who had put his sister in this state, he sighed in relief and said to Sky : "Thanks for that Sky, I will remember it, I am your debtor now."

Sky looked at him and said : "Don't say such a nonsens, even if you hadn't asked me to do it, I would have done it anyway ... How is she ?"

Anthony stood up ready to welcome Anaya back inside their shield, he said to him : "Her wounds have all healed and her spiritual energy reserve has returned to normal, she should wake up soon."

Sky nodded and said nothing else, he refocused on the battlefield, to use the green papers trought the shield to attack and defend at the same time, to be able to use that kind of power was downright enjoyable.

As Anthony had expected, Anaya immediately arrived and once the gate opened she rushed inside to check Celia's condition.

Thanks to the super perception she shared with Celia she could see that her wife was now perfectly healthy, so she asked Anthony perplexe : "Why doesn't she wake up ?"

Anthony looked at her amused and said : "How can I say that to you ... Well, my sister always loved being wanted."

He added quickly before Anaya got piss off : "She will wake up soon, don't worry, it's only mental exhaustion, give her some more time to rest."

Anaya sighed in relief and asked : "What's the situation here ?"

Anthony answered her immediately : "As soon as Caleb and Aiden arrived about twenty demons immediately lined up on their side, when Aiden pulled out the Sword of Chaos, about fifty other demons joined us right away, it was quite impressive."

Anaya was completely stunned by this revelation, it was even better than expected.

Sky added to Anaya's stunned look : "We underestimated the power of this sword and the place it had in the demon hearts, Celia was right once again."

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