Anaya and Aiden didn't have time to ask her what she was talking about because Celia had already taken out three magic pills made by her sons, two luminous and one black.

Celia said to them : "Basile wouldn't have insisted so much on the magic pills if they weren't of the utmost importance, I think we should try, I guess that it will have nothing to do with the usual magic pills."

Aiden had seen Gabin and Basile make these magic pills so he knew that they were made with the lake water, normally nothing bad could happen, right ?

He took the black magic pill from Celia hand and said to her : "Let me try it first and watch with your super perception the effects on my demonic flame, if they have made the magic pills to help us to get stronger, then it's there that you will be able to observe the change."

Celia nodded and said : "It's okay, I'm ready."

Celia was really curious about the effects that the magic pills her children have made could have.

She saw Aiden swallow the black magic pill and she saw that his demonic flame was really changing, but the process looked very painful.

She saw Aiden bowing down in pain and black purple veins had appeared all over his skin.

Aiden had asked her to watch his demonic flame so she concentrated on it.

When Aiden finally got up, the dark veins were starting to disappear one after the other he asked her : "So ?"

Celia wasn't the only one looking at him with astonishment, Anaya also looked at him the same way, sometimes he forgot that she too had this super perception.

Since the girls still hadn't answered him, he asked the question again : "Girls, tell me what happened ?"

They looked at each other and Anaya motioned for Celia to tell him, so she said to him : "The effectiveness of these magic pills is way above anything we could have imagined.

You already know that since you got that Sword of Chaos you have gotten stronger and stronger, don't you ?"

Aiden nodded waiting for more explanation, Celia continued : "Before you took that magic pill, your darkness energy was around twenty-five percent of your demonic flame, you had already surpassed Caleb.

But now, your darkness energy is sixty percent of your demonic flame, you are almost as strong as the generals of this demon god, if you add the power of the Sword of Chaos, now you can face them on your own without worry."

Aiden found it hard to believe that his darkness energy had grown so much with just one of their magic pills, he asked Celia : "Do you think we can take more than one ?"

Celia answered him half-seriously, half-amused : "Why, do you intend to become a demon god ?"

She finally told him more seriously : "I think the effects are limited, like the magic pills to increase the energy reserves, I think you can try to take another one but I'm not sure a third one nor a fourth one will bring much more.

Now that's just my opinion, we'll have to test them to be sure ... By the way, is the degree of pain bearable ?"

Aiden said to Celia : "It was for me, but Gabin's magic pill is different, the effects might be different too."

Before Celia could stop Anaya, she had already swallowed Gabin's luminous magic pill.

Celia immediately observed her chakra flame but she was distracted by Anaya's cries of pain.

She had exactly the same reaction as Aiden, golden veins appeared all over her skin and she began to sweat from the pain.

Fortunately the pain was only fleeting but it seemed to be really intense, Celia saw the color that represented Anaya's level changed with frightening speed, it went from turquoise to sapphire then it turned completely black.

Anaya had just gotten to level ten, it had only took one of Gabin's magic pill to go from level eight to level ten.

When Anaya was able to get up again, Celia supported her and Anaya told her : "The pain is too intense, I think you have to be already a certain level before you can take them, try to see."

Celia did not need to be asked twice and she took one too, despite this intense pain she saw that blue veins with golden reflections appeared on her skin, so the colors of the veins represented the color of their energy reserve.

After taking this magic pill, Celia was also at level ten now, but Anaya was right, the pain was too intense and the energy flow too great to be absorbed by anyone.

Celia disappeared and reappeared with Anthony, Sky and Gabin, and then she gave back Basile, who was still asleep, to Aiden.

She looked at Gabin and showed him one of his magic pills, she said to him : "My darling, mommy tried one of your magic pills and they are wonderful.

Could you make smaller ones for your uncles ? They are not yet strong enough to be able to swallow the ones you made."

Gabin said to her : "Of course mommy."

Gabin with the help of his spiritual energy, divided into two perfectly identical parts the magic pill that Celia had shown him, and he said happily : "There mommy, now uncle Anthony will be able to try it."

Celia then made a decision, she gave all the black magic pills that her children had made to Aiden and told him to go give one to Liam, Caleb and Daniel.

She told him to leave the rest to Caleb who will distribute them to the demons he will choose.

Celia asked Gabin to split two more of his magic pills, and she asked Sky to go get her brothers first.

She wanted to stay as discret as possible with what they were doing, because she wasn't going to hand out these magic pills to just anyone.

Her brothers after taking two magic pills each, had all gone straight to level six.

After that, she gave a magic pill to Tal and Arthur as well as all the magic beasts in their group, and finally there was only Dan and Alec left.

Celia told them after they have recovered from the pain of absorbing the magic pill : "Tal, Onyx and Arthur are going to stay here with the other magic beasts and my brothers, Tal is going to create this army that we talked about and he is also going to create a clan here on Elementary to be able to protect Arthur, of course they will come as soon as we need them.

The same goes for Caleb and Daniel, as soon as we need them, they will join us with their demons.

Now the rest it's up to us, we need to get the last golden stone from Stellar as quickly as possible.

Dan everything depends on you, you are the one who knows Stellar best, apart from the four of us there will only be Liam and Aiden who will accompany us.

We'll probably need your men to get the golden stone."

Dan smiled at her and said : "Finally it's my turn to help my daughters, don't worry, my men have already had to prepare everything for our arrival, we can go whenever you are ready."

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