Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 239 - The General's Sword

Aiden sighed and continued : "Fortunately Gabin's survival instinct got them out of this, when I think about what he did I dare not even imagine what he will be able to do when he will be grow up."

Caleb was thoughtful and Aiden took the opportunity to say to him : "Brother, I brought you a present, how about fighting with a sword which belonged to a general of this demon god."

Caleb opened his eyes wide and asked : "You mean that general's sword ? The one who nearly killed you ?"

Aiden nodded, he said to him : "This sword fought against the Sword of Chaos and came out unscathed, I think this is the perfect weapon for the new demon king, don't you think ?"

The man who had gone looking for what was needed for the children came back and threw a magic bag to Caleb, he said to him : "There is all what you need inside, I crossed the others while coming back here and I'm going to join them, I think the children are pretty safe with the both of you and the Sword of Chaos."

Caleb then told him before he left : "I will personally take care of Celia's protection so you should assigned more men to protect her brothers and Flame."

His man bowed again then left the room and joined the rest of their team to ensure the safety of their guest.

Caleb set up the bed for the children and took out the toys the man had thought to take for them.

Aiden finally put the children to the bed and he saw Gabin instinctively hug Basile.

He moved away from them a bit and finally took out the sword for his brother.

Only, he found it weird and said to his brother : "It's strange, it emitted a much stronger powerful aura before."

Caleb took it in his hands and he was really delighted, it looked really great, he said to his brother : "Maybe it is waiting for its new master, if this sword was linked with the general like you are linked to the Sword of Chaos, its powers are may be sealed."

Aiden nodded it was indeed a possibility, he then said to his brother : "Make a blood pact with it, that's how I became the master of the Sword of Chaos, cut your thumb with the blade and with that cut put your blood all along the blade."

Caleb did what his brother had told him and when he had finished he has seen his blood being absorbed by the blade of this sword and then he felt all the power that was contained inside the sword.

It was just amazing, he said looking at Aiden in astonishment : "How could you fight against such a power ?"

Aiden finally smirked and told him : "The Sword of Chaos is getting stronger and stronger, the more I fight, the more it changes and gets stronger."

He thought back to Basile's words and immediately took out the Sword of Chaos which had returned to its place in his magic bag.

The sword had changed so much that it was almost unrecognizable, he felt that the sword was connecting to his demonic flame and Caleb let out a curse as he looked at his brother.

Aiden felt stronger all of a sudden, but he didn't know why his brother had sworn so he asked him : "Why are you looking so shocked ?"

Caleb then said to him : "When you drew out the Sword of Chaos, for a brief moment your eyes turned completely black, like Basile's."

Aiden laughed and said to his brother : "Don't worry, I'm still far away from being a demon god, but the Sword of Chaos probably increased my rate of darkness energy even further ..."

Aiden fell silent when he saw the symbol that was engraved on the pommel of the sword's hilt and he whispered : "Impossible ..."

Caleb moved closer to see what had rendered his brother speechless and he also saw Celia's pentagram engraved on the pommel of the sword's hilt.

Caleb asked Aiden in disbelief : "Do you think the pentagram can also represent Basile's power ?"

Aiden nodded : "This is the only plausible explanation, after all, Basile also has the same spiritual energy reserve as his mother.

The pentagram is not an offensive symbol, it is a protective symbol, actually it's the most powerful one, and Basile wants to protect us all, so that's probably why it appeared on the sword's pommel."

They were both still admiring their swords when Daniel appeared in the room and he said surprised : "Aiden, what are you doing here?"

Daniel saw the bed with the children and frowned, honestly he was on the verge of collapsing on the floor but he asked all the same with a determined voice ready to fight if necessary : "What happened ?"

Caleb made his sword disappear inside his magic bag and came to support Daniel, he knew him well enough to know that he was at the end of his strength, he said to him : "Don't worry they are fine, you will stay here and rest with the children while Aiden will keep a eye on you, where is Celia in her preparations ?"

Daniel immediately understood that it was useless to insist on this matter and chose to replied to his man instead : "She told me that she had more than enough of my regeneration energy to make the divine protection shield on Inferno, she just has to mix some with her universe energy and she will be ready to go."

Caleb then gave a brief summary of the situation to Daniel who paled even more when he learned that someone had tried to kill the children.

Caleb helped him to get to the bed and said to him : "Rest my love, Aiden will protect the three of you, and me and my men are going to protect Celia and her brothers, everything is going to be fine, don't worry."

Daniel was really exhausted so he just closed his eyes to chase away the dizziness he was starting to feel but eventually he couldn't open them again and ended up falling asleep just like that.

Caleb told Aiden : "See you again once the shield is in place brother, watch out for them."

Aiden said to him : "You too take care of her, of them, we cannot afford to have them hurt before the battles to come."

Nothing happened while Celia was putting on the shield, the children woke up on their own, Basile and Gabin seemed completely normal and Gabin had absolutely no recollection of what had happened during the night.

He had had the time to contact Anaya and she had discovered with Dan that the Basile's head had just been put on a wanted list own by this demon god.

And according to this assassin, all the mercenaries and assassins will try to have his head because the bounty was really too enticing.

Dan had no idea how to handle this, he had absolutely no contact with that kind of network, so the best thing to do right now was to leave them on Inferno where they were safe.

Aiden had approved and told them to continue on with their plan, they couldn't afford to be delate.

Caleb's men had warned him that the shield was in place and that they had returned to the palace, Aiden woke Daniel up and told him that Caleb and Celia were back.

Daniel was looking at the children playing near him and Aiden made him understand that everything was fine, he said to him : "Let's go find them, okay ?"

Daniel nodded and he took Gabin whom he placed on his shoulders and that made him laugh a lot, then he used a instant portal teleportation spell and appeared near Caleb.

Aiden did the same but decided to teleport near Celia.

When Aiden saw her staring outside with wide eyes, he saw that they were all standing on the top of palace's steps and they all had the same expression than Celia had on their faces.

He also decided to look outside and then he asked completely stunned : "But what happened here ?"

The barren land of blood red color was covered with flowers, red, yellow, orange and even black, the arid lands that they usually saw as far as the eye could see had become valley not green but at least it was vegetation, he could even see water in the far distance.

He felt Celia pull his sleeve and finally he turned to her, then she asked him : "Damn Aiden, what are you doing here with my children ? What the hell is going on, is Anaya okay ?"


Meanwhile Liam and Alec continued the raids on the palace and each time they returned to the base there were more and more people joining them.

Fighters and mages came from all four corners of Stellar to lend a hand, and they all proudly wore the golden pentagram on their clothes that had become the symbol of hope for all these people.

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