Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 225 - The Promise

Once Celia was gone, Alec joined him and asked him : "What's going on, everything is all right ?"

Liam smiled sadly at him and took him in his arms, he kissed him tenderly and told him : "I think the girls are still worried about us, I don't know what they have in mind this time, but if we have to die in this battle, so be it, as long as I can protect them that's all that matters."

Alec had this smiled on his face which still made his heart beat harder and faster, he said to him : "I don't know what they are both up to, but if we really die in this battle, don't dare to forget our promise."

Liam then pushed him against the wall and rubbed his erection against his, he said in a playful tone : "Which one babe ? The one you said that in our next life you will let me be the top ..."

Alec didn't let him finish and crushed his lips with his, and as soon as he felt Liam relax in his arms, he firmly grabbed his waist and reversed their roles.

Now it was Liam who was pressed against the wall and Alec's hands were already starting to explore his body under the fabric of his clothes.

He said to him : "Honey, if in our next life we ​​can find each other again, I will let you do whatever you want to me."

Alec kissed him again passionately and Liam took his face in his hands to stop him, he told him with a flirtatious smile : "Two things babe, the first is that no matter where we are in our next life, I will never stop to look for you, there will never be anyone but you in my life, I love you so much babe, my fierce dragon."

Alec pushed his hands away from his face and placed them behind his neck, it was this promise that Liam had made to him when they had heard that they were probably going to die in this battle, and that was what he wanted to hear from him.

He rewarded him with a long kiss still rubbing his erection against his and he asked him between two kisses : "What was the second thing ?"

Liam chuckled and said : "We still have a good hour before leaving for the palace, Celia is not going to leave ..."

Once again Alec didn't let him finish, he had heard enough, Celia won't be leaving until tomorrow morning so the dimension was still there for the moment, after kissing him fiercely and having bitten his neck he said : "Hurry then and join me over there! "

Alec disappeared just after, and Liam immediately followed him into the dimension.

Once they reached the rune engraved near the lake, they went to the corner that the girls had made especially for them.

Once in their bedroom Alec pushed Liam onto the bed and positioned himself on top of him.

He said to him in a very serious tone : "In our next life, I will never stop looking for you too, and when I will find you, I will seduce you and drive you crazy for me once again."

Liam smiled at him and said, grabbing his neck : "Remember, if I'm the one who find you first and seduce you first, your pretty little ass will be the one suffering this time."

Alec's eyes changed of color, 'and shit' thought Liam, 'his dragon is already there, I'm so dead'.

Alec then said with his voice deeper than usual : "You don't seem to be really in pain honey, but if you want we can go a little harder this time."

Liam tried to free himself from Alec's grip but it was a lost battle in advance, he saw Alec's dragon wings appear behind his back and he felt his member grow against it again.

He said, trying to coax him : "Babe don't be like that, I was kidding, be gently okay ?"

Alec took off his clothes and Liam saw him in all his glory, he tried again : "Babe can't you tell to your dragon that you are already big enough to satisfy me, this is really too big, I can't take it ... Babe spare me."

Alec simply said : "Take off your clothes, I'll be gently, I promise."

Liam thought 'Gently my ass, how can he be gently with this size goddamn it'.

He still undressed immediately, he should apply the advice he always gave to Celia, not to provoke her ennemies, but in his case it would be not to provoke Alec's dragon, he then said to him : "Babe, in our next life, I will make you pay for that ..."

Liam couldn't continue what he was saying and apart from moans of pleasure nothing more escaped his lips.

Alec chuckled and said : "I can't wait to see how you will make me pay for it honey."


Anaya had seen that Celia had gone to speak with Liam, so she asked her : "Have you changed your mind my love ? Are you confident enough to do it now ?"

Celia nodded and said : "Yes, having performed the divine blessing on Nara made me experience the difference between levels eight and ten, and I'm sure I can do it now, but the final decision will be up to them."

Anaya hugging her : "Do you really think that we can't save them ?"

Celia shook her head feeling helpless : "I don't know sweetie, I hope my visions that let me see the impending danger will help me to save them, but I'm really scared ... I don't want to live what we have seen in our vision."

Anaya hugged her tighter and said : "No matter what will happen my love, it won't be your fault, you won't be able to protect everyone in this battle, there will necessarily be deaths.

The only thing we have to stay focused on is killing this demon god, the future of the worlds in this universe depends on this battle."

Celia really hated to feel so helpless she said to her baby wife : "I wonder what Basile's plan will be, but I'm sure that with it we will be able to kill her definitely."

A few of Dan's men were walking towards them, Celia pulled away from Anaya a bit and after lowering their head to greet them, one of the men asked Anaya : "Anaya, Dan told us about the drawings of the battle. Could we make copies of them ?"

Anaya looked at Celia who nodded and she replied to her father's men : "No need guys, we've already made copies, here."

Anaya handed them five green jade disks and said to them : "If you need more, don't hesitate to do more, okay ?"

The men smiled and thanked them before leaving.

Anaya asked Celia feeling perplexe : "Why did they look so happy ?"

Celia shrugged and said : "I have no idea."

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