Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 224 - How To Trap A Demon God

Anaya approached Nara's body, thanks to her super perception, she had seen everything Celia had done, she had not heard her blessing but she was sure that Celia had respected her wishes.

She then said : "Be happy Nara, I hope one day our paths will cross again and that I will be able to introduce you to my wonderful wife."

Celia then asked her baby wife : "Ready ?"

Anaya nodded and said : "Let me do the last step my love."

Celia nodded and Anaya used the last remaining green papers of universe energy to wipe out Nara's body forever, this was the last step for Nara's soul to reincarnate.

Anaya had a heavy heart and at the same time it was as if a weight had just been lifted from her shoulders.

This girl with whom she had grown up and whom she considered as her sister, would finally be able to have the life she deserved.

Celia had taken her in her arms and she was caressing her hair, she said to her : "My love, let's go see our children, I hope I would not be away too long."

Celia said to her : "Don't worry about us, everything will be fine, and you can take this opportunity to be with your father and see what a man he really is."

Anaya smiled at her, indeed, her father only had a few days to form an army, Anaya was eager to see how he was going to do it.

Celia after she managed to make the protection seal on Nara's soul had an idea and she wanted to know what Anaya thought about it : "Sweetie before joining the children, I would like to talk to you about something."

Anaya seemed surprised, especially when she saw that Celia looked so serious, she asked to her : "What's wrong my love ?"

Celia told her what had troubled her since Basile told them that this demon god was going to break her seals soon : "I keep thinking that the first thing this demon god will do when she comes out will be to take revenge.

And I'm afraid it will start with our friends, those on Eben, Elementary and Inferno, even the world where we can get talisman papers is in danger.

I have an idea though, but I would need my brothers help to do it, and I will need to go to those worlds to put this protection in place."

Anaya said to her : "If you have found a way to protect them from this demon god then you have to go and do whatever you need to do, with my dad we will take care of the children."

Anaya after some thoughts added : "If with my father we take the children, then Aiden will probably come with us too, you see, you don't have to worry, nothing will happen to us."

Celia didn't want to leave them but she still felt this sense of emergency from her vision, and she couldn't ignore it anymore, she had to make sure that she could protect as many people as possible.

After Anaya gave her consent, they returned to see the children and Celia explained to Dan, Aiden, Liam and Alec her plan to protect the worlds from the demon god.

It was Aiden who spoke first : "Are you sure it will be really effective against her ?"

Anaya said to him confident : "Clara and Anna have left us all their knowledge inside the white jade disc so that we can fight against this demon god, trust us it will work."

Liam then said : "You're going to really piss her off doing this, are you aware of that ?"

Celia smiled : "Obviously I'm aware of that, don't you know that what I love the most it's to provoke my ennemies.

When she will be really piss off, she will come to look for me here, that's the best option we have.

Stellar is the biggest world, it's five times the size of Eben, so it makes more sense that we fight here.

There will be more empty big spaces to fight against them, don't you think so ?"

Anaya who had just had an idea suddenly said : "My love you are truly a genius."

Celia didn't know why all of the sudden her baby wife had praised her, so she was really curious about what could make her so excited.

Anaya asked Dan : "Dad, have you seen the drawings of our vision ?"

Dan shook his head and said : "No, you told me about it, but I never saw the drawings."

Everyone understood what Anaya had in mind when she was showing the drawings to her father and they were all anxiously waiting to see if Dan knew about this place.

Dan looked at them gravely and said : "This is the Valley of the condemned, and indeed, it is a great place to fight, the nearest city must be over a thousand kilometers away."

Anaya had a bright smile on her face, knowing where the battle was going to happen gave them an huge advantage.

Celia praised her : "Well done my baby wife, who is the truly genius now."

Anaya chuckled and Aiden said to Celia : "Go to do what you got to do, apparently that demon god is going straight into your trap, now that we know where the battle will be, we can prepare properly for it."

He added because they really deserved it : "Girls, I'm really impressed."

Everyone prepared themselves for the tasks they had to accomplish.

Celia had contacted her brothers to explain the change of the program to them, luckily they had already made a lot of progress on their side and Tal could do without them for a day or two.

Liam and Alec reorganized the raids with the Aiden's help, as one team was missing now.

Their goal was not only to harass them but to pit them against each other.

During the sneak attacks, they would kill in priority the weak fighters, who were much more numerous than the strong ones.

They would kill just enough of them for the weak fighters to reproach the stronge ones for not protecting them.

And thus, created a kind of rebellion which will make them doubt the orders they will receive when they will attack the palace.

Celia took Liam aside and said to him : "When I would be done putting the shields on those worlds, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while, but I didn't dare to do it because I was not powerful enough at that time.

I didn't want to give you false hope but now I'm powerful enough to do it so it's different, it's about you and Alec, it's important."

Liam just nodded his head, he knew Celia very well and he knew that she wouldn't say more about it right now, he said to her : "Be careful out there and don't exhaust yourself to death, understood ?"

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