Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 23 - Training Ground Part 2

Celia laughed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. As she walked, she hugged Anaya a little closer and rested her head on her shoulder. The path lead well behind the hall, and when they turned the corner, they found themselves right behind it.

There was an open space as big as the combat ring right in front of them. This space, like the combat ring, had to be a hundred square meters. There were shelves all around.

Upon closer inspection, and from the left, there were two blocks of shelves together, one with compartments filled with seeds, and the other with magic herbs ready-to-use.

On all the magic herbs Celia could see a slight silver halo surrounding them, these magic herbs looked in perfect condition.

On each compartment there was the name of the magic herb, and above the shelves there was a red jade disk, the size of a hand, the two shelves were connected by a small wooden piece on which was written : Magic herbs level four.

From level four to level nine magic herbs it was the same configuration. For level ten to twelve instead of two shelves, there were only one shelf and it was divided in two part.

One part for the seeds and one part for the ready-to-use magic herbs. It looks like there were less magic herbs to start from level ten, the only reasonable explanation is that past level ten, magic herbs must have been rare.

An other difference came from the jade disk, to level four to level nine magic herbs the jade disk was red and to level ten to level twelve it was white.

When Celia walked around the shelves she noticed that not all compartments were full, let's say the fill rate for levels four through nine was ninety percent, for level ten and eleven, seventy percent, and for level twelve, sixty percent.

Aside from the shelves filled with seeds and magic herbs, there was a cauldron right in the center of this space. It was huge, Celia had never seen anything like it, the height of this cauldron was just below her breast and was wider than the length of her arms.

Celia returned to Anaya, who had let her explore her future training ground alone, and asked Liam : "What do you think about it ?"

Liam : "I can confirm one thing, you are rich, but when I say rich, it is very rich, very, very, very, rich."

The girls looked at him questioningly, so he explained : "The value of those magic herbs you see especially the one from level ten to twelve are so rare that they have no market price. The lower level ones are all rare and expensive as well, can you guess why ?"

Celia : "Is it because of the slight silver halo around them ?"

Liam : "Bingo ! Indeed this slight silver halo is the indicator that these magic herbs are of the highest quality and they will have very little impurity.

Therefore the magic pills that you will make with those herbs will be of the very pure quality and could be sell for a small fortune.

Another thing it's the compartments used to store the seeds and the magic herbs ready-to-use are very special.

They are like the magic bags, don't be fool by what you can see, those compartments can store thousands of magic herbs and kept them in the best condition.

You will have to check yourself to see how many there are inside."

Celia : "But the magic herbs only start from level four, I need level one magic herbs to start my training ..."

Liam : "Don't worry Cel, we'll go buy it in the city, after all it's the capital, there are plenty shop to sell magic herbs. For the jade discs do you know what that is ?"

Anaya replied : "These are recorders, we can scan a lot of documents in these discs, we can also make an oral report which will be transcribed. However, I don't know what the different colors mean all i know it's that i don't have access to the red and white one, i already tried to read some in the hall and failed."

Liam gave an approval look to Anaya and said : "There is three different colors for jade discs. The green jade discs are common discs, you and Celia will be able to use them right away, i guess it will be good to buy some for you to register your progress.

The red jade discs have a security, like a lock, I could surely blow up the locks on the red jade discs, but for those of white jade, I'm afraid I'm not powerful enough, we'll have to wait a little longer. So the difference between the color is more about the safety that they can afford.

So you can guess that when someone us red or white jade discs the informations inside should be very important. I will unlock the red one for you Celia it won't be long."

Liam then moved from shelves to shelves and unlocked all red jade discs.

Celia waited for him to finish and asked him : "Liam you are a fighter do you have enough knowledge to train me ?"

Liam was a little vexed : "Sweetheart, even if I didn't have the knowledge, I will find it and help you to learn it. But, in this case, I have already taught groups of mages from level one to level three, and in my opinion from level four you will find everything you need inside those red jade discs."

Anaya saw the disappointment in Celia's eyes then she said : "Liam, it's not too late yet to go get what Cel needs to start training, right ? Let's go now, okay !"

Celia looked at Anaya and smiled at her, her baby wife had guessed her impatience. She couldn't wait to start training and learning how to better use her spiritual energy.

It was something she loved to do with her brothers, their experiments were always fun, and now it had become her job, how lucky she was, Celia thought.

Liam looked at them in turn : "Okay, let's go back to the hotel. We'll go get what Cel needs and then go to dinner. Training will officially begin here after dinner."

He held out his hands to them, and they formed a circle like the last time. Anaya teleported them to the hotel room, and Liam led the way, saying : "Let's go ! Follow me girls !"

As the hotel was located on the shopping street, it was not long before they arrived in front of the magic pills and magic herbs shop.

Liam led them into a huge shop on the corner of the street, which covered three times the floor space of the other shop around. Liam had a specific idea in mind, and he was going to need a lot of magic herbs for Celia to work out, which is why he had chosen this particular shop.

Liam came in followed by the girls who were holding hands, he was quite curious about this behavior, it was as if they were magnetized to each other, he had rarely seen them let go of each other.

If one move the other will follow, there was no tension between Celia and Anaya same if they barely knew each other and the looks and smiles they exchanged spoke for themselves about their love.

Anaya was literally worshiping Celia, and even though Celia was a little more reserved, it was obvious that she genuinely loved Anaya.

Anaya was ardor and passion and Celia was more in sincerity, gentleness and protection. It was not yet time to tell them about their strange bond, he thought, training them was the most important.

A saleswoman walked up to him she greet him and asked how she could help him.

Liam did not think twice and said : "I would like to speak with your manager. Is he available ?"

The saleswoman : "I will warn him, please wait, I will come back to take you there. You can check the goods in our shop while waiting."

Liam : "Thank you very much, we will wait here then."

Celia, who had no idea what Liam was up to, took Anaya around the shop. Celia wondered how much the magic herbs cost since Liam had told them they were beyond rich.

Celia stopped in front of a display of level four magic herbs, those magic herbs didn't look very good compared to the one in her dimension. But even if it was not a good quality magic herb, one cost a thousand gold coins.

Celia was shocked, a thousand gold coins, she couldn't help but share her surprisingly with Anaya : "Naya, sweetie, did you see ! A thousand gold coins for one level four magic herb, and look there, one bag of one hundred seeds costs two hundred gold."

Anaya replied with a hint of humor : "I understand better Liam now when he said that we were very, very, very, rich."

Celia laughed heartily : "Naya, let's go see how much magic pills are sold, after all we should make sure to make some money on our own without relying on our dimension all the time for our livelihood."

Anaya was also very enthusiastic : "Yes ! You are right my love, let's see how much money we can earn !"

They both headed to another place where there were a lot of magic pills.

The magic pills were all between level one and level eight. For level one magic pills that were of normal quality, the price was between fifteen and twenty gold coins, for level one magic pills of high quality the price ranged from thirty to forty gold coins per pill.

Celia focus her mind on the difference between those two pills and she could see a faint shadow around it, that shadow were almost disappeared around the one of higher quality, but she could still see it.

Liam talked about the impurity of the magic herbs so i guess that shadow represent it. Celia let it be she could still ask him about it later on.

She became interested in the level four magic pills since she had just seen the cost of the magic herbs of that level and looked at Anaya dumbfounded : "Wow ! Naya, you weren't mistaken when you said that being a mage is a well-paying profession. Ordinary quality magic pills already sell for between twenty thousand and thirty thousand gold."

She walked over to the level eight magic pills just out of curiosity and said : "Can't wait for me to get stronger, you can be a housewife if you want."

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