Reincarnated To Save The Universe

Chapter 253 - The Powers Of The Mark

Anaya, instead of heading towards the palace, went to her wife who let her enter inside her shield by creating an opening in it.

Celia wasn't sure what to expect as Anaya's body was still possessed by the power of the seven golden dragon hearts, so she said nothing and just waited.

Anaya came straight to her, she held her waist and kissed her fiercely, biting her lower lip until it bleeds.

Celia let out a cry, she was too surprised by this behavior, but her cry had been quick muffled by another fierce kiss, and that was when she heard a voice in her head, Anaya's voice.

Celia heaved a sigh in relief and Anaya said to her, 'I'll take care of the rest my love, stay here and protect those who need it.'

After having said that, Anaya licked her wound on her lip and vanished to reappear on the other side of the shield.

She looked at Aiden who immediately understood and followed her without hesitation, 'now it was when the things will get interesting, the true battle is about to begin', Aiden thought.

Celia was still a little confused at what had just happened, but Anaya had told her that she would take care of the rest, that meant that she no longer needed to break the shield that surrounded the palace.

So she could now focus on the battlefield below her.

But before that, Celia warned Dan, Caleb, Tal and her brothers that Anaya and Aiden were heading for the palace right at this instant, and she told them that she will stay here to protect their army who were fighting in the city.

Celia finally contacted Liam and Alec who were the ones in charge of the city's battle to keep them informed that the palace's battle will start soon, and she told them that she would stay here and help wherever she felt she would be the most useful.

Liam and Alec nodded and returned to fight without adding superficial words, they completely trusted Celia's judgment and knew that she would protect the most vulnerable of them.

Aiden followed Anaya, who nonchalantly went towards the palace's shield.

She stopped two meters away from it and motioned for him not to come any closer.

Her daggers that she was holding in her hands began to shine like a sun, and Anaya crossed them in front of her.

Then, she opened her arms with such force that a gigantic golden X appeared and crashed right into the palace's shield that had been created by darkness energy.

This was not enough though to break the shield, so Anaya disappeared again, reappearing a little more to the left and repeated the same operation.

After Anaya finished circling the shield, and after eight golden X had been thrown at full force against it, she came back to stand next to Aiden.

Aiden was staring at her dumbfounded, it hadn't even taken her a minute to do this.

And the shield made of darkness energy, although it had not given way to Anaya's violent blows, was already starting to disappear, being completely devoured by the golden flames of her light energy that had spread all over it.

Anaya had a satisfied smile on her face, she knew that the shield would soon be devoured entirely by her golden flames, and the power of the seven golden dragon hearts that had taken possession of her body were very excited to fight against these formidable opponents that were still hidding behind it.


Inside the shield, the four generals, after witnessing the deaths of six of their companions, were fuming with rage.

How could this kid have become so powerful in such a short time, but that was not all.

After sharing their thoughts, they were almost all sure that Aiden had not yet shown all his power, they had to remain cautious, very cautious while fighting the both of them.

Even though the golden dragon had become a threat, the demon god who had appeared in the dimension that had held their goddess captive for so long was much more dangerous than her.

He had rendered them all helpless in a second by plunging them into an abyss of darkness, where their senses weren't working at all.

He could have killed them all easily if it wasn't for the presence of their goddess.

But, even their goddess had no idea of how he had done it, that was how terrifying he was.

The best solution to deal with him and destroying this threat, was to eliminate his sacred bond, if they could manage to kill Aiden, this demon god would also die immediately.

The four of them were evenly matched, they had all long since reached the maximum level that a demon warrior could reach.

Eighty percent of darkness energy in their demonic flame was the maximum they could ever have.

It was the demon gods themselves who had made this law and no one could change it, at least that was what they thought.

The fact that Aiden, this traitor's son, was marked by a demon god was something unheard of.

And their goddess was like them, she had no idea of ​​the effects that this mark could have on him, they weren't sure if with this mark he could use freely the darkness energy of his demon god or only a reserve that had to be linked to the mark ... Anyway, they would find out about it soon enough.

The red dragons and the demons that were with them had no chance to fight against them.

They had therefore decided to split into two teams, two against the golden dragon and two against Aiden.

No matter what losses they would suffer today, once their goddess would be free, the dimension of hellfire will finally reappear.

This was where most of their armed forces were located, when they will be free, this universe would finally belong to them once again, and all those who had dared to rebel against their goddess will be annihilated.


Aiden saw that Dan, Caleb, Tal and their best men were already there, along with Celia's brothers and Sky, Flame and Lilac, the palace was ready to be stormed.

Aiden concentrated on the maximum, the four demons they were going to fight against were on a whole different level than the previous ones.

He held the Sword of Chaos tight and a black layer formed all over his skin, providing him with an additional protection, it was as if the Sword of Chaos could sense the impending danger and take some prevention against that danger.

Aiden saw that Anaya was shifting her position and suddenly he heard her voice in his head saying, 'they're coming, get ready.'

Aiden immediately got into a fighting stance and then he felt the mark on his neck burning him a bit, his vision suddenly changed and he could now see all his enemies and their energy reserves cleary.

The mark must have sensed that he was nervous not being able to see his enemies approaching and it had acted on its own.

Now that he had gotten this super vision he will be able to defend himself and all of that was only thanks to his little one.

Aiden immediately detected the four demon warriors that they were about to face, and saw them split into two teams and rush straight at the both of them.

He barely countered their first attack but fortunately he quickly recovered and ended up picking up the pace of the fight.

Aiden hadn't hesitated to unleash the full power of the Sword of Chaos and thanks to its truly unique power, he was able to hold out against his two opponents.

He didn't have the time to check how it was going for Anaya because a second of inattention and it would be over for him, he had learned his lesson from the last time he had fought a general.

However, if things continued like this he wouldn't be able to kill them, he needed to be even faster and stronger.

Basile had explained to him how to use the mark on his neck, it was time to prove to all of them that he was worthy to be the sacred bond of his demon god.

As he continued to fight he focused on getting stronger and faster.

The mark immediately burned him on his neck and his eyes turned completely black which made his opponents move away immediately from him.

The pentagram on the pommel of his sword began to shine with a blue glow and a line of the same color that was shaped like a lightning bolt, appeared on its black blade.

But that was only the warm-up, Aiden felt this surge of power within him and he used it to make black and blue flames appear on the blade of his sword.

He also felt lighter, and blue lightning were surrounding his whole body, 'it wasn't really the time to think to much about it, but damn that feeling was too cool', he thought.

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