Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 235 - A Miracle

Caleb knew very well that now was not the right time to talk about this problem but now at least Celia was aware of it, and he knew that she wouldn't close her eyes to their situation.

Caleb nodded and motioned for his men to return, they immediately disappeared followed by Celia and Daniel.

Caleb stayed just a few more seconds to admire Celia's power once again, nothing had ever grown in this barren land, and it had only taken her a moment to grow vegetation there.

Caleb found them in the meeting room where he was with his men before Celia's brothers arrived, and Celia was already studying the map they had prepared for her.

Celia looked at him with a sad smile and asked him : "How many demons have chosen to refuse my protection ?"

Caleb put his arm around her shoulders and said smiling : "Much less than I expected, only twenty percent of all the demons decided to move to the other side of the shield, and only five percent of them are soldiers."

Caleb was very pleased with this result and he told her : "Thanks to Basile's show of power and the fact that Aiden is the owner of the Sword of Chaos and that he claimed cleary that he will support you no matter what, our military strength has remained largely intact."

Celia said to him feeling completely helpless : "I just hope that this demon god won't take her anger out on them when she will come out of her prison, and will realize that the demons of Inferno have decided to fight alongside another demon god."

Caleb then said to her in a serious tone : "They have been warned of what could happen to them, those who have chosen to stand on the other side of the shield are no longer under my protection."

Daniel then asked her : "When can you put this shield in place ?"

Celia smiled at him and said : "I am running out of your regeneration energy and I need it for the shield.

After that, I will still have to mix it with my universe energy, just for these two stages I already need ten hours, after that it will take six hours to put the shield in place."

Caleb looked at Daniel who had turned pale when he had heard her say that she was already short of his regeneration energy, so he said to encourage him : "Don't worry kid, it's just for a few hours, you will be able to rest afterwards, the first battle will not begin before four days."

Daniel after turning pale, blushed suddenly because of the nickname Caleb kept giving him from time to time, he said furiously : "Damn Caleb, I'm not a kid anymore ..."

Caleb let go of Celia and walked towards Daniel with a seductive smile on his lips, he put a hand behind his neck and lowered his head to whisper in his ear : "I know it my love, you have already proven countless times to me that you're not a kid anymore, and I'll take care of you right after Celia is done with you."

Daniel pushed him away and still said furiously : "Fuck Caleb, not even in your dream, I would already be completely exhausted after that Celia will have finished filling her green papers with my regeneration energy."

Caleb took his hand that had remained on his chest after pushing him away, and put his index finger in his mouth and started sucking it looking him straight in the eye.

When he saw the desire in his eyes he told him after releasing his finger : "Well, we'll see if you can resist me kid."

Celia then said to Caleb : "Wow, and it was you who dared to say that I was shameless."

Celia then said, half-amused, half-serious : "I woukd like to tell to both of you to go to your room but we really don't have time."

Celia added teasingly : "Don't worry Caleb when I'm done with him, he won't have the strength to resist you anymore."

Daniel exclaimed outraged : "Cel !"

Caleb hugged him to calm him down, but the fact that he was still laughing did not calm Daniel at all.

Daniel kicked everyone out of the room except Celia, he could still hear Caleb's laughter and he could still see the faces of his trusted men who were trying to hold back their laughter. Celia's brothers luckily looked completely immune to this kind of situation and they just shook their heads helplessly, and gave him a sympathetic looks.

Daniel said to Celia : "You really had to add more teasing, it was already embarrassing enough like that, don't you think so ?"

Celia smiled at him and said : "Why do you feel so embarrassed when your man is showing to everyone the desire he has for you, it just proves he's crazy about you."

Daniel had a confused look and Celia took the opportunity to tell him : "Forget it, let's get back to our business, I can't wait to see what the effects of the magic pill of my sons had on you."

Daniel who after having thought about what Celia had told him, had a dazzling smile on his face, indeed his marks of attention in public just proved to everyone that Caleb was crazy about him, he said to her with enthusiasm : "Okay, let's start !"

Daniel concentrated and he formed a ball of energy made only from his chakra.

Celia was truly surprised, the change after he absorbed her sons' magic pill was truly extraordinary, not only was he now a level twelve grade one fighter, but the amount of his regeneration energy inside his ball of chakra had doubled.

Celia smiled and said : "The amount of your regeneration energy has doubled, it's amazing, it's going to be much faster than expected."

Daniel was shocked at what Celia had just told him : "Did you say doubled ? That's so great, but actually it doesn't matter, take as much as you need, Caleb is right, the first battle will start in four days, so I'll provide you with as much I can.

During the last battle my energy saved a lot of life, so don't worry about me and filled your green papers with my energy."

Celia nodded and said to him : "Let's start then."


A few hours later, Daniel was no longer able to create energy balls for Celia, he leaned against the wall and said to her : "I need a break, I'm going to find Caleb, take advantage of this time to mix my energy with your universe energy."

Celia told him before he disappear using a basic instant teleportation portal spell he had just took out : "Daniel wait, I have more than enough to make the divine protection shield, say to Caleb that with my brothers and Flame we're going to put it in place soon."

Daniel nodded and said to her : "You said that it would take you six hours to set it up."

Celia nodded and Daniel then said to her before disappearing : "Cool, we can continue when you come back then."

And he suddenly disappeared, Celia still needed an hour to create the green papers with their two energy mixed inside.

Once she was done with the preparations, Caleb went with her personally to act as her bodyguard while she was tacking care of setting up the shield.

He had also assigned three men to each of her brothers and only two for Flame who was more powerful than them, and was able to defend himself.

Caleb had taken their safety very seriously, it was out of the question that they would come under attack again while they were trying to protect them, it was a matter of pride.

Fortunately, they hadn't suffered any attacks, only, something sensational happened once the shield was in place.

Just a few minutes after the shield was put in place, Caleb, who had returned to the palace with everyone, kept receiving messages from all of his garrison captains who were locate all over the place under the shield.

From the barren soil grew vegetation, fruit trees, and the only cultivable fields that usually took months and months to yield a meager harvest, was already ready to be harvested.

The water sources that had dried up, began to fill up again, Caleb was shocked and when he saw Celia's expression, apparently she hadn't anticipated such a chain reaction either.

Caleb asked her not believing his own ears : "How do you explain that Cel ?"

Celia who had also been taken aback by this phenomenon did not really know how to answer to his question, so Jeremy took this opportunity to say what he was thinking outloud : "In fact it's quite easy to explain."

When he saw that his sister was looking at him in disbelief, he explained to her : "The shield which is made of universe energy and regeneration energy is linked by the earth element to the ground which is under the shield.

Nothing happened in the other worlds because they were healthy worlds, but this one was different, we all could feel its suffering."

Celia asked him in astonishment : "You mean it's the shield that is healing the ground ?"

Anthony then said to her : "That will explain why we had to use the same number of green papers for this shield as for the others, same if this one was twice smaller than the others."

Yann also said : "Yes, it can only be that, this excess energy went directly to heal the ground."

Caleb didn't know how to express his feeling right now, and the only thing he managed to say before stepping outside to see for himself what was going on was : "Amazing ! It's a miracle !"

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