Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 219 - Such A Bad Luck

Once all the demons had left Elementary for Inferno, Anaya had asked to speak with all the clan leaders.

She explained to them that Tal would be her representative among them and that he had her full support.

She also warned them that the demon god who was the one behind the last war would soon be free again and that a great battle would take place in order to get rid of her once and for all.

They could choose to fight alongside them or not to interfere, no one would blame them, but Anaya insisted that if they lost this battle, then this demon god would extend her power over all the worlds of this universe, and what they just went through was nothing comparable to what she would do to them.

After this warning, Anaya returned to Celia and her friends, the last time they had all been separated like this was to save Celia's life, this time it was to prepare for the final battle.

Before leaving for Stellar, Celia gave the white jade disc back to Yann and said to him : "There is a lot of information inside, Anaya and I have already absorbed its contents, and as Clara was a seals specialist mage, I think you should have it, work well to be worthy of her legacy."

Celia had already told everyone what she had to say while Anaya was chatting with the clan leaders, so they just had to go now, new world, new adventures, she couldn't hide the grin in her face it was so exciting.

When they were done and they said goodbye, Dan told them : "The problem with the red papers is that we have no idea where we are going to end up, Liam and Alec you take Gabin with you, Aiden you go with Basile and I will go first with the girls.

Once there, if all goes well, I will use an evolved instant teleportation portal spell as usual, and you just have to follow me to get to the rebel base."

Celia said to him : "Don't worry too much Dan, usually we always end up in remote places, that should be okay."

Dan nodded and dispersed the energy of the red paper he was holding in his hand, a transdimensional portal opened immediately and Dan left first followed by Anaya then Celia.

When Celia arrived she wanted to slap herself, she had really to say that out loud and bring them such a bad luck.

Actually, they were surrounded by about twenty soldiers in armor and they did not seem very friendly.

Aiden arrived with Basile soon after, and then it was the turn to Liam, Alec and Gabin.

Celia heard Alec swear and she asked him : "Don't tell me that just when we got there we already ran into your father's men ?"

Alec after checking that they were only twenty three soldiers smirked and said to her : "Alright Cel, I won't tell you then."

Celia shook her head amused and took back Gabin from him, Aiden didn't seem to want to give her back Basile so she clicked her tongue to make him understand that she was quite annoyed and said to him : "Aiden, really you are exaggerating, you cannot continue to fight with Basile in your arms."

Aiden said to appease her, at least a little bit : "Don't worry he is asleep soundly and these soldiers are not strong enough to be a threat to us ... Are you going to the dimension ?"

Celia looked at him and a silvery glow shone in her eyes, she said to him : "Yes I'm going with Gabin, like you said it yourself, they are too weak to be a threat so you don't need me.

And I don't want Gabin to witness a massacre ... If ever Basile wakes up you have to send him to me immediately, did you get that."

Aiden was rarely threatened by Celia, but the silver glint in her eyes couldn't be misunderstood, he swallowed and could only nod to tell her he got her message right.

Celia then whispered in Anaya's ear : "My baby wife, don't get hurt, and come get me when you are safe from Dan's base."

Anaya kissed her tenderly on the lips and kissed Gabin's head smiling and said to him : "Gabin, you are staying with mommy, you are the man of the house so you take good care of her, okay ?"

Gabin nodded very seriously and Celia winked at her before disappearing into the dimension with him.

After Celia was gone, one of the soldiers said in a greedy tone : "Well, what have we got here, looks like we hit the jackpot guys, the two most wanted people in Stellar fell straight in our arms."

Laughs erupted from everywhere and Aiden couldn't help but think, 'again we aren't taken seriously'.

Aiden quickly created a small arrow of darkness energy with his free hand and sent it straight to the throat of the soldier who was closest to him.

The soldier died instantly, and the black arrow eventually turned into a large black flames which reduced the poor soldier's body to dust.

After the laughter, a dead silence followed and Liam said to his brother : "Aiden, I think you just killed their mood."

Aiden said smirking : "Ha well, I'm sorry about that, it was a little bit too noisy, and i don't want Basile to wake up because of those weak soldiers."

The leader of the group of soldiers wasn't sure he heard correctly so he asked : "Weak ? Who are you calling weak ?"

Dan said with a smile : "Obviously, he was talking about you and your soldiers."

The leader then ignored Dan and said to Aiden : "We are not enemies of the demons, we have a treaty with them, you have no right to attack us, you are supposed to protect us."

Aiden smile widened and he said : "I just killed my uncle who was the demon king, and my brother just took his place as the new ruler of Inferno, I can tell you with certainty that if ever such a treaty has existed, my brother has probably got rid of it already."

Aiden then said : "You have just threatened my family so you will have to pay the price for it."

Aiden took out the Sword of Chaos and held it tight in his free hand, but Dan raised his hand and said to him : "Aiden, allow me to take care of this one, I have a personal score to settle with that bastard, you can kill the others, but this one is mine."

Aiden said with a grin : "understood."

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