Meanwhile, Aiden who was following Dan and Anaya to help them with the kids when they were busy to try to rally the clans of blue dragons and green dragons, had finally found an opportunity to be alone with Basile.

After they arrived at the green dragons clan, Anaya had asked for a room for the children to rest and Aiden went with them to be their gardian.

Once Gabin was sleeping, he took Basile in his arms and he whispered in his ear : "My little one, I need to talk to you it's important."

Aiden then felt Basile's delicate little hand on his cheek and a blissful smile appeared on his face.

His heartbeat was already starting to accelerate because, again, he was going to see this attractive and sexy young man that he would become later.

Aiden found himself in this plain room where Basile was already waiting for him, he stretched out his hand and caressed his cheek, he said to him, his voice full of emotion : "I missed you my little one."

He saw the concern in his eyes and Basile asked him right away : "What's wrong ? You're not the type to show your emotions so easily usually."

Aiden finally hugged him and whispered in his ear : "I almost died last night, let me enjoy this moment for a bit."

Aiden felt that Basile had frozen immediately and he looked at him again, his eyes had turned black and darkness energy was pouring out of his skin.

Aiden took his face in his hands and kissed him to calm him down, when he felt that Basile was relaxing he said to him : "I'm fine, the mark you made on my neck, the one that refuses to disappear no matter what I have tried, has saved my life.

A hand made of darkness energy came out of it and grabbed the blade that was about to pierce my heart."

Basile frowned and asked : "Who ?"

Aiden shook his head : "I don't know, but he was a general of that demon god, and he freaked out when he saw the mark on my neck, tell me my little one, what did you do to me ..."

Basile finally smiled, seemingly satisfied, he caressed the mark that was on his neck with his finger and then kissed it tenderly.

He looked at Aiden and said to him : "Ya, when he has seen it it's normal that he has freaked out.

This mark means that you already belong to a demon god and that no one is allowed to touch you.

Demon gods generally don't take a sacred bond nor they mark anyone because it makes them vulnerable.

But since I have already chosen you as my sacred bond, I had to protect you, to protect us, by giving you a better weapon than the Sword of Chaos.

This mark is the best weapon that I can give you, thanks to it you can access to one hundred percent of my power, it will protect you when the Sword of Chaos is not strong enough to do so."

Aiden interrupted him suddenly and asked him : "Basile will it hurt you if I am using your power through the mark."

Basile said to him : "My love, don't be silly, why would he hurt me ... the darkness energy of a demon god is unlimited.

You can use as much as you want, it will always be renewed, nothing wrong will happen to me if you are using it."

Aiden kissed his forehead and said : "That's good then."

Basile could feel that his man was still trouble so he asked him for the second time : "What's wrong my love ?"

Aiden sighed and then asked him : "Why did you choose me if it makes you vulnerable ? And if Caleb hadn't already been bound by a sacred bond would you have chosen him instead of me ? After all, he was much more powerful than me back then."

Basile was confused, he didn't get why so suddenly Aiden was feeling so insecure, so he said honestly : "You really think that if I had wanted Caleb the fact that he had already a sacred bond would have stopped me.

I'm a demon god Aiden, I would have just broken their bond and I would have created a new one with him."

Aiden seemed shocked by this revelation but Basile ignored it and continued : "I have chosen you, I felt you as soon as you arrived in my world, it has always been you and no one else, and there will be never anyone else."

Aiden then kissed him without restraint and when he felt that Basile was out of breath he released him and said in a trembling voice : "Never dare you break our bond, do you hear me ? You might be a demon god but you also have Celia's power inside you, and you act like her way too much, even if one day you have no other solution to protect me than to break our bond, you better have to know that I would rather die than you breaking our bond."

It was Basile's turn to be shocked and he told him : "I will never break our bond my love."

Aiden kissed him but softer this time and he said to him right up against his lips : "Promise me ... Promise me that you will never break our bond."

Basile said to him looking him straight in the eye : "I promise you that I will never break our bond, and I will never remove this mark either, thanks to it I can also find you anywhere, I will not let anything happen to you my love."

Aiden shook his head and said to him feeling helpless : "I should be the one protecting you."

Basile kissed him one last time and said : "I have to borrow the Sword of Chaos for a little while and I'm going to disappear for a few minutes don't try to follow me, give me ten minutes and I'll be back."

Aiden didn't have the time to react that he was already back in their room that the green dragons clan had provided them with.

Gabin was still sleeping soundly next to him and Basile was in his arms and he was looking at him with his eyes completely dark.

He asked him : "My little one, what are you going to do ?"

Basile said nothing but he held out his small hand and the Sword of Chaos appeared immediately, and remained suspended in the air next to him.

He then made a movement with his hand and a vortex formed just like that, Aiden wanted to move but he realized that Basile had immobilized him using his darkness energy to tie him on the bed.

He asked him one last time starting to panic : "What the fuck are you going to do ?"

Basile then said before disappearing inside the vortex with the sword of Chaos : "Do not move."

The vortex closed behind Basile and the darkness energy that held him to the bed instantly disappeared.


Basile had just opened a portal to the dimension of this demon god, his energy reserve even if it was unlimited were still insufficient to directly kill this woman.

This body was still the one of a two years old and he would need to grow up to increase his reserve and the quantity of darkness energy that he could use in one go.

But anyway, for what he wanted to do, using the darkness energy contained within the Sword of Chaos would be enough though.

The vortex had opened a few meters from this demon god and her generals had rushed in front of her to protect her.

She spoke to him but he didn't even bother to listen to her, he had no time to waste.

He focused and quickly found the energy of Aiden that was on one of these men.

So it was this man who had dared to try to kill him, just when he was about to make his move, that woman attacked him.

This woman had really underestimated him, she attacked him with only darkness energy which he easily grabbed, condensed and sent straight back to the man he had come to kill.

This man narrowly dodged but Basile wouldn't let him get away with that, not after what he had done to his man.

He used the power of the Sword of Chaos to be able to use his adult body, he couldn't stay more than five minutes in this body, so he decided to clear things up directly with this demon god.

He said to her : "I did not come for you, my mothers will take care of you personally when you will come out of your prison."

He let out some of his power and some of her generals in front of him fell to their knees under his pressure, but not that man.

Well obviously, if his mark had been actived that could only mean that this man was a tough one.

She then asked him : "So you really are the son of the legendary mage, how could a demon god be born from her, it is impossible."

He replied with a creepy smile : "My biological father was one of the most powerful demon gods that ever existed, but long before you were born he was banished to an insignificant world with all of his powers sealed inside of him.

My adoptive mother killed him, so I inherited all of his knowledge and powers.

But as I told you, it's not for you that I came tonight but for him."

He pointed at the man who had been attacked Aiden.

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