Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 223 - The Divine Blessing

While the boys were preparing for their raid, Anaya had decided to return to the dimension with Celia.

Basile had woke up and Aiden was keeping an eye on him and Gabin as they were playing with the other children.

Celia wondered why Anaya wanted to return to the dimension, the only thing she could tell was that her mood was not quite right, but she didn't know why.

Anaya hugged her and teleported them to a remote place in the dimension, where she had deposited Nara's body which now rested in an ice coffin.

Anaya looked at Celia and she was feeling a little embarrassed to ask her this, but never mind, she knew her wife will do it anyway : "My love, I would like you to do me a favor ..."

As Anaya had stopped dead and she seemed embarrassed, Celia said tenderly : "All you want my beloved baby wife, just ask."

Anaya finally smiled and told her what was on her mind : "I never told you why we fled the orphanage with Nara."

Celia shook her head and waited for the rest, Anaya continued her story : "The couple who took care of us and the other children had decided to close the orphanage and sell their property, they managed to relocate the younger children, but Nara and I were too old to be replaced and too young to start working ..."

Celia felt that she wasn't going to like the end of this story.

Anaya put a hand on the ice coffin and continued : "The new owners had offered to let us stay here until we were of working age, they seemed benevolent, and the couple who had took care of us were honest people who easily believed what they were told.

The first month nothing much happened and i let my guard down a little bit, they had to feel it because few days after, friends of them came regulary and each time they asked us to keep them company.

Like you know I used to train in the forest and this night, when I came back I found those two guys trying to rape Nara.

I came back just in time to save her and kill those bastard, but those guys were powerful people who had money and used to do whatever they wanted, i knew that we were in troubles and that nobody would believe us.

So we have chosen to flee, we took their money and went in the forest, the rest you know it already."

Celia put one of her hands on the one Anaya had placed on the ice coffin, and with her other one she took her chin so that her baby wife looked her in the eyes.

Then she caressed her cheek with her finger and said : "What exactly do you want from me sweetie ?"

Anaya then asked her : "I want you to help Nara's soul to reincarnate, and I would like that you bless her so that she will be able to live the life she wants."

Anaya paused, then said to her : "I would also like you to put her under your protection, so that nothing unfortunate will happen to her ... Can you do this for me ?"

Celia had stopped caressing her face and she was looking at her with an stunned expression, she said to her : "My baby wife, what you are asking me is to use the divine blessing that Clara has left to us in the white jade disc, is that right ?"

Anaya confirmed with a nod and Celia then said to her : "Sweetie, even though I have the prerequisites to do it, I don't know if I'll be able to do it, I've never done it before and if something goes wrong ... "

Anaya interrupted her by kissing her and said immediately to her confidently : "My love, I have no doubt that you will succeed, if someone can do it, it can only be you ... Please for me my love ... Can you do it ?"

Celia could see that Anaya was fearfully awaiting her answer, but how could she ever refuse such a request, she simply told her : "Okay my baby wife, let's do it then !"

The divine blessing that Clara had left them could only be performed on pure souls who had sacrificed themselves to save someone.

Celia hoped that Nara giving her body to her counted as a sacrifice, otherwise the blessing wouldn't work.

As for the purity of her soul, there was no doubt about it.

The blessing had to be done in four steps, a fifth step would be added to do the protection part that Anaya wanted.

Celia motioned to Anaya to stay behind her and she first melted the ice that held Nara's body prisoner.

Then she took out twenty green papers of universe energy and placed them all around Nara's body.

The first step could now begin, Celia had to fill her meridian channels with the universe energy and to finish this first step, she had to enter into Nara's sea of ​​consciousness.

Fortunately, even though Celia had never done so, Clara had been very precise in her instructions and she quickly managed to find herself in Nara's sea of ​​consciousness.

At the center was Nara's core of existence, more commonly known as the soul, it is this core that would allow her to reincarnate.

The second step was to fill her core with universe energy and recite the incantation which would allow Nara's soul to reincarnate and immediately after the incantation she had to begin the third step.

The third step was the blessing of Nara's soul, Celia made her blessing respecting Anaya's wishes : "Nara, in your next life I wish you to be happy and that you live your life as you see fit.

You will keep your qualities which made you be able to reincarnate and in addition I m giving two gift, the first one is to be able to sense any danger and the second one is a strong will.

In your next life I want you to meet a love that will transcend you, make you feel happy, cherished and stronger.

Finally I wish that you will be surrounded by friends and love during all your life."

Once the blessing was over, the fourth step could begin, Celia concentrated her universe energy in one of her hands and with the other one she used her spiritual energy to engrave on Nara's core a pentagram.

She filled the pentagram with the energy she had concentrated in her hand, and the protection seal on Nara's soul was now done.

It will protect her from any accidents that life may raise in her path.

Finally Celia came out of her sea of ​​consciousness and the last step could then begin, she said to Anaya : "It's time to say goodbye my baby wife, wish her good luck in her new life."

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