Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 248 - Connected To The Other Worlds

When Celia finished filling out the amount of green papers she had planned, she stopped and looked around her.

It was already night time, she was so focused in what she had to do, that she hadn't seen the time passed.

Balls of light were scattered all over the space so that everyone could continue to work in optimal conditions.

Celia saw that Jeremy and Yann were still taking care of the mages and that they were creating as many spells as possible filling a lot of green papers.

She turned her head when she heard a familiar voice calling her, Liam and Alec were there with Aiden, Celia frowned and immediately asked Aiden : "Where are the children ?"

Aiden smiled at her and said : "They're resting in the dimension with Arthur, don't worry, I told you that I'll take care of them, the dimension is the safer place for them to rest."

Celia sighed in relief and saw that they were looking at her all gravely, she asked them worriedly : "Something happened ? Why are you looking at me like that ?"

Liam then said : "We have a few things we need to talk to you about."

Celia nodded but she still found it very suspicious, she asked them again : "And you all have to be here to tell me about those things ?"

Aiden scratched his head he felt a little embarrassed so he confessed to her : "I asked them to help me to convince you, that's why they're here too."

Alec smiled and said to her : "Actually, when Aiden explained everything to us, we decided to stay just out of curiosity because we already told him that you would take it without hesitation."

Celia chuckled and said looking at them : "And what am I supposed to take ?"

Aiden then showed her a golden luminous ball and Celia could already see that it was Gabin who had done it, so she asked Aiden : "So I'm supposed to take something that Gabin has done, what is it though ?"

Aiden then said, throwing her a bottle of the lake water which she easily caught : "It's a long story but I will try to make it quick, we don't have much time in front of us, sit down while I tell you everything and make sure to fully restore your reserve of spiritual energy."

Celia was more and more intrigued and she obediently did as Aiden had told her.

After she sat down, the three of them sat down next to her and Aiden started to tell her everything.

He told her about the children's telepathic link, how they had created this luminous ball and what it was for.

He explained to her Anaya's transformation and what was going to happen to her once she would take this luminous ball.

He also told her about the children's plan and then she understood why Liam and Alec were there, if she followed her children's plan it meant that she would not have the time to bind their souls and preserve their life partner bond.

Aiden knew why she was hesitant so he told her what Basile had told her, and that her last vision had already changed.

Celia looked at Liam and Alec and asked them : "You know why I wanted to see you tonight, don't you ?"

They nodded and Celia continued : "Are you willing to give up this chance to be able to bind your souls and keep your life partner bond intact ?"

Liam then said to her with a smirk : "Not really, we're not giving it up, we really want you to do it, but there are more urgent things to do right now.

After the battles, when everything will be over, we would really like you to bind our souls and our life partner bond ..."

Liam added : "Cel, sweetheart, don't forget what Anna had said to Anaya when she had the first vision, the future can never be predict accurenty because it's always on the move."

Alec said to her while putting his arm around Liam's waist : "Don't worry about us, we accepted the fact that we could die in this battle a long time ago.

Cel, the only thing that matters is to kill this demon god, and you are the key to get there, without you it's lost in advance."

Celia nodded and asked Aiden : "Understood ! But before I go and do what I have to do, has Anthony come back ?"

Aiden handed her a magic bag and said : "Sky gave this to me, he told me that there was everything you needed inside, and that Anthony had recorded his observations on the Absolute Zero energy in the green jade disc.

Your brother has forced a little too much and he is already sleeping to rest.

I told your other brothers to be careful and not to exhaust themselves, because we were all going to have to need them."

Celia nodded and asked again : "How many of the mages I brought back have agreed to join us on the battlefield ?"

She saw the three of them grin and Liam told her : "They all agree and they have all already found their fighter to mix their energy with them."

Celia was delighted to hear this news and she said to them : "Great then ! Come on brothers, let's not waste any more time talking and give me that luminous ball that my children have done for me."

Aiden told her : "Not here, we have to go somewhere else first, let's go back to the Valley of the condemned, Anaya has already devastated the area anyway."

Celia was starting to get really super excited, she couldn't wait to see what kind of evolution her energy was going to undergo, she pulled out an evolved instant teleportation portal spell and said to them : "See you there then !"

They all disappeared one after the other and they met again in the Valley of the condemned.

Aiden, who had the most developed senses, had made sure they were the only ones here.

Then he gave to Celia the golden luminous ball and said to her : "We're going to watch you from a little further away, there's a good chance that a shock wave like the one Anaya had, come out from you too."

Celia said to them seriously : "Aiden, Liam if you see any light coming out of my divine door go straight into the dimension, Alec will come and get you when the danger will be over for you, okay ?"

They all nodded and left to position themselves a little further on the same cliff that Aiden had used before when he was with the children.

Before leaving, Alec had created fireballs that would allow them to continue to observe Celia even from afar.

Celia once sure they were in a safe distance from her, swallowed her children's golden luminous ball and she was immediately transported to her sea of ​​consciousness.

She felt like she was floating in the center of the universe once again.

The small silver ball with rainbow reflections was a meter away from her, and suddenly, a golden light came out of her divine door and it connected to this small silver ball.

This golden light made the silver ball with rainbow reflections grow bigger and bigger and finally, rainbow beams of light burst from this ball and connected to many stars all around her.

Celia then felt that all of these stars were actually worlds, she felt as if she was now connected to them.

She could sense the power of mages and fighters in every world.

Without even realizing it she was back on Stellar in this Valley of the condemned and her perception of things had changed a lot.

She could now feel all the energy reserves of the mages and the fighters as well as those of the demons that were in this world.

She could easily detect the energy of her baby wife which had become much stronger than before as she had expected it to be.

She turned to Alec and immediately joined him, she said to him : "It's okay, you can go get them, we have to talk, now !"

As Alec still looked paralyzed, Celia gently took his chin and helped him close his mouth, she said to tease him : "That's much better this way."

Alec eventually recovered and immediately teleported into the dimension and returned with Aiden and Liam.

Celia asked them : "How long have I been in my sea of ​​consciousness ?"

Aiden smiled at her and said : "You are truly extraordinary, your own children have completely underestimated you, you have taken only six hours to absorb their luminous ball."

Liam asked her curiously : "So how has your universe energy evolved ?"

Celia thought before answering honestly : "I think I'm connected with all the worlds of this universe, I can feel them and I can detect the level of each mages and fighters that are in those worlds, it sound crazy, isn't it ?"

They were all looking at her with astonishment then she said again : "Ya, like I have expected, it sound crazy !"

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