Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 21 - Level Twelve, Seven Grades Part 2

Celia had her eyes closed but she still could see in front of her a vortex. When the vortex finished swirling, a luminous silver ball formed, the size of a soccer ball. Celia then felt that all the energy of the arabesques was heading straight for this ball.

Celia let herself be guided by her instincts, she felt like she was in her subconscious and that she had to feed that ball at all cost.

By forcing her to be focus to the maximum, she managed to direct all of her energy and part of Anaya's energy into this silvery luminous ball.

Celia had felt that her energy was not going to be enough, so she had tapped into Anaya's chakra. The silver luminous ball began to glow and it split into several pieces.

To be precise, seven small spheres appeared, six of the spheres were silver, only the first on the left had turned red. Celia felt that no matter what happened, it was over. She focused on the feeling of Anaya's body and broke out of her trance.

Celia turned to Anaya and found her very pale : "Sweetie, did I hurt you ? Celia knew she must have used a lot of Anaya's chakra  in order to complete the process.

But she was sure that she still had enough energy in her reserve, she would have felt it if Anaya didn't have enough energy left.

Anaya smiled at her : "My love, don't worry I'm just a little tired. I don't know how that is possible, but I have seen everything you have done.

I have seen this silver ball  divide into seven identical spheres, and one of them have turned red. I think those spheres represent the seven grades of the twelfth level that Liam told us about."

Before Celia could say something to her, they heard some knocks on the door. Thanks to their bracelet, they only needed a few seconds to get dressed, once they were both presentable, Celia held up Anaya and they went to open the door.

Liam was behind the door, he saw straight away that his instincts hadn't deceived him, Anaya seemed on the verge of collapsing and Celia was literally bursting with energy.

Liam walked in and helped Celia put Anaya on the couch : "Celia what happened ? I felt a very strong fluctuation of energy coming from your room. Why is Naya so pale ?"

Celia : "It's my fault and one question at a time, if you don't mind."

She looked at Anaya and made a decision : "Liam I'll answer your questions but I have to get Naya back on her feet first.

Sweetie, let me do it, it's going to be quick, you'll see."

Celia knelt in front of her wife who was lying on the couch.

Anaya was too weak to oppose Celia she felt like she will faint at anytime.

Celia didn't hesitate and put a hand on Anaya's forehead, her other hand was under Anaya's top so that she could be in physical contact with a specific point on her stomach.

This point was just below her navel.

Celia froze and all her concentration was focused on her wife. Then she saw for the first time a blue flame in the center of Anaya's body.

This must have been her chakra reserve, it seemed weak, Celia transmitted her energy to Anaya through her hands.

Once her energy was in Anaya's body she directed it right at that blue flame. The flame that seemed very weak just a moment ago was now full of energy, it had doubled in size and seemed to dance.

Celia forced herself to return to the present and looked at her wife's face. Anaya was looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. Celia could feel all her love just through that single look.

Anaya had regained all her energy and she kissed her wife who still seemed thoughtful.

Liam coughed to remind them he was still there : "Alright girls ! At the table, who begins the explanations ?"

Celia and Anaya turned to him, he was sitting on an armchair in front of them and looked at them with half-amused, half-serious eyes.

Celia sat down next to Anaya and explained : "My mark has spread again, but this time it has spread all over my body. I felt my spiritual point open, and with Anaya's help, I absorbed the energy of the arabesques that were on my body.

When I started to absorb the energy, a vortex appeared in front of me. This vortex has become a luminous silvery ball.

However, the energy of the arabesques was not enough to feed this luminous silvery ball. I had to tap into Anaya's chakra energy to complete the transformation.

I'm not sure how to explain it, I acted on instinct. In short, the silver luminous ball has transformed into seven identical spheres, one has turned red the others were silver.

This is the story ! Now maybe you can tell us more about what happened ?"

Liam looked at Celia, again this girl had just done something exceptional and she was talking about it like nothing had happened.

In fact, she had just done two really exceptional things one was the fact that she opened her sea of consciousness and the other one was how did she heal Anaya ?

Liam decided to explain to them : "You two look pretty smart, so I guess you already know what happened, don't you ?"

Anaya : "It's obviously something about the twelfth level, but as smart as we are we still didn't know anything about it."

The girls were looking at Liam for more explanation.

Liam : "That's right. Now I don't want you to tell anyone about what happened, promise me I'm not kidding, I'll explain why afterwards."

Liam looked really serious so the girls swore they wouldn't tell anyone and Liam continued : "There are a lot of things, I don't even know where to start.

First, to be able to open to the twelfth level, you must be an experienced mage. I know this because the four legendary mages love to brag about their achievements.

From what I've heard, whoever got through it earlier was already a level nine mage.

Let me explain to you in a simple way, you are level one Celia, your potential is level twelve, but some mages who have a potential of level twelve never become a level twelve mage.

To become a level twelve mage you have to open your sea of consciousness it's the silver ball you were talking about.

when it's split the number of spheres are your true potential, one sphere is one grade and the maximum you can get is seven spheres for the seven grades.

Myself i have five spheres and i was already a level ten fighter when i have opened my sea of consciousness, and at that time i was already called a genius almong the geniuses.

Then, and this goes for mages and fighters, to be able to open your sea of consciousness, you have to meditate and open your spiritual point in order to absorb the energy necessary to fill that silver ball and to complete the transformation into those small spheres.

When I got through that step of the twelfth level, I was like i said earlier a level ten, and it took me three days and three nights to complete the transformation of my five spheres. Celia how long did you take to go through this step ?"

Celia was starting to understand why he had made them promise not to tell anyone about it : "I would say half an hour."

She looked at Anaya who looked as stunned as she did.

Celia couldn't help but ask : "Am I some kind of monster ?"

Anaya replied : "How can you say that ! Of course not ! But a goddess, why not."

Her eyes were laughing, Celia was relieved, at least her baby wife wasn't afraid of her, she wouldn't stand it if she was.

Liam also replied with a sigh of exasperation : "A monster, surely not … A goddess, that does not exist Naya. So anyway don't think too much about it for now on."

After some thought he added : "When we will reach the Northern Academy we will have to lie about your silver potential, we will just say that we have already test your potential and that you have four spheres, of course in any case you should not say that you have already open your sea of consciousness.

Four spheres is already the maximum the other legendary mages have, if i say the true your life will be in danger, never forget that the jealousy and the greed of people are the most dangerous things in this world."

The girls nodded they have already put their trust in this man so they will follow what he said.

Liam was happy to see that they were serious about this coz it was not a small matter.

Then another thought came in his mind and he asked : "Well, there is another thing I wanted to ask you, how did you treat Naya ? Can you describe the process to me ?"

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