Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 22 - Training Ground Part 1

Celia was surprised by this change of subject but answered honestly : "It's something I did with my brothers. We were doing experiments for fun, we had found a way to share our energy through our hands to others and it was already very effective.

Then we tried this way, one hand on the forehead and the other on a fair part below the navel, these are points of energy concentration inside the human body.

By using them it was much easier to circulate the energy in the other's body and much easier to control it.

The only problem was that it was exhausting us to use this technique. I used it on Naya because I felt like i had too much energy in me anyway.

When I focused on Naya's body, after putting my hands on her, I saw a little blue flame at that level just below the breastbone.

I flowed my energy straight into this flame, and after receiving my energy, it doubled in size and seemed much more vivid than before.

Then I forced myself out of my torpor, it's always like that with me when I m fully concentrate, it's always easy to get focuse but it's hard to break from that state."

Liam was stunned, and really he didn't get why Celia's familly was in that lower plane of existence, with their control over the spiritual energy they should be in the higher plane, such a waste he tought for himself.

Liam finally explained to Celia : "The flame you saw was Anaya's chakra."

Liam promised himself that he would stop being surprised by Celia, at least he will try his best coz it was certain that she would do more and more miracle when she will level up.

Fortunately Anaya looked a little bit more normal, only a little bit because with this birthmark she will be for sure one of the most powerfull fighters of all the worlds, her potential will definitely progress to silver color, now what grade it will be, nobody could guess it.

Then he decided to make another vow to himself, these girls were already his disciples after all, and he had already promised to protect them, but right now he decided that he would put his life on the line to protect them.

No matter what, he wouldn't let anyone hurt them. He had no idea who they were but one thing was sure, they were nothing ordinary.

He had heard of this prophecy which said that when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers will join forces to save all the worlds in this universe.

Could they be them ?

Liam wasn't convinced yet it could be only a coincidence, then he said : "Celia you said you and Naya wanted to show me something … may be it's the right time for it now."

Celia looked at Anaya awaiting her consent. Anaya took her hand and helped her off the couch, they walked over to Liam and each held out a hand to him to form a circle.

Liam didn't say anything either and accepted their hands. A few seconds later he found himself in their dimension.

Anaya let go of his hand : "Welcome home !"

Celia had let Anaya teleport them, so they had arrived right outside the hall. From this position Liam could see inside the hall, at least a good part of it, the training ground to the left, and turning around he could see the lake and magic herbs fields as far as the eye could see. After the lake the terrain was hilly, there was probably still more to see.

Liam was stunned again, what's the hell ? He thought, how did they get that dimension ? It doesn't look like a virgin dimension but more like a dimension from very powerfull people.

He could add another mystery to discover, like he thought before from now on his life will never be boring anymore.

Anaya have seen the surprise in his eyes and then she decided to explain : "Have you heard about the legend of the ultimate dimension ?"

Liam with wide eyes : "Don't tell me this is the ultimate dimension, really ?"

Anaya : "Ya we have found proof that it was really the ultimate dimension and the last owner of the this dimension were named Linda and Tarik."

Liam looked like it has been struck by lightning : "Are you absolutely sure that the last owners were Linda and Tarik ?"

Celia sensed that he knew them so she asked : "Who were they ?"

Liam seemed daydreaming but he still answered : "Linda was the leader of the Lys alliance the only mage of all the history who could control the five elements and she was a level twelve six grades. Tarik was his soulmate, he was the emperor of the red dragon clan and he was a fighter of level twelve five grades, he could also control three elements, fire, wind and lightning.

Girls it's a too long story let's keep that for later, okay ?"

Celia and Anaya nodded, anyway as soon as they will be level five AVA the A.I. will tell them everything they wanted to know.

Liam was happy that they had agreed coz he was really curious to check that dimension, he headed for the training ground.

There was everything needed for Anaya to train. The combat ring that was in the center of the training ground was very special, he had only seen one like this in his life, and that was at the Northern Academy.

It was a space-time combat ring, there was a control panel that allowed you to choose the place and the duration where you wanted to train, on land, on sea, in the sky, fithing simulation of all kinds depending on the level of the fighters.

The only problem was that they will have to wait for Anaya to reach the level four to use it. The control panel did not start simulations until level four.

Right next to the control panel was a bench, on this bench there was a book that looked more like a diary and a remote control with twelve buttons and a numeric keypad.

Liam looked at the girls who had followed him. They were holding each other at the waist, definitely these two were completely inseparable.

Liam thought to himself, finally asking : "Have you been around your dimension yet ?"

Anaya replied : "No, we never stayed there long enough for that, the place we know best is the hall, and yet we haven't explored everything inside. This is the first time we've come so close to the training ground."

Liam in the meantime had taken the diary and flipped through it quickly, his eyes widening in surprise as he scrolled through the pages.

Liam says : "This diary explains how the combat ring works, how to use the control panel over there, all the simulations you can create, and it also explains how this remote control works."

Celia was doubtful : "Wait ! Did you already read this diary ?"

Liam laughed : "Well ya, i have already read it and store it in my memories, it is a faculty that you have too now that you are officially a mage, you will need only to read once and everything will be store in your memories and when you need the informations you will just need to focus of what you want and the answers will appear in your mind."

Celia : "Wow ! That's so cool !"

He looked at Anaya with eyes sparkling with mischief : "Naya, there is everything you need here to start your training. You won't be able to start the fighting simulations until you've reached level four, but until then we'll use this."

He pointed to the remote control with a big smile.

Anaya asked : "What is this ?"

Liam replied : "According to the diary information, this remote control allows you to practice in the combat ring using the force of gravity.

Let me explain to you, the twelve buttons represent the twelve levels of the fighters. The higher the level, the greater the force of gravity is and the harder it will be for you to fight. This is the same feeling you experienced in the sun sect room. The keypad is used to choose the duration of the training session.

There is only one another combat ring like this one in all Eben, and it is at the Northern Academy. However, this one is on a whole different level, there is no force of gravity in the one at the Northern Academy, and the simulations are not as complete.

Plus, if what the diary says is true, starting at level eight, you will be able to create and save your own simulations, giving you endless possibilities for simulations.

This combat ring will never be obsolete, even if you reach the level twelve seven grades, this is completely incredible."

The girls were speechless after Liam's explanation. Liam looked around the ring and walked to the left where there were material that could help Anaya develop the muscles in her body.

As he walked past the weight training equipment, he realized that there was a path leading behind the hall.

He turned and asked : "Girls, have you gone behind the hall ?"

Celia replied : "No, we hadn't been near the training ground yet, so we hadn't seen this path, let's go !"

Anaya added : "Yes, let's go ! If there is a training ground for me there should be a space for you too, and if it was me who designed this dimension I would have made sure you were never too far from me."

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