Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 247 - How Long Do We Have ?

Gabin then said to Anaya : "We have another problem, mommy will take much longer than you to absorb our luminous ball."

Anaya asked with a frown : "How long ?"

Gabin looked at Basile who said after thinking about it : "I would say at least all night, may be a little bit more."

Gabin said after nodding : "I too was thinking of at least twelve hours. As we have already told you, the universe energy of mommy will evolve.

Right now she has only had access to a tiny part of its power."

Anaya then shook her head with a complicated expression on her face : "I don't know if she will accept, if she takes it, that means she won't be able to bind the souls of Liam and Alec.

If she doesn't bind their souls, there is a good chance that they won't reincarnate together, and their bond of life partners will disappear."

Gabin said to her : "She will do it because she have no choice, if she doesn't take our luminous ball, this demon god has already won and this battle is lost in advance, don't worry mom will take her responsibilities."

Anaya sighed and said to him completely dejected : "You're the one who's right, obviously she will do it, but it's going to break her heart, it was really something she wanted to do for them."

Aiden then said to her : "She might have time to do it after we get the golden stone ... Moreover you have told us that your vision had changed a lot last time.

So there is still hope, right ?"

Aiden looket at Basile and asked him : "Do you know anything about it ? Do you think we can save them ?"

Basile couldn't tell to Aiden that with Gabin, they had already planned to save them no matter what so he said in a soft tone : "I have no idea Love, I don't have vision like mommy so I can't tell with certainty.

But the last time they had their vision, you weren't even in possession of the Sword of Chaos yet, and don't forget that I have already changed the fate of this general by killing him.

Do you remember ? He was among the men who were protecting the demon god in the vision of the last battle that Mama Naya has drawn, things have inevitably changed, so there is always hope."

Anaya looked at him and said : "Basile is right, there is always hope, it is up to us to use all the strengths we have to protect the ones we love.

I have to return to my father and finish preparing the troops for tomorrow's assault."

She looked at Basile and Aiden and said to them : "I don't know how long you can still keep your adult appearance but enjoy this moment with Aiden.

I'll keep Gabin in the meantime, but Aiden you'll have to come back and get him when you're done, there are still those assassins lurking around and I only trust you to protect them."

Aiden nodded and just said : "Thanks."

Basile's smile widened and he saw his brother shake his head ready to tease him again so he just waved his hand and his Mama and his brother disappeared, leaving him finally alone with his man.

Aiden was smiling too and without wasting anymore time, he kissed him fiercely and Basile quickly parted his lips to be able to enjoy the sensation of his tongue playing with his.

Aiden rubbed his erection against Basile's even though it was through their clothes it was still very exciting, he asked him the fateful question between two kisses : "How long do we have ?"

Basile replied as his hands began to creep under his clothes : "Not enough, we never have enough time Love."

When Aiden felt Basile's hands on his abs and then on his pecs, he chose to remove his shirt to let him enjoyed to his heart content.

Basile took this opportunity to play with his nipples first with his fingers then with his tongue and Aiden could only moaned with pleasure under his caresses.

Aiden let him do whatever he wanted and while Basile was busy to lick ans suck his nipples he stroke his muscular buttocks and continue to rub their erections against each other.

Basile finally emits a frustrated growl and kissed him till they were breathless, he then said to him quickly : "I'm sorry Love, I've reached my limits."

Aiden was immediately brought back to the cliff overlooking the Valley of the condemned and Basile who was back in his two year old body was already starting to yawn and close his eyes.

Aiden gave him a last kiss on the forehead and whispered in his ear : "Sleep well my little one, don't worry I'll take care of everything."

Basile fell asleep with a smile on his lips and Aiden quickly teleported them to Anaya to pick up Gabin as planned.

He told her that he was going to take care of Celia and that she shouldn't worry and focus on what she had to do here.

When Aiden finally joined Celia at the base, Arthur was sitting next to her resting while she was filling out green papers with her own energy.

Aiden knew that they all needed those green papers so he let her work and decided to go to see Liam and Alec first.

They were the ones she trusted the most and it would be easier to convince her to do what was necessary with their help.

But when Aiden inquired about where they were, he was told that they had left for a palace raid, and that they would not be back before at least two hours.


Meanwhile, Anthony with Sky had already began to test out the Absolute Zero energy ...

Anthony had finished taking care of the magical beasts with his brothers before Celia was done with Arthur.

And Sky had arrived just at the right time when Arthur had finally collapsed to the ground completely exhausted.

Celia had then given him a large amount of green papers filled with all the different energies they had discovered, light, darkness, universe, regeneration and finally the Absolute Zero energy.

Celia hadn't given him the green papers filled with the creation energy because she didn't have enough to do experiments on them.

She gave Anthony a green jade record where she had recorded all of her experiences with the different energies, and she had told him before he left with Sky that she knew that they hadn't much time left, but he still had to study first what is in this green jade disc.

It will give him a better understanding of how he could mix the different energies together.

Anthony had nodded and left right away with Sky who had really enjoyed taking him by the waist to lead him to the remote place he had found.

It was a place where Anthony could calmly test the Absolute Zero energy without the risk of hurting anyone.

And so he had begun to test this new energy.

Anthony's priority was to find a solution so that Celia could easily break the force fields that protected the golden stone.

So he decided to surround a large rock with the shield made of universe energy mixed with the regeneration energy and then he started trying to break it.

After a while Anthony realized that it wouldn't work, the regenerative power of this shield was too strong, even attacking it in multiple places at the same time, it would always regenerate too fast to be able to break it.

He therefore had to increase his attack power, so he decided to try with two different energies, one by mixing it with the darkess energy and the second one by mixing it with the light energy.

Anthony was sure that against Celia's super shield, mixing the Absolute Zero energy with the darkness energy would be more effective.

However, Celia was likely to encounter force fields made of darkness energy when she will try to get the golden stone, so against this kind of force field, mixing Absolute Zero energy with light energy seemed more logical.

After finally succeeding in destroying Celia's shield, Anthony realized that Celia's universe energy was truly an energy apart.

To destroy a shield made from a single green paper of universe energy mixed with regeneration energy, it took five green papers of Absolute Zero energy mixed with either darkness energy or light energy to do so.

Now that he had achieved his first goal, he decided to ask Sky for advice on creating spells with Absolute Zero energy, after all he was the one using attack spells on the battlefield.

After several hours of hard work, Sky brought Anthony back to the base, the latter had fallen asleep from exhaustion in his arms on the way back.

After entering to their room, he layed Anthony down in their bed, and he was about to leave when suddenly Anthony caught his hand.

Sky looked back at him and asked him in a soft tone : "What is it, something wrong ?"

Anthony just said : "Where are you going ?"

Sky said to him honestly : "I m going to give everything you have done to Celia, minus our drump card."

Anthony smiled at him and said : "Okay, but don't be too long I want to sleep in your arms, I always sleep better when you cuddle me."

Sky chuckled and leaned to kiss his soft lips, he said to him : "I won't be long I promise."

He then left their room and began to look for Celia to give her the green papers that Anthony had made and return the green jade disc that he had completed with his own explanation on the Absolute Zero energy.

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