Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 201 - The Academy’s Battle Part 4

Sky continued his explanation : "After the demons rally to our side, Aiden asked Dan to go help Liam's group.

Right now, Aiden is fighting their uncle and Caleb is handling the battle."

Anaya nodded to thanks him and looked around for Caleb.

But he himself appeared in front of the shield and asked her after having looked to Celia : "How is she ?"

Anaya smiled sadly at him and said : "She's fine, she should wake up soon, it's still mental exhaustion."

Caleb nodded it wasn't the first time he had seen Celia be unconscious from mental exhaustion, he sighed helplessly while surveying the battlefield, Celia was still pushing her limits to be able to protect them all.

Anaya asked him : "Do you need me ?"

Caleb shook his head and said : "Let us deal with this with Aiden, when he has killed our uncle most of the remaining demons will rally to us and the others will be killed, it is the law of the strongest that applies on Inferno."

Anaya asked him again : "Did Aiden say something to you ?"

Caleb nodded and said : "Go help our brother with the evil creatures, it's them after the generals who are the real threat, once that threat is over, regroup with the Lys Alliance to finish off this battle."

Anaya said to him with that creepy smiled on her face that sent chills all over his body : "Okay, let's do this."

Aiden saw out of the corner of his eye that Anaya was now heading towards the evil creatures, and he saw his brother gesture to him that Celia was okay.

Celia had promised him that with Anaya they could take care of this general who had broken the shield of the academy but no one had anticipated that the three generals would attack them as well.

He had thought that this demon's pride would prevent him from accepting help from other generals and this mistake had nearly cost Celia her life.

Same if Caleb told him that she was fine, she was still unconscious, it was probably due to mental exhaustion, she once told him that same if your body could be cured and your reserve energy could be filled up, you could do nothing against mental exhaustion.

When he had heard Anaya's dragon growls of fury and looked in their direction, he had seen Celia take a blow of incredible power, Anaya had caught her but Celia was covered in blood and unconscious.

He had seen Anaya bring her to Anthony and then he had heaved a sigh of relief, that meant she was still alive, and if she was alive Anthony was the best fit to heal her.

While continuing his fight with his uncle he had watched Anaya and he saw her behead this bastard.

Now that the four generals had been killed, this battle had turned in their favor.

He absolutely had to kill his uncle and take the golden stone of that sword, but his uncle's power didn't match with his normal abilities.

Even with the Sword of Chaos, his uncle could match up to him, he absolutely had to find the source of this fake power.

Caleb could not go and help his brother, Aiden had to kill their uncle alone or the rest of the demons would not rally with them and this battlefield would become a real butchery.

Caleb heard Anthony call him and ask him if something was wrong.

So Caleb explained to him that the power his uncle was using to fight against Aiden was not his, and that they had to find the source so that Aiden could finish with his fight.

Anthony used his super perception to see if he could help them and he was surprised to see that Aiden was surrounded by a thick black shield that was yet invisible to the naked eye, he also saw that his demonic flame that was a few days ago purple, had become darker and some of its flames were starting to turn black.

But hey, Anthony shook his head and quickly focused back, Aiden wasn't the problem here, he had to concentrate on their uncle.

Anthony immediately exclaimed : "It's coming from his bracelet on his right wrist, there is a constant flow of energy coming out of the bracelet and going directly to fuel his demonic flame."

Caleb looked at him in astonishment then he remembered Celia telling him that her brother had a better perception than her, he told him : "Really impressive ... Thanks, with this information Aiden should end this fight soon."

Aiden just happened to look at him and Caleb showed him the bracelet Celia had made them on his right wrist, he saw Aiden smile widened and he knew that he got his message, the battle on their side would soon be over.


Meanwhile Anaya who still wielded the power of the golden dragon hearts, fought with a rage that was due to the frustration at not being able to protect Celia once more.

When would she be powerful enough that her wife would no longer get injured in a fight, even with the power of the three golden dragon hearts she had failed miserably.

The poor evil creatures that stood in her way were wiped out at an incredible speed and even her father beckoned his men to stay away from her.

He could feel the fury of her dragon and it was better to let her vent all this fury by letting her slaughtering these evil creatures.

Dan ordered his men to join the Lys Alliance, at this rate Anaya was going to slaughter the rest of the evil creatures by herself so there were no point for them to stay here.

Liam also sent the seven Grand Masters of the Northern Academy to help the Lys Alliance and soon, only her relatives, Liam, Alec, Tal, Onyx, Jeremy, Lilac and her father remained.

Tal decided to let Liam and Alec manage Anaya and set off with Onyx to fight alongside the Lys Alliance, when Jeremy and Lilac decided to go see how Celia was doing.

When Liam took a quick glance at all the battlegrounds, he knew they had already won, so Anaya was his priority now.

Anaya's screams of fury transformed into cries of distress as she finally killed the last evil creature, tears were streaming freely down her cheeks and the power of the golden dragon hearts returned inside the daggers that she had dropped on the ground.

She regained her ordinary appearance and fell to her knees unable to hold back her sobs any longer, she started hitting the ground with her fists but was stopped by a person who hugged her from behind.

She knew this energy well, he was one of the few who could approach her like this, so she asked Liam between sobs : "Why ? Why does it always have to be her ?"

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