Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 237 - Absolute Darkness

The creepy smile on Basile face disappeared, it was replaced by a cold and determined attitude, he said : "This man tried to kill my man, my sacred bond, despite the mark of belonging that I have made on his neck.

I made it here especially because it's visible to everyone, so I'm really pissed off right now."

Basile looked at the woman who was sitting on her throne behind her poor generals who was still trying to handle his pressure and said to her, while sending another wave of power stronger than the last one to put them all to their knees : "Give me his head, or I will take it myself."

This woman laughed and said to her generals who had all fallen to their knees : "Kill him !"

Basile saw her wave her hand and she broke the pressure that had put her generals into their knees. Seeing that he said without wasting a second : "Absolute Darkness."

He saw the eyes of her generals turn black and they all stood petrified like statues.

He felt the anger of this woman who asked him : "What have you done to them ?"

'Absolute Darkness' was a very powerful spell that very few demon gods could use, this spell deprived its victims of all their senses, they were literally plunged into an abyss of darkness.

The victims of this spell were not only becoming blind, deaf and dumb, they were also totally paralyzed with fear.

This woman seeing that he wasn't responding to her once again, tried to attack him, but because of the seals still present in this dimension, she could not even use fifty percent of her powers yet.

Before refocusing his attention on this man that he wanted so badly to kill, Basile used the Sword of Chaos to parry this attack and let it absorbed all the darkness energy it could.

He heard her ask him to release her men, and Basile thought that if she wanted him to release them, she would have to do a lot better than that.

As Basile felt that she was starting to release more and more of her power, with his current strength he had only two minutes left in this body, so he needed to hurry.

While she was preparing to face him seriously, Basile had time to observe the seals that held her prisoner and he judged that he would not last more than two days.

It wasn't enough though, he had to try to give his mothers as much time as possible so that they could become powerful enough to kill this demon god.

The Sword of Chaos, despite the energy it had used to take on this appearance, still had a large reserve of darkness energy within it.

And given the attack that this demon god was about to launch on him, no matter how much energy he needed, thanks to her, his sword would fill up again with it.

He did not hesitate any longer and used eighty percent of the darkness energy that remained inside the Sword of Chaos to solidify the seals one last time.

That would only hold her back two or three more days but that was the maximum he could do to help them.

Basile then had to use his own power to protect himself, he quickly created a shield around him that made his skin turn completely black, and he let this attack hit him hard.

It was the only way that the Sword of Chaos could absorb this darkness energy and regain all of its power.

But despite his shield, he felt his skin start to burn all over him, the Sword of Chaos hadn't been quick enough to absorb the full power of this attack before he gets hurt.

When this attack was over, the Sword of Chaos had never held so much darkness energy within it, and it began to change shape.

The blade grew longer and wider and its hilt widened as well, a pentagram was engraved on its pommel, 'the symbol of mommy' thought Basile, 'Aiden was right, I must be more like her than I think I was'.

Basile had seen the smirk of this woman face when she saw that his skin had been burnt from her attack, and he had seen this smirk disappear when she saw the transformation of the Sword of Chaos.

He looked her straight in the eye and pointed to the seals that held her prisoner.

When she looked up at the ceiling to see what he wanted to show her, he took this chance to dash on his prey and beheaded him with only a single strike of his sword.

He heard her scream furiously and he didn't know if it was due to the seals that he had solidified or because of the death of her general.

But he truly didn't care, after he got the head of this general back he disappeared inside a vortex and reappeared in the room where Aiden was waiting for him, and he looked as worried as he was furious.

He never thought that he would need to coax his man but it looked like he would have to.

Aiden saw that Basile was in his adult body, and he also saw that his skin was badly burned all over the place, he immediately turned pale.

Aiden dragged Basile silently into the bathroom, he especially did not want to wake Gabin up.

After all, his little brother who was in his adult form was badly injured, and had proudly brought back the head of this general, against whom he had almost died, like a trophy.

Once in the bathroom, Aiden immediately took out some green papers filled with the regeneration energy and placed them on Basile, who obediently allowed Aiden to do whatever he wanted.

Basile's body regenerated quickly and all the burn marks disappeared, Aiden let out a sigh of relief and hugged him, his anger completely gone.

He asked him : "How much time do we have."

Basile chuckled happy that Aiden seemed not be furious anymore and told him in a teasing tone : "Sorry Love but we don't have enough time for that !"

Aiden shook his head : "Damn Basile I wasn't thinking about that, we'll have plenty of time to do this kind of thing when you grow up ... Tell me what happened, who had injured you ? It can't be this general so ..."

Suddenly, Aiden pulled away from him and took his chin to look into his eyes : "You did not find this demon god alone, did you ?"

Basile smirked and said to him : "My love you really believe that anyone can succeed in hurting me, of course it was that demon god, but it was not her that I was looking for, it was him."

Basile showed him the general's head that he had put aside and said to Aiden : "The fact that he was with this demon god was just a bonus, thanks to that I was able to increase the power of the Sword of Chaos and strengthen the seals for them to hold until the end of the battle of the imperial palace."

Aiden opened his eyes wide and repeated to be sure to have understood correctly : "You have strengthen the seals that hold her prisoner ?"

Basile sensed that he would soon return to his normal appearance and quickly said to Aiden : "Warn everyone that the seals will break in four days, and make sure my mothers get to level twelve quickly, the Sword of Chaos is now ready for the battle but not them, they are not powerful enough, my plan will not work if they are not powerful enough."

Aiden sensed that Basile's power was dangerously diminishing, he asked him worriedly : "What's wrong with you ?"

Basile smiled bitterly and said while caressing his cheek : "I'm going to turn back into my usual body and fall asleep, don't worry I will be fine, and this demon god with all of her generals got the message I wanted to tell them."

Aiden looked at him puzzled and he said to him : "It's simple Love, no one has the right to touch you without suffering the consequences."

Aiden was moved by his words and he also felt so distress deep inside his heart, he didn't want him to turn back in his baby form.

He kissed him fiercely and Basile responded to his desire with all his might, but too soon Basile broke their embrace and before turning back in his usual self he said to him : "Wait for me Love."

Aiden saw Basile become a baby again and he immediately closed his eyes, Aiden caught him in his arms and returned to the room to put him near Gabin, he whispered in his ear, even though he doubted that he could hear him : "I'll wait as long as it takes my little one."

Aiden, once having placed a force field around the children to protect them came out of the room and took a communication stone to contact Anaya, when he saw her worried face he immediately said : "The children are fine don't worry."

He saw her breathe a sigh of relief but immediately she frowned and asked him : "Then what happened, why are you calling me ?"

Aiden said, hiding a part of the truth from her : "I saw Basile in his adult form, and he told me that the seals that hold her will break in four days."

Dan who was near Anaya said to him : "Four days ... So we have no choice but to regain the power over Stellar before the end of these four days."

Aiden nodded and continued : "I didn't get it all but he told me that the Sword of Chaos was now ready for the final battle, but you and Celia must absolutely level up till the twelfth level, otherwise his plan to kill her will not work."

Anaya nodded and said : "Ya, we are awared of this point, did he tell you more about his plan ?"

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