Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 238 - Assassination Attempted

Aiden shook his head and said : "No he didn't say anything more about it."

Anaya sighed and said : "Understood, what do you suggest then ?"

Aiden was relieved that Anaya was asking his opinion so he said to her : "I'll wait until the kids wake up and I will go find Celia, she must still be with Caleb, right ?"

Anaya nodded and said : "Yes she must be in Inferno right now, she wanted to do a huge reserve of green papers filled up with the regeneration energy of Daniel before to continue to make the divin protection shields to protect the other worlds, and she wanted also to prepare enough of them for the battles to come."

Aiden smiled and said : "That's great then, I will tell her personally. You don't need the children to rally the clans, and I will take care of them so as not to disturb Celia.

And I still need to give that sword to my brother so I will take this opportunity to give it to him."

Anaya nodded and Aiden froze he had just felt a foreign energy in the children's room, he let go of the stone and blew the door immediately.

Gabin was already awake and he was standing in front of his brother to protect him, his eyes had turned electric blue and a shield of the same color surrounded them both.

Anaya materialized right next to Aiden, and her eyes had turned gold already, when she saw the assassin trying to destroy the shield that protected her children, her daggers appeared of they own will and came stabbing into the shoulders of this assassin with so much force that he has found himself nailed to the wall.

Golden flames came out from the daggers and begin to spread over the body of this assassin.

Aiden quickly told her : "Don't kill him right now, we have to know who is sending him."

Anaya had a sadistic smile on her face and said : "I'll take care of him, take the children to my father."

Aiden nodded then turned to Gabin and said to him : "Gabin look at me, it's me, it's Aiden, and Mama Naya is there too, she's going to take care of the bad guy, okay ?"

Gabin turned his head towards him but he still had his electric blue eyes.

Aiden still couldn't believe his own eyes, Celia's children were really unique, he wasn't even sure that Gabin was aware of what he was doing as he was sleeping soundly just a minute earlier.

Aiden tried to coax him again : "Gabin I swear to you that me and Mama Naya won't let anyone hurt you nor your brother ... Take off the shield, will you ?"

Anaya who had totally immobilized the assassin approached Gabin's shield and said to him with her eyes still completely golden : "My little angel, Aiden is going to take you to see mommy, I have to stay there to do important things, I cannot join you but mommy will protect you okay, look !"

Anaya had taken out a red paper with the coordinates of Inferno and showed it to Gabin, she opened the transdimensional portal and she said to Gabin : "On the other side of this portal there is mommy waiting for you my angel, let Aiden take the both of you there, remove your shield."

The shield then disappeared and Gabin's eyes returned to their normal color, and Aiden had guessed it right.

As soon as Gabin's eyes returned to their normal color, they closed again and Aiden caught him just in time before he fell head first onto the bed.

Anaya had seen Aiden grabbing Gabin just in time and she asked him worried : "What's going on, is he okay ?"

Aiden nodded and said : "He is fine, Gabin did all that unconsciously, he is still sleeping, he must have sensed the danger and judged that my force field was insufficient to protect them, so he has created this shield instead, it's a very powerful survival instinct.

It seems that he only trusts his mother to protect them, you have found the right words to appease him, well done Naya."

Anaya was still in disbelief, she had heard of those fighters who even unconscious and close to death could get up and keep fighting.

But Gabin was only three years old, his desire to protect his brother had to really be very powerful for him to have been able to achieve something like that.

Anaya told Aiden : "Change of plan, go immediately to Inferno, the kids will be safer over there, I'm dealing with this assassin with my dad, I won't do anything reckless trust me."

She added, clenching her fists : "Tell my wife that I'm sorry and that I am unable to ensure the protection of our children, but tell her that once I find out who is behind this assassin, I will make him pay dearly."

Aiden put a hand on her shoulder and said : "It was me who put them in danger, I should have stayed with them.

I'm really sorry for that, but the information Basile gave me was too important for me to wait to tell you about it."

Aiden added : "I'm taking the kids to Inferno, but promise me that you will wait for your dad to question that bastard."

Aiden went towards the bed and gently take the children in his embrace so as not to wake them up.

Anaya kissed them both on the forehead and she said to him : "Promise me to always stay with the children."

Aiden nodded and said : "Believe me, I won't make the same mistake twice."

Anaya nodded and Aiden was about to walk through the transdimensional portal when he turned to her one last time.

Because of her golden eyes her gaze was expressionless so he told her before she asked him anything : "When you will have finished to questioning that bastard, do me a favor, and make him suffer before you kill him."

Anaya smirked and said to him : "You can count on me brother."

Aiden nodded then crossed the transdimensional portal with the children and found himself in inferno, he immediately pulled out an evolved instant teleportation portal spell and thought of his brother before stepping through the portal.

When he appeared right next to Caleb five sword blades have been immediately pointed at his throat and he heard Caleb swear and tell his men to lower their swords.

Caleb told him surprised to see him here with the children still asleep in his arms : "Fuck Aiden, you could have warned me, they could have hurt the children."

Aiden answered him seriously : "Sorry but it was an emergency, is Celia already there with her brothers ?"

Caleb nodded and said to him : "She's with Daniel, she needs his regeneration energy before she can put the divine shield in place on Inferno, her brothers are resting, they looked completely exhausted."

Aiden nodded and Caleb then asked him : "What happened to make you come here with the children ?"

Aiden had a dark face and he told him what had happened, he told him everything, he explained to his brother what Basile had told him about the mark, and that he had used a vortex to track down the man who had tried to kill him.

He also told him that Basile went in the dimension of the demon god and what he had done there.

He suddenly thought at something and exclaimed : "Damn, I completely forgot to destroy the head of the general that Basile brought me back, I hope Anaya won't go in the bathroom or I'm completely screwed."

Caleb chuckled and asked : "What happened next."

Aiden told him about the assassination attempted on the boys and what Gabin had done.

There wasn't only Caleb looking at Gabin with widened eyes, his trusted men and lifelong friends who were also present, were also shocked by this revelation.

Aiden trusted them completely, it was for this reason that he had told the whole story in front of them all.

Caleb recovered quickly and said to one of his men : "Go get some things so the children can rest here with us, do it quietly, no one have to know that they're here, not even Celia, we will tell her once the divine protection shield will be in place."

The man bowed his head and left quickly to carry out his orders.

Caleb then said to Aiden : "Celia and her brothers suffered an attack just when they arrived on Inferno.

Celia thanks to one of her vision was able to avoid the worst and she took care of the attacker herself, but we have to be careful, when I think they tried to attack the children ..."

Aiden nodded : "I'm going to stay with them, I promised to Naya that I wouldn't leave them anymore."

One of Caleb's men then said : "We shouldn't let Celia and her brothers unprotected either, let us take care of that for you."

Caleb motioned for them to do whatever was necessary and all his men in the room immediately left letting them alone.

Caleb then asked him : "You must have freaked out when he has disappeared into a vortex." Aiden looked at Basile in his arms and said honestly to his brother : "I freaked out when he disappeared, I freaked out when he reappeared completely burned all over his body, with the general's head that he held so proudly in his hand, and I freaked out when I saw this assassin in their room."

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